
ridiculous thrift store prices

I was in my local large chain thrift shop looking for a pair of shorts, and I thought it was a good time to snap a few pictures of how craaaaazzzzy the prices are for furniture.  The manager follows a general price list, but ultimately decides the amount on the tag.  And let me just say, nothing moves in this store except people.  I have to say I get jealous, everytime  Mandi Gubler UT bloggers post about their amazing Deseret Industries thrift store finds.   Chairs for $5, dressers or tables for $30, and the list goes on.  This is why I am not the best of friends with my thrift store.  

Prices have not been altered by me, so this is me saying I am not exaggerating.  Okay, I lie.  I added one penny to the price.  Why does everything in shopping end in .99?

Oh, thank goodness you take Mastercard or Visa.  Phew.  *sigh of relief*

Okay, am I the crazy one?  Are these prices really good?   I don't know about you, but I wouldn't spend that much for those pieces, especially considering the TLC needed to get it to look good.

I have come to the conclusion that yard sales have the best prices for furniture.  There's a tie between Craigslist and thrift stores.

Maybe I am just old school and expect thrift stores to be places to score great cast-offs for dirt cheap.



  1. Even allowing for the conversion to British pounds in my head, that seems expensive for someone else's cast off. Although, I would pay that for a cast off Ercol chair!

    1. Is the Ercol couch the $800 one? I do like that piece.

  2. That's kind of how the prices are at my local thrift stores. Forget about any of those great deals you read about in blog land here.

  3. I think that since refinishing furniture has become a popular thing to do the stores are cashing in. Our store can be outrageous as well.

  4. Anonymous8/28/2012

    Super crazy! That $800 couch is great, but $800!!!???? and $200 for that piece of crap couch? Seriously? I miss the Veteran Home Thrift!! I think there are some better places over here, but ones for furniture are hard to come by.

  5. I concur. I've noticed at our thrift stores, which I mostly go to when our 25 year old daughter visits (she's a super thrift store shopper), the prices are often exorbitant! I don't often look at furniture but I notice there will be ratty looking t-shirts tagged at $10. Considering all the work involved even in finding something I want at a thrift store, I mostly can't be bothered, particularly at those prices.

  6. So true. Even the price of clothing has been getting crazy.

    1. Yes!!! Why is everything getting more expensive!? Let's not talk about groceries either!

  7. Those prices are ridiculous! You need to haunt the Habitat Restore. I always get great deals and they often have half price deals. I have the equivalent of a $200+ white student desk I got on sale for $15! Two 6ft faux wood book cases for $20 on sale day. I kicked myself for not snapping up an oak chest of drawers complete with hat storage and mirror for only $100(I could have got a deal on it too). You can not hesitate when you see something because the next time it will be gone. You need to go to Hillsville VA some year!

    1. I forgot about Habitat! I love that place and I just bought a credenza from there.

    2. My Habitat Restore is worse.

  8. I haven't checked out the thrift stores around here, but where I used to live craigslist was insane. People somehow thought crappy big box store furniture appreciated in value and would ask for just under and sometimes over retail when reselling it. Never mind that the couch now has five years of your farts in it. Of course I want to pay full price!

  9. Love Habitat Restore and our local GW has great prices but the SA must think everything is lined with gold. They are very high.

    1. Anonymous3/06/2016

      I had a few laughs at my SA yesterday. $25 and $35 jackets! lol and a $500 couch!

    2. Anonymous3/06/2016

      I had a few laughs at my SA yesterday. $25 and $35 jackets! lol and a $500 couch!

  10. Love this post because I am right there with you- the thrift stores in the Boston area are anything but a bargain. I've found sone Pyrex pieces up in NH and little kitchen wares but furniture is always overpriced and not even very nice. Sadly when I want something cheap and cheerful I go to Ikea. Sometimes I can find a deal on Craigslist but it's hitnor miss.

    I think I need to move to the Midwest to get some deals! -Lilly

  11. Oh my gosh, you hit the nail on the head. J and I were just griping about this the other day. Recently here, our few favorite thrift stores starting charging ridiculous prices for furniture. We actually complained to the manager we were so mad at the change. He said that antique dealers come in and shop and that was why they started marking up prices. Wha!?! We didn't even try to comprehend that statement. They are charging hundreds of dollars for crap, claiming that it's antique. Or better yet, claiming it's from Pottery Barn (sure, I'll pay 400 dollars for a set of outdoor lounge chairs from Pottery Barn at the THRIFT STORE. Why not just buy them from the catalog?) Don't thrift stores sell things that were DONATED?? Like, for free?? Crazy.

  12. Those look like Salvation Army prices to me... Check out Goodwill for the better prices. You may have to look harder for the good stuff but it'll be cheaper. ;)

  13. Nope. Deseret is ripping you off.

  14. My goodwill is the same....$100 for a piece of junk furniture! Makes me want to move to Utah if only for their amazing thrift stores:)

  15. We just moved to the area from the NW. We had these amazing super-sized thrift stores where I often found fabric and craft supplies, as well as furniture and decorative items. I have been really disappointed with the selection here and the tiny sizes of the stores. Maybe it's the "recycling culture" in the NW that leads people to donate their stuff rather than throw it away. If you find any good stuff, please share! (Found your blog from the YHL link...)

  16. Anonymous10/12/2012

    I thought the crazy prices were just here in So. Cal. I wait until the montly 1/2 price day, otherwise the prices are rediculous!

    1. Nope. We are feeling your pain on the East Coast too girl.


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