
Fabric Friday {BabesNBlanks & Giveaway}

 This giveaway is now closed.
I know you all have been waiting ever so patiently for two weeks now. :)  Thank you for coming back.  This week's giveaway is from the Etsy shop BabesNBlanks.  Wendy stocks her shop with over 500 items to choose from!  The shop carries some favorite brands of mine like Amy Butler, Ty Pennington, and Michael Miller.  You have a chance to win a yard of fabric, your choice, AND 20% off any additional yardage you want.  I have to say that's a pretty sweet deal considering you get 20% off your order plus one yard of free fabric.  You can mix and match prints, or you can get a lot of one fabric for that big project of yours.  As usual, I like to get to know shops a little better by asking questions, so read on and enter for a chance to win!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am employed full time as well as run this business full time.

I have 1 child who is in middle school and everyone here helps with the business.

Whether you are cutting material, printing labels, going to the post office, etc.

I LOVE putting new fabrics together with colors and designs. 

I love the challenge of putting together a custom order to help customers end with their desired result.

Are there any challenges you had to overcome?
One of my biggest challenges overcoming this was waiting for product to arrive as well as figuring out all of the different websites, etc to advertise on. 

Where does your inspiration come from?
I think that my biggest inspiration is Ty Pennington.  It's amazing what he is able to do and help families out as well as do something amazing for them.  I want my customers to have that same inspiration in their creations and putting something together for the first time.  

Whose studio would you raid?
I think that if I could raid someone's studio/workplace, I would have to say it would be his as well.  He has come up with some amazing textures, patters and colors.

What do you like to do outside of work?
Outside of work, I love to spend time with my family.  We love to go bowling or watch movies.  Just as long as we can be together.  I also love to read.  Some of my favorite authors are James Patterson and Mary Higgins Clark.  I especially love those cold winter nights that you can cuddle up by a fireplace with a good book.

What is success to you?
Success to me is having my customers happy.  Once I have been able to find that particular pattern or package to put together makes me very happy.  I always love a challenge and love it when I am able to assist in their success.

Where would you like to be in the next decade?
In the next decade, I would love to have a huge studio with hundreds and hundreds of patterns to choose from.  I would especially love to travel the world and look for new and exciting fabrics.

Here are a few of my favorite prints and fabric bundles. 

(Pictures come from BabesNBlanks)
Giveaway Rules:

Mandatory Entry:  Go to Facebook and "like" BabesNBlanks.  If you do not have a FB account, it is free and easy to set up.  All you need is an email address.  Let me know you "Liked" them by commenting below.

Additional Entries:
1.  Tell me which fabric you like and what you would make with it. (1 Entry)
2. Tweet, Facebook, or blog this giveaway and leave me the link. (1 Entry each)
3. Follower of mine (1 Entry)

Giveaway will end Nov. 3 at 9 pm EST.  Winner will be chosen via random.org, announced the following week,  and will have 48 hrs to contact me before a new winner is selected.



  1. I am now a Faceboko follower of BabesNBlanks.

  2. Gosh! So many great fabrics to choose from! I think I would go with MIchael Miller Plaidsportation and I would make a little diaper clitch for grab-and-go trips.

  3. I am a loyal follower of yours!

  4. I aslo put this giveaway on Facebook.


  5. I follow you via GFC.

  6. I followed Babes N Blanks on FB.

  7. I like the Michael Miller gypsy kaleidoscope print. I'd probably use that as one of the prints used in a quilt.

  8. Facebook liker of Babesnblanks :)

  9. Loving the Michael Miller Round About fabric. Love it because its perfect for me to make a little newborn boy a blanket :)

  10. ..............I follow you................. :)

  11. I would choose the Christmas Kumari Garden (flowers) and make some stockings!

  12. I'm a follower of your blog

  13. I like BNB on facebook! :) Thanks for the fun!

  14. My boys are big into Superman right now, so while there are things I love more, I'd probably go with that and make something for them. A tie for each with the superman emblem fabric would be fun! :) Thanks for the chance!

  15. Lisa Wilson10/28/2011

    Ok... clearly I am following you, second, I liked their FB page and I gave a blurb on FB about this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love the David Textiles Floral Medallions Stripe Brown and Purple on Page 2. :D

  16. Anonymous10/28/2011

    I like the outdoor flannel

  17. I liked babesnblanks on FB

  18. I really like the Michael Miller Round About Lavender Fabric fat quarter and think it along with some solids would make a great apron...it would be my first!

  19. I tweeted and facebooked it!

  20. I liked them on FB.

  21. Imloves Kumari garden, probably would make a skirt for myself :).

  22. New follower here..

  23. Tweeted here - https://twitter.com/hueisei/status/130429227181940736

  24. I liked babesNblanks on FB...my fav fabric is Amy Butler Buttercups...adorable. I found you on Pinterest and I am so glad I did!!!

  25. I liked BabesNBlanks on facebook! :)

  26. I like the David Textiles Tossed Pumpkins Fabric bundle and I would like to add it to my halloween quilt that I'm collecting fabric for! :)

  27. "like" BabesNBlanks on FB
    Valerie Taylor Mabrey
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  28. GFC follow you
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  29. We liked babesnblanks on FB as Margaret and Marcia mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  30. Some Amy Butler (perhaps buttercup) or some Joel Dewberry Aviary 2 are calling my name right now

  31. I liked Babes n Blanks on Facebook!

  32. I like dots and Babes n Blanks have some great ones. I like the Michael Miller Playdots most.

  33. I "like" BabesNBlanks

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  34. I love the miller round about spax 2 yard fabric and I would love to make a makeup bag for my older sister for halloween

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  35. I am already a Follower of yours

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  36. https://twitter.com/#!/jrwarfield/status/131558278269382656

    I tweeted

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  37. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=170587133033238&id=71005186

    I shared on facebook

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  38. I'd make a skirt out of Michael Miller Round About - Spax.

  39. I liked babesnblanks on FB :)

  40. I'm a follower of your blog via gfc! :)

  41. Ahhh! Lovely! I'm following on FB. I'm Michelle Yag.

  42. My fav is Michael Miller Sorbet Fabric! Thanks!

  43. Tweet= https://twitter.com/#!/youareglowing/status/132250155729694722

  44. Anonymous3/20/2012



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