
furniture done

I finished refinishing a dresser and desk that I mentioned awhile back. As I was doing the final touches, as in screwing in the handles on the dresser, one of them broke!!! Ack! What are the odds? Luckily, I found one handle that matches perfectly, but that piece of furniture is now lacking a handle.  I know there are people out there who yawn at white furniture.  I love it!  I could have gone all crazy and cool and painted the dresser a kelly green or tried something trendy like ombre drawers.  But I went the easy route since I am not keeping these pieces.  I had white paint on hand, and like I said before, I like white furniture.  It can go into any room.  Seriously.

 I couldn't find a before shot for the desk, but I am sure you've seen the style before.  Why do some people post pictures on Craigslist of furniture with piles of trash on top of it?  Come on, you know exactly what I am talking about.  I think I even saw a litter box once.

On a Craigslist side note, we did see once a used mattress for sale that had a placenta print on it.  We knew it was from a placenta because the seller said so, and he typed that his wife recently gave birth on that mattress and now it has an eternal heart on it.  The love could forever grow.  (The placenta print just happened to be in the shape of a heart.)  Ewwwwwww.  Say it with me now.  Eww.

Here's what the dresser  use to look like.

Filling in the grooves on the dresser was a beast!  I told Matt I would never do such a thing again!

So some of you are probably yawning right now finding these furniture makeovers to be bland, but I don't care!  I'm hoping to make a few bucks to use towards my living room redo or maybe I just might get my Frye riding boots.   A girl can dream right?

What's the worst thing you've seen being sold on Craigslist?  I want a good laugh today.

Thanks for stopping in today!

linking up:

gwenny penny



  1. That's disgusting! I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. On a brighter note, the dresser looks great!! And those boots are fabulous....you MUST keep saving for those!

  2. A placenta print?!? If it was so darn meaningful, all about the love and what have you, then why were they getting rid of it?...probably because it was a stained old mattress...

    I love the white dressers. They look clean and crisp, and you're right, they can go in any room with anything.

    Once on Craigslist I saw a huge old brassiere for sale, the kind with half a dozen hooks in the back. The man (!) who was modeling it had it on backwards. He looked like a camel.

  3. Grooosssss..... ugh. I don't understand why anyone would buy a used mattress anyway. That's one thing you need to buy new.

    There's nothing better than a crisp white piece of furniture, imo.

  4. I like both pieces alot! I would not have filled the I would have just called it character!


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