
Deck the Halls Series || Stocking Tutorial

Today is my turn to share my Christmas sewing tutorial with Jennifer's Deck the Halls series.  I've never been asked to be part of a sewing series, so I was thrilled!  I knew I wanted to make another stocking since I loved last year's stocking so much.  I changed it up a little by making it scrappy and adding a metal zipper.  I just love metal zippers, don't you?

Well, if you are interested in making this stocking, please head on over to Ellison Lane Quilts for the tutorial.

Here's the schedule run down in case you missed a day.

11/26: S.O.T.A.K. Handmade / Giveaway from Sew Me a Song

11/27: Live A Colorful Life / Giveaway from Zipit!

11/28: Petit Lyons /Giveaway from Zipit!

11/29: Little Bluebell / Giveaway from Mountain of the Dragon
12/4: Jednoiglec / Giveaway from Sew Fresh Fabric
12/5: Owen's Olivia / Giveaway from Sew Fresh Fabric

Today's giveaway is sponsored by Sew Fresh Fabrics.

One lucky reader will win a $20 gift certificate from Sew Fresh Fabrics.  Um, can I enter this giveaway please?

Just leave me one comment with the words "I am awesome because . . ." and fill in the blank.

Giveaway is open to all and will end on Dec. 9, 11:59pm EST.  I will contact the winner via email. 

Have a great week! (And thanks again to Jennifer and many thanks to Sew Fresh!)



  1. I am awesome because I am double jointed in both my thumbs. Thanks for the giveaway! So nice to meet you!

  2. I am awesome because I lived through being the only female in this home!!! lol

  3. LOL...hmm, I am awesome because... I homeschool my four kids. What a fantastic idea for a stocking, to put a zipper in it!! Thank you.

  4. I am awesome because I drive a Mini!

  5. I am awesome because ~ even tho I was told I'd never be able to run (after a car accident) I do!
    Thanks for the giveaway and just love the stocking! I don't have time to make them now but will do for next year!

  6. I am awesome because I've been gifted with a quick wit, and can usually take a tense situation and smooth it out a bit by getting folks to laugh. :)

  7. I am awesome because I did some aerobics today despite not really wanting to!

  8. Anonymous12/05/2012

    I am awesome because I rescued two shelter puppies!

  9. Love this question! I'm awesome because I just found out I'm pregnant! Yay!

  10. I am awesome because even though my cancer came back I am still here with a positive attitude.

  11. I am awesome because I'm growing a human whilst chasing after another 3 year old human!

  12. I'm awesome because I'm an encourager.

  13. I am awesome because my three children were up and ready for school on time once again!

  14. I am awesome because I am getting stronger even though it hurts to exercise.

  15. I'm awesome because I'm the cutest rescue dog I know - I'm empathic, my ears are impressively expressive and I'm very good at catching biscuits! Perhaps I should also mention that my owner is awesome because she gave me a wonderful home when I was in need of one...

  16. I am awesome because I got the tree up, lit, and decorated with no angst, anger or drama (sadly, maybe a first...).

  17. I am awesome because I know that the people I love know that I love them :-) Thanks for the opportunity, this is a great (!) tutorial. For the record, I found you by wandering over from Ellison Lane :-)

  18. I am awesome because three weeks ago my baby arrived so quickly I gave birth to her in the garage without blinking an eye! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  19. I am awesome because I keep a good sense of humor through the madness :)

  20. I am awesome because I think I do a great job at being a daughter, a sister, a mommy and a grandma.

    Love the cute stocking WITH the zipper.

  21. I am awesome because I can have chocolate in the house and resist the urge to eat the lot in one sitting.

  22. I am awesome because I've raised three beautiful, successful daughters!

  23. i am awesome because my husband says so... it must be true lol. ps for a laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ0jRuASVEQ&feature=share

    and love the zipper idea! there is always one gift that is a little bigger than the stocking!

  24. I am awesome because I just finished taking 2 fitness classes. And that makes me feel awesome.

  25. I am awesome because I work at keeping myself healthy and fit for my family

  26. Anonymous12/05/2012

    I am awesome because I am being patient!

    Loove the stocking!! Thank you for the inspiration!

  27. Lovely stocking! I'm a Raleigh girl too :). I am awesome because all my children sleep under quilts I've made for them. It makes me so happy to tuck them in every night, knowing they will be cozy warm under a beautiful homemade quilt!

  28. I am awesome because even though I'm busy, I manage to volunteer for several different organizations. Very cool stocking.

  29. I am awesome because I am making some special projects for those in my family :)

  30. Love that idea to have a zip up the stocking - makes those awkward boxe easier to squeeze in!

  31. I am awesome because I donated to a Christmas gift for a well deserved quilter.

  32. This stocking is awesome! What a unique idea! I am awesome because...I take really good care of my family, whether they know it or not!

  33. I am awesome because, I just started running 6 months ago and have already run 2 half marathons. I've found a new passion in addition to sewing clothes for my kids. Thanks!

  34. Anonymous12/05/2012

    HI! "I am awesome because I have all my Christmas Shopping for this year completed!


  35. I am awesome because I am the queen of UFOs (34 and counting!). thanks for the great tutorial!


  36. "I am awesome because .. oh so many reasons. I love making things and giving them as gifts. I have to grand kids and they both spend time with me and I can teach them so many things"

  37. i am awesome because i just cleaned up a car-seat full of puke!

  38. I am awesome because I help people. Thank you for this lovely tutorial!!!! You're awesome, too!

  39. I am awesome because I face a room full of sixth graders every day with a big (genuine) smile.

  40. I am so awesome because I choose to laugh in stead of cry at the ridiculous things in my life! Thanks for the cute toutorial!

  41. I am awesome because I supported my family for four years while my husband went back to school.

  42. I am awesome because I'm (usually) a good listener.

    Brilliant idea with the zipper!! We almost always have at least one stocking that is just too full and needs a little "expandability."

    ps: What a great sentence to ask people to finish! I've enjoyed reading the other answers.

  43. i am AWESOME because I teach kids to quilt! for my job!! love it. :)

  44. I am awesome because I try to always be helpful to those around me. Because of that, I am a welcome guest in my children's homes. My dear daughter-in-love asks for me to come and stay when she has my precious grands and next year when she has surgery.

  45. ...because I try evwry day to be the best wife & mom I can be

  46. ...because I try evwry day to be the best wife & mom I can be

  47. ...because I try evwry day to be the best wife & mom I can be

  48. I am awesome because I'm an awesome mummy! Well, at least I am this week :)

  49. I am awesome because with 1 of us unemployed, and the other disabled, I am going to have a FABULOUS Christmas!

  50. Anonymous12/05/2012

    Cindy W Aus,

    Hi Nancy, glad I dropped by from Elison lanes link, am sure I will enjoy looking around here...
    Oh, back to being awesome, because I set myself a goal this year to make a hexie flower a day for the whole of this year, 366 because it is a leap year, all in shades of blue and I am a little behind, but will certainly make it by Dec 31st., evn if i am stitching untill the strike of 12 lol.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  51. I am awesome because I was hand-made, stitched together with great creativity, by a loving God.

  52. So cute!!

    I am awesome because even though I should say "no" more often, instead I say "yes" a lot.

  53. I am awesome because I make everyone handmade gifts for christmas.

  54. Nancy- This is a great tutorial! Thanks for sharing.
    I am awesome because I started quilting this fall and I love it!

  55. I am awesome because I finished my master's degree!

  56. I'm awesome because I manage to juggle a very busy work schedule and do craft when I get home. That makes me happy.

  57. I am awesome because my children told me I am ;o) Thanks for sharing this fun tutorial!!

  58. I am awesome because I managed to get through today at work without strangling my colleague. It was one of those days. Thanks for the chance to win :o)

  59. I am awesome because I study French, just for fun. C'est formidable! tubakk@online.no

  60. I am awesome because my hubb, 6 kids and 15 grandchildren like to spend time with me. Thanks for sharing your awesome tutorial, I hope to give this a try, the zipper is a great addition.

  61. I am awesome because I have brought 4 beautiful children into the world!

  62. I am awesome because I am an engineer, and I sew like one. :-D

  63. I am awesome because I say so.

  64. I am awesome because I can admit when I am wrong.

  65. I am awesome because God gave me 2 children who are terrific adults today all with His help. I can't really take the credit. So, how about, I am awesome because God said I am fearfully & wonderfully made!

  66. I am awesome because I make it a personal challenge to learn something new every day!

  67. I am awesome because God made me, and he doesn't make anything that isn't awesome! Merry Christmas to all!

  68. I am awesome because I have a wonderful husband, great kids, and a beautiful granddaughter whom I love unconditionally :)

  69. I am awesome because I've gotten great Christmas presents for my family this year

  70. I am awesome because I read and enjoy your blog and many others and I get to learn all this stuff that I otherwise wouldn't know, and use that knowledge to make awesome stuff for other people! Thanks for the chance to win some yummy fabric.

  71. Anonymous12/05/2012

    I am awesome because I have a pug!

  72. I am awesome because I won a designer wristwatch in a radio contest this morning and instead of keeping it for myself (like I REALLY want to), I'm giving it to a friend for Christmas, as she has no family and will get no presents!

  73. I am awesome because I a caring husband and a cute son

  74. I am awesome because I am in college with a 3.81 gpa.

  75. I am awesome because I have a heart to love! Thanks

  76. I am so awesome because I am devoted as a doberman

  77. I am awesome because I can sew cool things and I have a caring heart.

  78. I am awesome because I have a wonderful husband, 4 super cute dogs and a passion for quilting!

  79. I am awesome because I can work on cars.

  80. I a awesome because my granddaughters think I can do anything. :-)

  81. I am awesome because i work full time (home daycare), have 3 amazing kids of my own AND i am a great stand-in pancreas for my Type 1 son :D and i've been told my cooking is not bad either, lol.

  82. I am awesome because I finished the top for my Christmas throw in three days!

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. I am awesome because I am unique :)

  85. Love your stocking - especially the red zip!!! And I am awesome because I get to have cool blog friends like you!

  86. I am awesome because I allowed my mother in law to move into our house.

  87. I am awesome because I finally finished a queen sized quilt that's been 2 years in the making. =) Also I love your stocking! I so want to make one like that. =)

  88. I am awesome because I have spent 22 years caring for my disabled son...love the Christmas stocking the zipper is such a grand idea.

  89. I am Awesome...because I have learned I AM Special to alot of people...and am Loved. Doesn't matter what situation/environment you grew up in...YOU can break the chain!!!

  90. I am awesome because I managed to crank out two quilts in time for Christmas, didn't think I would be able to do it! awolk at rogers dot com

  91. I am awesome because I am pregnant, work all day long with children and I still remember to be nice to my husband when I get home. Most of the time.

  92. I am awesome because I like to calm the waters. Your zipper was such a nice surprise!

  93. I am awesome because I maintain strong friendships.

    What a great question--I am loving reading all the responses and want to know so many of these people.

  94. i am awesome because i have the will to continue collecting, cutting and sewing fabulous fabric into unawesome quilt progects ... for the fun of it, never expecting perfection or thanx.

  95. I am awesome because I create.. Handcrafted all the way. I love the sense of accomplishment that comes with the creative process.

  96. "I am awesome because I am fearfully and wonderfully made by a great God."

  97. I am awesome because... I try to learn something new together with my kids every day! Today we researched peacock spiders. (And I don't even home school)

  98. I am awesome because I often think of others before myself!

  99. I am awesome because I am unique!

  100. I am awesome because I am a self-taught quilter.

  101. I am awesome because I have a loving heart! Thanks for the chance to win.

  102. I am awesome because I am actually finishing some Christmas sewing this year.

  103. I am awesome because by the time I wrote this, I have remained seated patiently for 3 hours on the train - 2 more hours still...

  104. I'm awesome because I'm almost caught up on UFO's.

  105. I am awesome because I'm a great mom! Thanks!

  106. I am awesome because my wonderful mother tells me so!

  107. I am awesome because I sew items for my family because they can't do it themselves. :)

  108. I am awesome because I'm always learning new crafts and never forget my first love....my needle and thread. (Thank you!)

  109. I am awesome because I make my friends and loved ones happy.

  110. I am awesome because I know just how to make my kids laugh!

  111. I am awesome because I finished two quilts for Christmas gifts.

  112. I am awesome because I just got my 2 kids to take a nap...AT THE SAME TIME!!
    Stocking turned out awesome Nancy! LOVE the zipper!

  113. I'm awesome because I'm a registered nurse!

  114. I am awesome because I do the best I can for my children.


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