
A Father & Son Christmas Tree

This is my first year with a REAL Christmas tree.  Last year we didn't even put up a tree.  A real crime, I know.  Now that Owen is a little older, I let him decorate the tree.  Matt hung the lights and some of the ornaments too.  In fact, I let them both do all the decorating, and I let the "perfect, ready for a magazine, or overly styled look" go out the window.   And after looking at these photos, it takes a lot of  willpower to not go and decorate it correctly.

Now, how many of you (with the obsessive, controlling personalities) would let your two year old and husband do all the decorating???

I deserve an award.

Not all of our ornaments were hung due to the breakable factor as this ornament clearly demonstrates.

Wait, didn't you know decapitation is the new red + green?

I made this little snowman!  Does that surprise any of you?

Surprisingly, our freshly cut tree does not leave an evergreen scent in the house.  When I leave the home and come back, I cannot smell it.  Is this common or did we buy a defective tree?    I do love this tree.  I love how pointy it is and how the limbs drop down from the weight of an ornament.  I love that this year I didn't spend an hour "fluffing" the branches or filling in the holes with ornaments.  I chose to use no topper  because I didn't think it really needed one.  Although, I may sneak one in after seeing these photos.  ;)   I stuck it in a large, galvanized bucket with hopes of placing something soft and furry around the tree stand.  I don't own anything soft and furry though.  Oh wait, we do have squirrel fur in our shed.  Anyone need a rug for Barbie this Christmas?

So this year our tree could not be any more simple and plain looking, yet I really love it despite it's lack of ornaments and garlands and untrimmed branches.  Is that crazy?  I think what's crazier is that I have been brainstorming how to keep a real tree in my home all year long.



  1. I love the fact that you're letting it stay the way they decorated it - I know your son will be happy seeing his handywork! You DO deserve an award!

  2. I actually like it when a tree looks like someone actually decorated it, not a professional. Every year my kids decorate the tree, and it looks like yours, I have grown to love it, and the kids enjoy it too.....

  3. It's lovely! I like your galvanized tub base as well. Funny that it doesn't smell, our's certainly does. Maybe it's the species that you got. Pretty just the same though :)

    xox Lilly

  4. LOVE the tree! I much prefer real decorating!

  5. It's beautiful! I'm one of those control freak perfectionist types and I let my 5 year old son pick out and decorate thE WHOLE Tree this year so I get it! It's both beautiful and hilarious ( with clusters of5-10 ornaments on one branch). Oh, and I find that balsams are the truly fragrant tree but don't hold their needles as long...

  6. Love it Nancy! And you do deserve an award for not moving any of those ornaments around....that would drive me nuts. And we have to buy a new tube of superglue every Christmas specifically to fix the broken ornaments:) hope you have a very Merry Christmas!


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