

Hello Sew Mama Sew readers!  Welcome to owen's olivia.  If you are a frequent reader, you can skip this paragraph.  If you have no clue who I am, you may want to know a little more about me -  in bullet style, no less.
  • This is not just a sewing blog, though the month of December may seem like that.  I also blog about transforming my temporary home one room at a time.  I work at normal person's pace with a budget.  (Read no quick makeovers over here.)
  • I am a self-taught sewer who just discovered quilting and loves it so far.
  • I believe I have a very good eye for design in all aspects of life, but implementing it is quite tricky for me.
  • My sewing style is modern.  My home style is transitional (modern + traditional).   I'm a rule breaker in both worlds.
  • I've been married for five years, worked in dentistry for six years, have nine chickens in the backyard, and stay at home with my two and half year old son.  I'm finally living my dream of staying home and creating with my two hands.  I get to surround myself in design on a daily basis, and I couldn't ask for anything more.  
  • I reside in Raleigh, North Carolina.


This giveaway is for one journal cover.  Original design by owen's olivia. 
  • Notebook will be included.  
  • Measures 9.75" x 7.5".  
  • Main colors are grey, purple, pink.  All designer fabric.  Cotton/linen blend. 
  • Please spot clean, if necessary.  Lay flat to dry.  Press with warm iron.
  • Open to all
Please note.  As this was my sample cover, there are a few, minor aesthetic flaws, but this does not affect the integrity of the final product.  

More journal covers will be available soon in my Etsy shop.

Please use the Rafflecopter to enter this giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I was a mean older sister and used to make my brother do many of my chores.

  2. OMG! I was a goody two shoes and a little oblivious. I don't know if I did anything I need to confess. I don't know if they knew how far my friends and I went along the creek. And one day we walked through the fields all the way to the Kmart parking lot-we were 8 and went with my friends 10 year old brother.

  3. I'm not sure ... One that I remember was when I burned my finger on an electric frying pan after being told not to touch it. I remember hiding the burn from my mom, but I think she knew.


  4. Maybe I met up with a boy when I was staying overnight at a friends house!

  5. I used to pretend to be sick every time my Mom would work on redecorating the house or painting. I would be deathly ill til about noon, when it wasn't worth it to take me into school any more and then beg to let me help paint :)

  6. I would sneak around looking for Christmas presents. Of course Mom got smart and started keeping presents at Grandmas house!

  7. My parents would never imagine that i was skipping most of the lessons at school when they sent me as an exchange student to Germany... Those were in German, i could not understand anything anyway! :-P

  8. I used to skip a LOT of classes when I was a senior in high school. I worked in the attendance office and the woman there just wouldn't believe that I actually skipped classes, thought the teachers must have been mistaken, so she always excused all of my absences.

    I think I could have gotten away with a lot more naughtiness, but I was a priggish child and the thought just never occurred to me! :)

  9. Just one thing? I snuck out one winter night. I thought for sure they would notice the foot prints in the snow which I tried to cover up. I sat FREEZING in the garage trying to open the door quietly when I heard something inside. I don't think they knew I was outside the door and they relocked the deadbolt thinking they just forgot. It took me another 15 minutes of waiting quietly unlock things again. I was a popsicle by the time I made it inside and it was so not worth the trouble.

  10. My sister talking on the phone line in our room at odd hours of the night... me getting frustrated and smacking her on the head with phone at said odd hour of the night.

  11. Anonymous12/03/2012

    I lived about a mile from the Canadian border. We used to go across all the time, where the drinking age is two years younger than in the US!

  12. I used to go play in the woods (which I wasn't supposed to do) when I was little and once I got lost and spent an hour running in circles trying to find a path I knew. I managed to make it home in time for curfew and never told them just how lost I got.

  13. I used to take all the little jelly packets from diners when we'd go out for breakfast! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I thought I was tricky, but it turns out after all these years my parents knew all of the things I thought I had hid pretty well.

  15. I used to play with neighbor's cat. My mum is allergic to cat. She not allow me to bring any cat home.

  16. I used to play in the backyard of a neighbor with my friends!We were not supposed to be there!!! Thanks for the giveaway, beautiful work!

  17. I ate that entire tin of sugar cookies. My little brother got in trouble for it.

  18. Fun giveaway! As a kid, I used to stuff gum wrappers into the compartment where the seatbelts came out in the back seat. Oops!

  19. many things but it's been so long i don't remember

  20. I used to heat the thermometer with a lamp bulb in order to fake fever and stay at home... yes I know, terrible! I just love the notepad: it's really beautiful how you combined a traditional craft as quilting/sewing with such a modern aesthetic (sorry for my crappy english, I'm from Spain).
    Terrific giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

  21. Hmmm - I guess they never found out that when I went to my friend Stacey's for the night we slept in a tent in the garden and had our 'boy friends' over too!! To be fair, we were only 13 and it was all very innocent and the boys were there half an hour just to say hello because they had curfews too!! Honest! Super giveaway!!!!!

  22. I used to pretend to have homework when it was time to do the laundry and ironing. LOL Thank you for hosting a giveaway!

  23. I was an only child so there was little I could get away with. In fact, I was often blamed for stuff I didn't do. I guess occasionally I could lie about something pretty small without my parents figuring it out. Thank you for the giveaway. The journal cover is gorgeous!

  24. I almost drowned in the river one summer swimming with my friends. Did not tell my parents.

  25. Hee hee. . oh how the things as a kid that my parents never found out about helps me now. I have a 13 year old girl in the house - le'sigh. I "think" they never found out about me staying up to talk on the phone when I was 14. Oh the bane of my teenage years.

  26. Lisa P.12/03/2012

    I backed into another car in a parking lot...

    lisacarlene0 at yahoo dot com

  27. I passed notes all the time during class! And then saved them all

  28. i love this cover. Very cool!

  29. I cut up the bottom of a curtain to make Barbie towels. They did find out, but didn't find out that it was me.... :)
    peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

  30. My mom knew about EVERYTHING. I don't know how she did it. I hope I get her superpowers.

    On a random side note-- you know how you reply to comments by email? Does it just happen automatically or is there something special you have to do? I'm sorry, I'm a total airhead when it comes to blogger.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I use to unwrap and rewrap my gifts before Christmas. I was really good a removing tape with no damage.

  33. We use dto go to my grans and find sticky food like jelly/jello and throw it onto her bedroom ceiling!! Why?????? Thank you for a great giveaway.

  34. I used to throw away my homemade lunch every day in highschool (except the cookie) and buy fries in the cafeteria instead. If my mom found out to this day she would be HEARTBROKEN!

  35. My mother didn't know until many years later that I "helped" my next door neighbor(we were both about 6) wax the floor with cold cream! We thought it was really nice and shiny!

  36. Pretty sure my mum ended up finding out about everything... I don't keep secrets well from her long term... the guilt eats me from the inside out.

  37. eeek-i got in to a car accident that my friend took the blame for! i know, i know...

  38. These are wonderful! I used these same composition notebooks for my journals to my grand kids.. I write to them often as I want to.. and just keep it...for their future about their past with me. Covers for them would be perfect! Thanks for the chance!
    quiltingnanny at yahoo dot com

  39. I never got away with anything :( Love your journal cover though :)

  40. One Christmas my brother and I opened all our presents one day while our parents were out...very carefully taping everything up again! Christmas day was not as much fun, for sure! Love your notebook cover! What a great place to keep track of all my UFOs, WHIMMs and finishes!!!

  41. Joanna-Gloria12/03/2012

    I had broken her vase and glasses and blamed Olivia, our cat

    Joanna-Gloria, yana_ven@yahoo.gr

  42. I said i went to study while actually went out with my high school sweetheart


  43. Sneaking boys into the basement at night when I was in high school. Tee hee! Thanks for the opportunity to win! cheriemie (at) gmail (dot) com

  44. Riding in the car with boys

  45. I love the fabrics you chose, especially those AMH prints! I live in Raleigh too---it's so fun to find a fellow local blogger!

  46. I "borrowed" some cigarettes from my dad when I was about 12 and shared them with my best friend. Neither one of us had ever smoked before and it made me sick.

  47. I think my parents always eventually found out.

  48. I couldn't keep anything from my mom....she knew all...

  49. My Mom was a great baker and would make all kinds of christmas goodies the month before Christmas. My sister and I would sneak them out of the freezer. I can't believe there were any left by the time Christmas came around.

  50. I went to a 'haunted' graveyard with my friends on my 16th birthday, ha!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Hmm. Mom and Dad pretty well found out about everything...at least by now they have. What they didn't learn about when I was a kid, I confessed as an adult...guilty conscience and all that. lol

  53. I hate peas (I'm sorry if you love them!). As a kid I would hide my peas instead of eat them (under uneaten mashed potatoes, in my napkin, etc.) They probably knew but I'd like to think I got away with something! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  54. Anonymous12/03/2012

    In elementary school I was what was called a "duty girl" during my after lunch time. I was to keep an eye on the kindergarten kids while they played on the playground equipment while the teachers had a lunch break.Rather than watch the kids I spent my time digging up dropped coins in the gravel/dirt,and ran up to the candy store before coming from school.Think I gave away my age group..when candy costs a PENNY!clmtc@aol.com

  55. This journal cover is beautiful! I've been meaning to sew myself a notebook/journal cover for quite some time, but haven't managed to make it to this project, yet!

    Hmmm...I'm not sure...I didn't much get into trouble. My brother snuck out once, though, and thought mom and dad didn't find out... but several weeks later he got "caught" (that's what happens when you live in a tiny little town, I guess)

  56. I love your design for this journal cover! :) Nice work!

  57. I was an exchange student in Brazil when I was 16 years old. There's a few things my parents never found out about ;)
    Love your sewing aesthetic!

  58. Slept with my high school boyfriend (guess everyone knows now!)

  59. Mine seems very tame - sneaking out with friends to a cafe during school hours.

  60. Oh man! What a sneaky question:) I used to skip school and had about 30 hours f detention to make up before I could get my high school diploma....don't know how I snuck that one by, but tey never knew!

  61. Thanks for the giveaway. As a teenager, I sneaked out of the house several times at night. I'm not sure how I got away with that, but, in hindsight, I am thankful to God that nothing bad ever happened to me. What was I thinking?! wonderlandbyalyce(at)gmail(dot)com

  62. Ahahaha, we were just talking about this with my brother. We were quite small and my parents had bought a package of Graham crackers, which was a bit of a luxury for us. I opened one of the pouches and ate one. The Horror! Of course my dad found it open and was super upset. He blamed it on my brother and I totally let him take the rap!

  63. ONe year I unwrapped and then rewrapped all my Christmas presents before Christmas.

  64. My brother and I used to have houseparties when my parents were out of town. I'm sure they know about them, but no one mentions them. The house was a disaster on Saturdays and perfectly clean on Sundays. Thinking about it now, maybe they shut up about it because they got us to clean the house for free. Hahaha.

  65. Too many things to list!

  66. I use to hide somewhere for so long on purpose so that they'll find me.. But they never did..

  67. When I was 8 or 9 I used to pedal my bike a mile or so down the road to the bridge and back, going as fast I could go before they noticed I wasn't near home. LOL!

  68. Way too many to remember. I think one of my 'bad' things - as a child I had to wear glasses (two different visions out of my eyes) and they were UGLY! (One was the size of the bottom of a coke bottle and the other was regular). Daddy was building our new home from the ground up and before they laid the cement in the basement - whoops - my glasses fell off my face and got buried in the soil and then the cement covered them in perpetuity. I was a precocious child to say the least. Thanks for the giveaway - beautiful and so my style.

  69. I remember jumping off a garage roof on a dare when I was about 10 years old.

  70. lovely journal cover and so sweet of you to include journal too.Interesting question,have to think about it for 5 sec =o,I kiss the boy =o).Lovely giveaway,thanks for the chance to win it.

  71. Oh, I think my parents knew everything, except maybe how much candy I ate!


  72. I stole food out of the pantry (usually Cheez its for some weird reason.). Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Hmmm...not much my parents didn't find out about! I did snoop around and find out what most of my Christmas presents were, though ;)

  74. When I was 13 I was hoping to get my ears pierced and had to carefully open one teeny package early to see if had earrings in it. It did! Don't think my mom knew but I could be wrong. Thanks for your giveaway!

  75. Drove my aunt's car before I had a real license. I eventually confessed.

    1. Oh honey you are opening a can of worms that I don't think you are prepared for. I am going to answer this with an innocense that is very unfitting for me. I was a mean kid! I used to make fun of my sister who was schlow! She was a special ed kid that was so spoiled it was torment on the rest of us. I was the oldest (by a great number of years) and was held to very different standards so my poor sister was beat up frequently when no one was looking. Oh and to make matters worse I would blame it on my twin brothers. LOL I told you I was mean - and all this was before I was a teenager!!!!

  76. We would sneak into the closet where mom and dad hid the presents, unwrap them and then wrap them back up. I don't know if they ever caught on.

  77. I always unwrapped my presents too, i dont think my mom even knew! I did that every single year

  78. Got the car stuck in a ditch and friends had to pull it out.

  79. I used to jump off the roof into the pool! Ha. Don't worry, it was only one story and about a 1 foot gap to jump over (into a deep above ground pool)...

  80. I used to sneak into their closet and nose about. I would have gotten into so much trouble for that!

  81. I knew I needed glasses for 4 years but didn't tell them because I really didn't want to have to wear glasses.

  82. I told my parents that I had found our dog in the streets. The truth is that it was a friend who had actually found her. I really wanted to keep her and thought that they wouldn't let me if they knew it already had a temporary home. I knew they wouldn't ask me to leave it back into the street, so they had to keep it, so we did! They still don't know and I think I'll never tell them. No need. I remember their face when they saw her for the first time, they were not very impressed with her looks. And the tears they still shed when talking about her 14 years later, as she died last year... She was the best dog ever and I think she "won the lotto" with us!

  83. I have no exciting stories for this one! I'm a goodie two shoes through and through!

  84. I borrowed a shirt from my parents closet, and when they were looking for it before I'd put it back, I dropped it down inside the hollow door of my closet. Of course it fell to the bottom and I never could get it out! Ooooh I feel so bad still!

  85. That I tried chewing tobacco :P Gross stuff and NOT for girls.

    Thanks for the chance to win. jjjcwebb at hotmail dot com

  86. hmmm, i really can't remember anything ... guess I am blocking it out!

  87. I can't think of anything. I did plenty and I might have gotten away with it for a little while but my mom would eventually find out.

    I absolutely love your journal cover. I think that is the prettiest one I have ever seen.

  88. good question. I smoked a couple of times??

  89. I carved my initials into the wood molding in the living room, but since my younger brother had the same initials, I let him take the fall. Lovely work! I have a brother who lives in Raleigh...visited last spring and thought it was lovely.

  90. I am a new follower!

  91. Erm...I tore the underside of my parents' ottoman couch using it as a "surfboard" off the other couches. I only confessed to them many years later, when I was an adult - they just thought it had gotten torn because it was getting a bit old.

  92. Anonymous12/05/2012

    wow what a gorgeous prize,thankyou for having this lovely giveaway.xx

  93. Awesome journal cover! One thing? LOL...um, wow, there are a lot more than one. Let's see...13 (I KNOW it ALL)ice skating on a lake near our home, which I had been told NOT to do (as an adult the words, "The ice is to thin" hold a lot more meaning, LOL) Thanks for the opportunity!

  94. When I would "spend the night at a friends" we would stay out all night - I guess both sets of parents were fooled.

  95. Honestly, I can't think of a single thing! I was kind of a 'good' kid. LOL! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  96. Anonymous12/05/2012

    Umm...I can't honestly say there are things my parents don't know about, because I eventually told them. =)

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  97. Great Journal cover! LOVE!

    Found some hidden Christmas presents... what fun.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  98. Going to the pub and telling my parents I was at the local youth club!
    I'm sure they knew really!

  99. That journal cover is GORGEOUS! Thanks for the chance to win!!
    Misty.Ann.Fletcher at gmail dot com

  100. I dint think my mom ever knew that I got a C+ in my calculus 2 class in college freshman year because partying. Aside from that it was all As and Bs.
    Misty.Ann.Fletcher at gmail dot com

  101. We threw parties when they were out of town. But we have told them since we have become adults.

  102. I backed into a car with mine the first day I was out with my license. :) Actually, that's not the only minor accident I kept from them...

  103. Bahahahahahaha! Like I'm going to broadcast THAT all over the internet... Let's see... I told my parents I was going to see Along Came Polly at the movie theater and instead went to see Euro Trip with my friends. The movie was terrible. Don't rent it. But now, I swear, Along Came Polly comes up in conversation CONSTANTLY. And I still haven't seen it. And my mom always says, "Hey! You saw that in theaters, didn't you? That's such a good movie."

    Yes, it is mom. Yes it is.

  104. I don't think there are any of those left that I didn't eventually tell ... I mean what is then sense in having gotten away with something and not telling anyone you did. And even parents give amnesty after a few years.

  105. I'm the oldest of four and I was actually a good girl, hehe.
    I got caught by accident, even, skipping one class in high school by my Mom. I did skip more than that one time, for which I did not get caght.

    Thank you for a neat giveaway and a chance to win.

    usairdoll(at)gmai(dor) com

  106. I went to an all girls school. Once or it might have been twice a friend and I went sailboarding with some boys when we were supposed to be at our sailing lesson. Our instructor and the teachers from school saw us and we got into trouble from them but for some reason they never did tell our parents.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  107. i'm not sure i got away with anything... i wasn't a particularly tricky child ;)

  108. hmmmm. I don't hav ea lot of secrets that parents never knew. There were 4 of us kids each a year and a half apart. So everybody knew everybodys busines. But as the last one at home I did go a few places with freinds that my parents never knew about. As an adult now. I know that was a really bad thing to do. Because if anything had happend to us our parents wouldn;t even have known where we were. Boy ther's a lot to be said for being young and dumb.

  109. I would go through her jewelry when she was gone and try it ALL on and hurry and put it all back before she got home. eatkin85(at)yahoo(dot)com

  110. When I was supposed to be playing at a friends' house, we watched TV all afternoon. Even the shows I wasn't allowed to watch at home.

  111. I took my mouse to school several times and kept him in my desk. The teacher never found out either.

  112. Anonymous12/07/2012

    Sometimes things would break and instead of waiting for my dad to fix them (which took forever) I would sneak around and fix things without telling anyone. My dad didn't notice (he would forget anything was broken). My mom thought my dad did the fixing. And there was peace.

  113. Snuck out of the house to meet up with my friends at a lake up in the mountains. :)


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