
black friday buys

My Black Friday was spent in a town I knew nothing about, which left my Friday shopping to be done online.  That may have been wiser, but there's only so much time I can spend on the internet hunting for deals before my eyeballs burn.

It saddens me that I didn't find any exceptionally good home decorating deals.  Rugs USA did have an awesome sale, but I figured that sale will come again.   What about you?  Did you score any great deals?  I guess I wasn't really on the hunt for deals because I didn't have anything in particular I was needing or looking for.

I did score one great deal with fabric, and I have to say I wasn't super impressed with the sales online.  They were the typical 20% off, which I am not sure why I still bought fabric.  :/  I think I have a disease.

Here's what I bought.

I already owned these Geocentric prints, but I needed more yardage for a larger project.  (Does anyone else hate buying prints they already own?)

I wanted Simpatico for a long time.  I even blogged about it here.  I finally got two prints.  I still want the mint colored ones too.

When I saw this African Butterfly fabric by Alexander Henry I immediately imagined this framed and placed on Jenny Komenda's (of Little Green Notebook) gallery wall.  I figured for $7 it was worth it.

See???  How cool would that be?

Or maybe even hanging out in her children's room.

This buy was completely out of my comfort zone, but I had a vision and bought it.  A burning bush told me to.  I do admit that this Party Parade by Michael Miller is cute in person.  I bought Sarah Jane's Out to Sea because 1. I love chevrons  2. It's water markings looked cool.

Pink Chalk Fabrics had Nursery Versery for 50% off. (!!!)  WHY DID I NOT BUY MORE OF THIS CRAP????!!!!!

And here is my fabric pull for my next project.  Totally 80's I know.   I'm challenging myself with this one.



  1. Great fabric. I am an odd person who doesn't really like to shop. I like searching for the perfect item or furniture when I have a specific project in mind, but shopping aimlessly is no fun for me. Of course this means I always miss the best deals!

    xox Lilly

  2. Great fabrics. I love your 80s selection ;) It's comin' back. I just know it :)

    1. Ha! Yes! Let's sure do hope so!

      Btw- did you know your account isn't linked to an email, so the only way I can respond to you is directly in the comments section?

  3. Ooooohhhh....I LOVE those sympatico prints!! Where did you get them?!? I'm looking for a fun and funky pattern like that in exactly those colors for the kids bath. Loving the funky butterflies too! it would make some super cool wall art and I could totally see that at Jenny's house (in love with her too:)

  4. Wow that butterfly fabric is gorgous and the one with the kids walking...I'd love to find that! Good job!

  5. Great finds! I just got some Simpatico too.

  6. Beautiful fabrics - can't wait to see what you make! I perused some of the online sales as well but wasn't too blown away. I took advantage of the j crew 25% off sale since their stuff rarely goes on (good) sales. I also thought about taking advantage of the rugs usa sale, but decided to wait until I actually need a new rug.


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