
!Mo Camera Strap Giveaway {Closed}

I am so pleased to host another giveaway.  I like this shop for several reasons.  Bo-bo, the mastermind and creator behind !Mo, creates beautiful one-of-a-kind DSLR* camera straps in Hong Kong.  These straps are handmade, and she uses quality materials.  I love the designs of her straps.
Just see for yourself.

I wanted to know more about Bo-bo, so I asked her some questions about her life and career.

Here's what she had to say.

Hi there! Here’s my story:

It’s been 10 years of my working life after university graduate. I’d worked as management level in exhibition & events sector. My work was extremely busy; I used to spend over 12 hours in work daily in average.  You can imagine that I have only got very little time to do the things I like, and I don’t have much time to accompany with my family, my friends & my dog. And I just think life is not just working, I think there should be something more. So, I quit my job last year and went to Scandinavia for one month by myself and think of my road ahead.

I thank the Lord that He is my shepherd. I started my business last year, starting to do freelance marketing for different companies, mainly in event marketing like arranging exhibitions & product launch… And it’s my dream to have my own brands for years. So, I started making straps in August, last year. I enjoy making these straps because I can just make what I like. I like genuine leather, that’s why all the head of my straps used genuine one. And if you ask me what inspire me to have new design, I can just say I just did what I like, including the color, pattern & style. I will shop around the fabric / leather shops, to see what good materials there. I think it just like cooking, if you see something fresh /good in the market, I’ll buy it & cook it! That’s my way to make !mo Strap.

I’m very happy when I first put my straps to sell on Etsy, I can hardly believe there’s someone bought my strap! In fact, before I sell on this website, I know nothing about Etsy & selling on-line. What make me feel most happy is that people bought my straps & say they like them. I’m so glad that my work is acknowledged by my customers!!

If you ask me which straps I like most, I would like I like all the straps we made. The white braid, Sunflower, Bohemian strap, pure gold camera straps all are very beautiful.

I’m now just full time focus working on my straps & the official website of !mo Straps will be launched very soon. I’m excited to make more & more beautiful & comfortable straps for people who loves photo-shooting!!

You have the chance to win this beautiful Bohemian camera strap for your DSLR*. 

If you cannot wait to get a strap, !Mo is currently having a sale on her newly launched website October 20th-31st.  Buy 1 GET 2 FREE Gift Pack!  All for $32 and FREE shipping! (Single straps are normally around $25 each)  Bo-bo told me that she will not be replenishing her straps, so if a fabric you like sells out, it is gone.

Giveaway Rules:  (Ends 10/27/11 at 9pm EST)

Open to U.S. residents, BUT if you live outside the U.S., you pay for shipping through Paypal.

  Visit !Mo's website and tell me which strap you'd like to sport.
(but you will be winning the Bohemian Strap, pics above)

Additional entries
1. Become a fan of !Mo on Facebook. (1 entry)
 2.  Tweet, Facebook, or blog about the giveaway and leave the link please to verify
(1 entry for each)
3. Follower of my blog (1 entry)

There are 6 chances to win!
Good luck!!
I will announce the winner sometime the following week.  Winner will have 48 hrs to respond before a new winner is selected.  Winner selected by random.org.

***Don't have a DSLR?  Don't let that stop you because this can be an awesome present for someone for Christmas, birthday, wedding, a thank you for your favorite photographer, or maybe you are really crafty and can do something nifty with it.  Think outside the box.  ;)


  1. Nice idea. I really like Pasture. Think it would make a great gift for my man.

  2. and I liked her facebook page. artichokehrt@hotmail.com

  3. Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/thecraftinfiend/status/127008872635432960

  4. the camera strap I would LOVE to win (to gift my cousin with - she's just starting a photography business) is american star

  5. I would love to win the boho strap (fave). Thanks for this great giveaway!

  6. I like the "People" strap. So pretty!

  7. I love the purple damask!

  8. Hello! New follower here!

  9. I love the "watercolor!"

  10. I liked !MO on FB!

  11. Anonymous10/20/2011

    I like the Black & White Strap
    Linda C.

  12. I like the Peach Damask strap!
    Thanks :)
    katelyn.j.stephens at gmail dot com

  13. I LOVE the blue Bohemian! It would match perfectly with my camera bag!

  14. Anonymous10/21/2011

    Hi, I would choose loving coffee heart for my photographer sister..she is a struggling freelancer (and I mean struggling..but that is not a reflection of her determination or talent)this would be just the ticket to encouragement and your story would be a bonus too her as well. (Praise the Lord indeed for the way he brings us through the storms of life and makes straight paths for our feet.) and thanks for sharing your story and talent:)

  15. Anonymous10/21/2011

    Whoopsies, I forgot where I was sorry, that last comment was really written to Bo-bo. Anyhow, thanks for hosting this Olivia it's great to read such encouraging words about your life too. I am a follower of your blog.

  16. I love the Indian Mirror strap!

  17. The only Strap my hubs would approve of, would probably be the all black strap.

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  18. I am a fan of !Mo on Facebook

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  19. I am a Follower of your blog via rss feed

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  20. https://twitter.com/#!/jrwarfield/status/127553364606189568

    i tweeted about this givewaway

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  21. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=206674372737134&id=71005186

    I facebooked about this giveaway

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  22. Anonymous10/22/2011

    I love the color dot strap!

  23. Anonymous10/22/2011

    I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/Lealee33/status/127840462307463169

  24. Anonymous10/22/2011

    I liked !MO On Facebook @ Debra Rodkey Lee

  25. Anonymous10/22/2011

    I follow your blog by GFC!

  26. Anonymous10/22/2011

    I shared the giveaway on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=213727735360682&id=1392606405

  27. Anonymous10/22/2011

    I shared the giveaway on my blog here: http://itsmelealee.blogspot.com/p/giveaways.html

  28. I would love the "Black & White Strap".

    animasou @ comcast . net

  29. Liked !Mo on Facebook: Matt Ferrell

    animasou @ comcast . net

  30. Tweet:

    animasou @ comcast . net

  31. Follow your blog via GFC: Matt Ferrell

    animasou @ comcast . net

  32. I love the Bohemian Strap, but also the Red Village!

  33. I am following your blog!

  34. Love this Bohemian strap so much!

  35. Diana D10/26/2011

    the bohemian strap is cute, but I also like the indian blanket neoprene strap on the website!

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