
A Pretty Laptop Sleeve Giveaway

 This giveaway is now closed.

It is my pleasure to present to you the most awesome laptop sleeve.   This sleeve was lovingly crafted by me, and I am so happy that one of you will be receiving it!  People on the street will be like, "Yo!  Where did you score that rad piece?"   And then my dream response would be, "From this awesome girl who rocks and blogs." 

This sleeve features:
  • Extra padding for protection
  • Elastic loop closure with bamboo button
  • Measures approximately 10" x 14"
  • Ty Pennington and Joel Dewberry exterior fabric.  Peek-a-boo lining made with Monaluna and canvas.
Front side


Giveaway Rules
  • Open to all.
  • Ends May 25, 8PM EST, and prize will ship by June 1st. 
  • Winner will be selected by random and announced on this post.  Please make sure I have your email address, so I can contact you. 

Tell me,  what is your biggest pet peeve?  I can't stand watching someone drink milk after eating cereal.  Drives me bonkers!  My husband will tell you he can't stand how many times I get dressed before any social gathering.  lol

Good luck!


I'm linking this up to Sew, Mama, Sew!


  1. I hate watching people bite their nails/face, etc - super gross and unsanitary!

    BEAUTIFUL laptop sleeve, my mac would fit perfectly :)

  2. Beautiful sleeve..love the gray n yello :).. I hate people scratching themselves esp in public. Another thing I cant stand is sarcastic comments

  3. Lovely! Would love it! Biggest pet peeve is sniffling. Makes me crazy.

  4. cute! my pet peeve changes a lot. but one big one is shmacksing - people who chew LOUDLY with their mouths open like a cow chewing its cud. yuk!

  5. My biggest pet peeve is.... hmmm, there are a few of them.
    I guess it would be not doing something when you said you would.
    If you say you're going to call, call. If you say you are going to
    get rid of something, then do it. LOL


  6. hmm, picking at finger nails and the skin around them, makes me skin crawl, yuk!

  7. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Please don't sing any commercial jingles around me. It drives me nuts because then I have that annoying song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. (Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner...) Gorgeous laptop sleeve you've made there. So pretty and functional!

  8. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Cute cover!! My pet peeve - adding salt or pepper or anything to a carefully created dish before even tasting it!!! (my husband, ahem)

  9. I hate the coughing-up-stuff noise. Worst.noise.ever.

  10. Teenagers fighting...there's a lot of that at my house at the moment!

  11. People eating Popcorn while I am trying to watch TV would be mine...unless I am eating it too.

  12. Toilet paper put on the holder wrong. It has to face out

  13. loud sighing! again and again! urghhh!

  14. it's hard to just pick one!! my pet peeve is someone taking and eating the last of something but not eating it all! like there's one delicious cookie left and someone takes 2 bites out of it and then just leaves it. OR last soda, someone (my sister) opens it and drinks 1/2 then leaves it on the table. really?? arrrrgh!

  15. What I hate most is going into the kitchen and seeing the doors to the cabinets open. It drives me crazy.

  16. Wow what a great laptop sleeve! I love that the closure is a button, so cute :)
    My biggest pet peeve is when people bite their nails near me and do it loudly. There's one girl I sit next to in a class who does just that and it irritates me endlessly! There's plenty more though :P Happy giveaway day!

  17. My biggest pet peeve is people not paying attention while driving! RAWR.

  18. currently my biggest pet peeve is probably shorts with tights...except that the shorts are so tight and short that you see the seams of the tight legs or the pattern on the tights stop. the tights manufacturers never intended that much to show-why do people think that looks classy?!

  19. People who don't clean out the bathroom drains--hair is yucky! christina112358 at gmail dot com

  20. Anonymous5/21/2012

    I don't like watching people brushing their teeth - especially when they've used too much toothpaste and they are foaming at the mouth. Yuk!

    Great sleeve, by the way.

  21. I really don't like it when people scratch their fingernails on styrofoam or a chalkboard.....uggghhh!!

    I love this giveaway! It would fit our laptop PERFECTLY!


  22. Beautiful. My biggest pet peeve is loud chewing (esp mouth open) or swallowing right next to me. My husband and oldest daughter are pros at this.

  23. Pet peeve...mouth open chewing lol! Thanks for such a chance at a gorgeous bag!

  24. Love the sleeve...gorgeous! Nails on a chalkboard for me...literally. Ick. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Pet peeve ...when people honk when they blow their nose.

  26. How pretty! Here's hoping you let me continue to be lazy about making a laptop sleeve of my own! My pet peeve is when people mispronounce words (or use a word that means something different from what they are trying to say). For example - "fustrated" for frustrated. Adults shouldn't talk like three-year-olds!


  27. I simply can't stand the sound of spit rolling around in someone's mouth. It's gross to talk about, I know, but I even change the radio station if I can hear the spit while the announcer talks. I am an extremely calm and patient person, but spit-sounds drive me crazy! :) bsimone42@gmail.com

  28. PS--I LOVE your logo!

  29. Anonymous5/21/2012

    I have a lot of pet peeves. Nose hair, sniffing/snorting, certain laughs...

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway! I could really use a laptop sleeve!!

  30. Chewing with your mouth open, ugh - my husband is the worst at that, especially when eating cereal! Smoosh, smoosh smoosh... grossest sound ever! lol I say something EVERY morning and we've been married 5 years... I won't give up! :)

  31. It's a tie between people cutting in line and mouth noises (cleaning teeth with your tongue, chewing with your mouth open, drinking loudly, etc).

    Thanks for the chance! This laptop rocks and I would definitely be ready for people to stop me on the street. :)

  32. Clicking or tapping a pen drives me nuts. It's even worse if more than one person at a meeting is doing it.

  33. My biggest pet peeve is people leaving stuff around the house without putting it away, and the piles of "I'll take care of that later"...do it now, it's not that hard to do!

  34. My biggest pet peeve is people talking loudly on the bus when I'm trying to read.

  35. My biggest pet peeve is people who dwell on the past too much. I have some people like that around me and it's a difficult thing.

  36. Ooh, beautiful laptop sleeve! My biggest pet peeve is when people leave their chairs out and don't put them back under the table. Makes me a little crazy. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  37. The sleeve is just stunning! I can't stand going into stores where prices are not clearly marked, and then the sales people are annoyed you need help! I end up leaving, and not buying. ;(

  38. biggest pet peeve is when someone says that they are going to do something and then doesn't.... I have friends that do that when it is simply because they don't want to , no matter if there are others who are relying on them! BEAUTIFUL WORK!!! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  39. I hate people leaving the kitchen cabinet doors open. How hard is it to give it a little push when you're done getting a plate out?

  40. I can NOT stand bread ties. So random I know but I always throw them away. I do not like them.

  41. I can't handle when my husband forgets to wipe down the sink after he washes his face! Yuk!


  42. umm... which one should I say... I have so many.. oops.. The sound of people eating/having things in their mouths really grosses me out. Worst offenders are gum, cereal, apples (!!!!), and the guy who eats at his desk next to me who chews with his front teeth. Seriously, it's disgusting and makes me want to vom.

  43. I can't stand it when someone leaves a restroom stall and I don't hear any water running but I hear the door open/close!

  44. Beautifully done, Nancy! Lots of pet peeves, but the first that comes to mind is when people assume the rules don't apply to them. So many examples of this: people who don't follow traffic rules, people who let dogs run loose in parks where it is prohibited, people who smoke in public places where they shouldn't, etc.

  45. I just about lose it when people use their tongue to "suck" pieces of food out from between their teeth after eating. I have to stop myself from saying "hey! stop that sucking noise before I smack you one!"
    Wow, I think I'm having a hot flash just thinking about it.

  46. When people say EXspresso. There's no darn X in espresso!w But I LOVE when people use Joel Dewberry fabric. :)

  47. Biggest pet peeve, probably people who run red lights and/or don't use turn signals! So many things about driving bug me! :) Thanks for the chance to win such a cute gift!

  48. I think my biggest pet peeve is whining- I am working hard on my kids to stop that terrible habit! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

    Amy @ Gabriel's Good Tidings

  49. My biggest pet peeve right now is "I'm board", to combat this I have created a list of chores and the offender gets what is next on the list. I haven't heard I'm board in a few days I think it may be working.

  50. Hmm.... my kids' whining and bickering is what gets on my nerves lately. Thank goodness it's spring/summer so I can send them outside. :)

  51. The improper use of there/their/they're and your/you're. It drives me nuts! Also text speak. Are we that lazy that we can't actually spell out the word? It's not like you get charged by the letter!

  52. It aggrevates the crap outta me when my hubby takes out the trash and doesn't put a new bag in the can...grrr love this case:

  53. my biggest pet peeve, people not following road rules or speed limits. why are you going 25 on a 45 zone????????????????

  54. Just one? Hmmm.... when people think they have nothing left to learn.

    1. PS - I'm at stephw3-at-yahoo-dot-com and great laptop sleeve!

  55. I can't stand loud gum chewers! And my lovely boyfriend is one of them ;)


  56. I hate hate hate bad table manners.

  57. I absolutely abhor when people clip their nails at the office. That's an 'at home' thing. Not an 'in your cubicle so all can hear' thing! Grrr! GORGEOUS case, though! I love the fabrics!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  58. My biggest pet peeve is people who don't taste food the way it was cooked before ruining it. I spent 3 hours cooking dinner the other night. I, feeling very proud of myself, put a plate in front of my husband and asked him how he liked it. "I don't know yet." He then commenced to putting half a bottle of ranch on top of it and then told me it was good. I could have clobbered him to death. Ugh!

  59. my biggest pet peeve is my husband not drying out sinks after he uses them. I know its weird, but I will run into a room after him to dry the sink.

  60. Beautiful fabric choices!
    Right now my pet peeve is people who don't follow the guidelines for school dropoff. It's May, you should know by now where to pull up and where to wait!

  61. Ugh! I cannot stand it when people make food noises while they are eating. Like Mmm.. oo... ah..
    It makes me super uncomfortable.

  62. I love those fabrics.
    I have a job as a cashiere so my biggest pet peeve is when people dont greet me, it drives me nuts!

  63. My pet peeve... Long toenails. Gross!


  64. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Noisy eaters. Or my dog licking himself- they're similar noises. I'm definitely a noise hating person!

  65. People who carry on cell phone conversations in small spaces as if they are out in a field. Really, most of the time I REALLY don't need to know it all....

  66. I really hate when people leave their blinkers on. I never can tell if they are turning or not. I also hate when people don't use their blinkers to turn.

  67. thanks for participating in the giveaway! although i have too many pet eeves to be conciderd rational, one of my biggest would have to be people that take off their shoes in public. it's not the sight of feet i find so repugnant, but without fail the people that take off their shoes in public have never.in.their.life taken a bar of soap to the soles of ther feet, or a loofah to the heel, or clippers to the nails. cloven feet are not attractive, and none of us need to witness your slow metamorphosis into a minotaur. rant over.

  68. Beautiful sleeve--and I'm getting a new laptop at work, woohoo!Thanks for the great giveaway!

    My biggest pet peeve as of late: trying to enjoy dinner in a restaurant and someone answers their phone and LOUDLY carries on an extended conversation! YIKES, I CANNOT STAND IT!

    Thanks for letting me vent. Whew, I feel better!

  69. Heh heh, I agree with so many of these pet peeves! My biggest one is I hate people who smack their lips when they chew. Close your mouth, yo!

    Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  70. Such a lovely cover! Right now my pet peeve is blowing your nose at the dinner table. So disgusting.

  71. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Lovely sleeve! Grey and yellow are a fab combination. My pet peeves are many (I'm a little cranky sometimes), but in particular I am annoyed by the rude honking all the drivers seem to do here in France. Grrr.

  72. This sleeve is uber cool. Pet peeve...signboards with bad spelling/grammar (like an apostrophe before the s for a plural)

  73. Cute sleeve - love the fabrics. One of my pet peeves is hearing people eat. Drives me crazy!

  74. Biggest pet-peeve: rudeness.

  75. Great job Nancy! I wanna weeeeeeen!

    1. Pet peeve: When my glasses get dirty. If I don't have anything to clean them with, I'd rather take them off and get a head ache. I also don't like when the yoke of my beautiful sunny side up egg breaks while in the cooking process.

  76. my 7 yo DS not lifting the seat up !!!

  77. Pet peeve would be lazy people complaining about people not do their job!!!

  78. I think my biggest pet-peeve is when people don't follow through when they say they are going to do something. Gosh that urks me tons!

  79. Leaving dirty dishes next to the sink rather than just placing them in the sink.

  80. I can't stand my husband picking his toe nails while watching TV!

  81. Ooh, I love Joel Dewberry! I can't stand mouth sounds. Chewing loudly, glugging water, etc.

  82. My pet peeve? chronic lateness. It drives me bonkers when someone is chronically late. If you know you're usually late, can't you make an effort to leave earlier???

  83. My biggest pet peeve, drivers that cut in and out of traffic lanes trying to get ahead.

  84. A~dorable!!!! My biggest pet peeve is having to listen to people chew. I don't know why some people have to be so loud when they eat! Thanks for the chance! Smiles~beth

  85. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Love the fabrics you chose! Biggest pet peeve...probably people who leave shopping carts in the middle of parking lots...how hard is it to walk 20 ft and put your cart in the cart return...seriously...

  86. whew. I had to stop reading others' comments because I was getting so grossed out! Rather tamer, my pet peeves mostly are language use/ spelling ones. I'm a stickler for correct grammar and spelling. People using "text speak" when their characters aren't limited ticks me off. Worst though is when teachers or other people kids look to spell things incorrectly or use the wrong it's/ its/ its' (for example). That said, I do so love yellow and gray together and your blog is lovely.

  87. My biggest pet peeve is having to buy plastic non reusable bags at the supermarket because I forgot my reusable hopping bag.

    1. I live in Barcelona, Spain. It's very common in Europe to buy your grocery bags and usually they are made of plastic...a total waste and an awful way to pollute the environment. These bags are said to be used for 12 minutes but they last 1000 years!

  88. My biggest pet peeve is incorrect word usage. I always hear Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride in my head... "I do not think it means what you think it means."

  89. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Wow! That bag does ROCK! I really like the color combo you used.
    Pet peeve.... Not using your blinker! How hard is it to use that thing!?!

  90. Gorgeous work. I'd definitely tote my laptop around in plain site all the time.

    My biggest pet peeve, that's a tuffy (I have a few...). I'd say mi biggest is the clipping of toe/finger nails. The sound it makes makes my skin crawl.

  91. The sound of knuckles cracking makes me nauseous. New to your blog and it's fantastic!

  92. What really winds me up is when people lie. Some people will tell a lie even when it's obvious that they're not telling the truth.

  93. My biggest pet peeve is people who cut me off and then proceed to drive ten miles under the speed limit!

  94. Hmmm... one of my biggest pet peeves is having someone try to carry on a conversation with me while I am trying to read something. It overloads my brain! Fabulous project by the way!

  95. My biggest pet peeve is dirty dishes in the middle of the sink. I would rather they be stacked to the side so I can still clean my dishes!

  96. That's so easy, my husband thinks cupboard doors automatically close themselves when he leaves the room. I can trace a path of where he's been from the open drawers and cupboards in the kitchen. It drives me nuts!!!!

  97. My pet peeve? People who cannot put away their cell phones long enough to pay attention to the clerk at the counter. It is just rude, rude, rude!!

  98. Biggest pet peeve is people who don't say thank you after I've held the door open/stood to the side in the supermarket/let them on the bus/train first. Eh, ignorance is my pet peeve!

  99. My biggest pet-peeve would have to be smacking and eating with your mouth open. More the smacking part, It just annoys me more than anything. comet_linear at yahoo dot com

  100. It sounds weird, but loud yawners are my biggest pet peeve. It is just obnoxious. Anyway, I love the fabrics you chose! Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

  101. My biggest pet peeve is when people put chewed bubble gum on the side of their plate or something to *save* it until we are all done eating...it truly grosses me out! :)

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

  102. My pet peeve is when people think it's ok to clip their fingernails in public! Please save personal grooming for the privacy of your own home!

    thanks for the giveaway!
    lindsay723 (at) gmail (dot) com

  103. People who crack their knuckles! My students constantly do it and it drives me nuts!

    Gorgeous sleeve!

  104. Joyce C. I'm with you! cannot stand it when granddaughter has been in kitchen and leaves every drawer & cupboard door open!!!

    trilliumcreates AT gmail DOT com

  105. Biggest pet peeve...eesh, that is difficult. I can't stand it when people don't pay attention when they are merging onto the freeway.
    spondah AT aol DOT com

  106. Pet peeve...clipping fingernails in a restaurant...yuck!

  107. Funny - we were just talking about pet peeves this weekend. My mom saying the word "bolero" is one of them but that's pretty specific. More relatable...people speaking when they have food in their mouth. Argh.

    I would happily tell people the laptop sleeve was made by someone who rocks and sews and blogs. :) Thanks for the chance.

    lwghosts at yahoo dot com

  108. I can't stand someone whistling what they think is a great song and it isn't even close. So very annoying!

  109. That is BEAUTIFUL!

    The nails in public thing is beyond gross. HUGE pet peeve: don't ask me the same question you asked me 2 minutes before. or even the day before because you weren't really listening the first time.

  110. Biggest pet peeve is.... people ignoring someone when they get smiled at... especially when it's a toddler/baby smiling at you - why would you ignore them???? Argh!

  111. Such a pretty laptop sleeve! One of my biggest pet peeves is people who are rude to service workers. I worked as a cashier in high school and people could be so ridiculous!

  112. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who eat noisily! Thanks for the giveaway!

  113. I hate the negative trash talk people on talk radio do.

  114. where I live they have church people standing on the corner of the roads on Saturdays, and I just hate it when I see them have their young children either go from car to car or even just standing on the grass media as I am so afraid of a car accident and them hitting those children...

  115. Thanks for the giveaway! I hate drivers who don't use their blinkers

  116. I hate when people take pictures of their pets on the quilts of crafts they just made. Ewe! It skeeves me out. I just picture their fat cat just mozied out of the litter box with some hangers-on and it's now lounging on that lovely fabric. (gags)

    In any case. Yes, your laptop sleeve is, like, totally awesome sauce. (Just pick me!)

  117. Pet peeve... People who can't calmly assess a situation and deal with it. I can't stand it when people overreact. Weird, I know. :)

  118. pet peeve - when my husband shaves over the bathroom counter and then leaves his beard hairs all over. SO GROSS. like seriously, I'm sorry you even had to read that. now i am just worked up :) super cute laptop sleeve!

  119. Anonymous5/21/2012

    My biggest pet peeve is when my husband leaves the dishcloth all scrunched up in the bottom of the sink. ICK!! DOUBLE ICK!

  120. Chewing with an open mouth. Arghh. It's awful

  121. I absolutely LOVE this laptop sleeve! One of my biggest pet peeves is incorrect grammar, misspelled words, etc. It drives me crazy!

  122. I love that laptop sleeve! I want one!

  123. sorry for the second post....
    my pet peeve is chewing ice!!!crunch crunch

  124. My pet peeve is a cell phone ringing during church. . . Unless it is God calling, do you really need to be answering your phone then?!

  125. Anonymous5/21/2012

    People standing above me with their coffees sloshing on the subway. Terrified I'm going to get dripped on.

    (Sorry, I don't have a login id for this, so my email is inkahmedia on yahoo.com)

  126. Not a fan when someone begins a story with "it 's so interesting...". Let pme decide if I think the story has legs of its own.

  127. Ohhh, love that laptop sleeve and I need one so bad! My pet peeve? It's kinda gross...when, mostly guys, blow their noses without a tissue if you get my drift. Yuck!! So, so very disgusting! That and spitting!

  128. When people leave trash 2 feet from the trash can. :P The laptop sleeve is lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!

  129. I cannot stand when my hubby or kids drop off their shoes right inside the front door. "Set them aside!" I'm always nagging :)

  130. Anonymous5/22/2012

    Head lice. You guessed it. They are out and about at our school. So far we have dodged them, but, like many nasties, perhaps it is only a matter of time!!

  131. I can't stand when people drag their feet. Really people?? Are they too heavy to lift?! If so, you need to work out!

  132. I really don't like it when my children read the opening credits to a family movie!! They can the trumpet sound to 20th Century Fox just don't read the credits!! LMAO...

    xo Steph

  133. Great laptop cover.

    Right now my biggest thing I can't stand is how my daughter won't sit at the table, she leans on it, bounces, stands, etc during a meal... and then to make it worse my husband will yell at her, then we have a disaster...

  134. I really love how it looks. It has a relaxing feel to it like you're always at home when you see it. My pet peeve would be those people who chew so loudly when eating.

  135. My pet peeve.... people who squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle.

  136. My pet peeve is people who talk smack behind your back and suck up to your face.

    majorasue at hotmail dot com

  137. I love the sleeve, beautiful!

    I hate when people complains about everything, without making any effort to make it better.

  138. Love the sleeve, my mum could use one of those! A big peeve of mine is people who drive 20-30km/hr under the speed limit because of bad weather but won't put their headlights on. I just don't get it...

  139. I can't stand listening to people chew. It's horrid! And I totally agree about the cereal/milk thing. My son does that no matter how much I ask him not to! Drives me nuts!

  140. I can't stand it when people don't wave when you let them in while driving. How hard is it people!!!!
    Also people who spend all the time on their electronic devices when you are visiting. Is it soooo important!! I think not.
    Love the sleeve, I need to make one for my laptop but haven't got around to it.

  141. Being asked a question when the asker doesn't care or listen to my response - like how are you?

  142. knuckles cracking ... uarghh ... - beginning every second sentence with "uhmm well ... " - having hour long conversations on the phone using public transport (it's usually a "too much information" situation)

  143. Hahaha - this is a pretty rad sleeve :)

    Ooh - I can just have a rage-fit when someone says "Ta" instead of "Thank you". How was something designed to acknowledge another person's effort and time be shortened to something so incredibly dismissive? Ugh - take the time to say two words!

    marilize (dot) paulsen (at) gmail (dot) com

  144. I really can't stand bad eating manners... have the elbows on the table while eating or a hand under the table... talking while eating... (so everybody can see the food inside your mouth)... holding the fork and knife not at the end...

    I know... not the important things in life... but on the other hand, one should appreciate food and all the work that went into it... having eating manners is not to complicated...

  145. It bugs me when people crunch chips really loudly. Really bugs me.
    I love this laptop sleeve. Adorable!

  146. Nice laptop sleeve.
    I really hate to see people spitting on the street.

  147. Love the laptop sleeve. I hate it when the paper on the toilet paper roll goes "under" the back instead of "over" the top. haha. I don't know why, but it really drives me crazy.

  148. Very cute sleeve!! Nice job Nancy! Now that I'm a Mom I seem to have a TON of pet peeves! First major one is probably pretty common.....I HATE repeating my self more than twice. Secondly I can't STAND it when no one replaces the toilet paper roll! Drives me batty!

  149. GORGEOUS lap top sleeve, just beautiful Nancy. My pet peeve is rude drivers - especially when you do something nice for them and then they don't even acknowledge it.... thanks for the fantastic giveaway

  150. When people who don't have kids say what they will "never" do when they have their kids, it irks me. I was that person before I had kids too though so I don't get really upset. I also hate the noise my husband makes when he gets a rough fingernail and tries to fix it smoother with his teeth.

  151. It annoys me when people leave wet towels on the floor and expect Mum to pick them up!!! Cheers, Karen

  152. Anonymous5/22/2012

    LOL...love your peeves...

    Mine is people who don't know how to drive...whether they just forgot, got too old or are just idiotic, you need to go the speed limit(at least) and use your signals! =)

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  153. Love your laptop sleeve! big pet peeve- people texting during dinner. What can possibly be more important than talking to the people you are with?!

    1. oops, forgot my email is


  154. L O V E the laptop sleeve! Pet Peeve: when I ask a child to pick up/clean up something, and the response I get is, "It's not mine!" I didn't ask if it was yours, I asked you to clean it up!
    mandiprout80 at gmail dot com

  155. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I am upset by people who drive slowly in the fast lane. I love babies. I made a laptop sleeve, also, but not as cute as yours...lol. lakeann@yahoo.com

  156. I can't stand people stopping for a chat at doorways... grrrrrrrr!

    I love your laptop case! beautiful fabric! crossing fingers...

  157. The nervous bouncing of the knee of someone sitting next to me makes me crazy!

  158. My pet peave is someone clipping their nails in public - yuck.

    Cute laptop sleeve. Thanks for the chance to win. Linda

    rodlindafansler at gmail dot com

  159. My biggest pet peeve is being trapped talking to someone who is really awkward and doesn't take social cues...yikes.

  160. So Cute!!! I love the chevron fabric on the inside! I don't really have many pet peeves, although I guess I do find people who talk on the phone in the bathroom pretty annoying. I always feel bad for the person on the other end of the line who has to listen to them pee while they talk! Gross!

  161. Lol! Very fun! I can't stand someone who it's eating crakkers or biscuits near me and someone who is speaking while eating! :D


  162. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I hate people being disrespectful. Like your laptop sleeve.

  163. Me irrita muito essa coisa chamada #mania de celular# Eu sou do tempo que telefone era para dar e receber notícias,marcar médico,felicitar alguém pelo aniversário etc..Parece que agora as pessoas não vivem sem ele...para tudo e em todo lugar.Tenho uma filha que a partir de ontem só vai falar comigo se me entregar o celular desligado.Ou eu já avisei que vou quebra-lo e não comprar outro.Estou fervendo!!!Obrigada,é linda sua peça.

  164. My pet peeve is people who scream into their cell phone in public. They can hear you! I promise!

    The laptop sleeve is adorable!!

  165. My pet peeve is when I want to win a giveaway such as this one so badly, and I don't win.

    Kidding, kidding! My biggest pet peeve for real is when people say, "We really want to have you over for dinner sometime," but really have no intention of ever inviting you over for dinner. We've moved a lot (and made GREAT friends from all the moves), but I think people think that's what they're supposed to say to people who are new in a community. And I personally think it's more polite to just not say anything than to lie. :-)

    Also ... my dad and my brother ALWAYS answer the phone and 50% of the time they respond, "I have to call you back, I can't talk right now." I'll never understand why they don't just let me leave a message and call me back when they have the time.

    Anyhow, on a positive note ... Not only could I really use a laptop sleeve - this one is beautiful! I mean, absolutely, stunningly beautiful!

  166. Misuse of the apostrophe and using text language in everyday speech.

  167. What a lovely laptop sleeve! :-)
    My pet peeve is having a listen to people eating really noisely, slurping, slooping, sipping, yuckety yuck yuck yuck!

  168. Love yellow & gray together! I would say my biggest pet peeve is people that rant their personal drama or complainants all over FB. It just screams too much negativity! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

  169. love the fabrics you chose for the laptop cover! Current pet peeve: the boarding house reach, reaching across your plate of food to snag the pepper.

  170. My biggest pet peeve is a little weird, but it makes me crazy: when people sing to themselves all the time. Especially if they're little made up songs, like about what they're doing or something. ARG. Those are just annoying, because it's like making the same joke over and over and expecting it to be funny all the time, but the serious singing is annoying too because I'm not sure if you're supposed to compliment the singer, listen politely, pretend it's not happening and just talk around it ... It sounds like a very specific thing, but I've known more people than you'd expect that do this! Um, ok, I'm done ranting. :)

    The laptop sleeve is gorgeous, but even more importantly, just this one post made me laugh several times, so I'm adding you to my feed reader right away. Thanks for the giveaway chance! (gotthebutton [at] me [dot] com)

  171. Your Laptop Sleeve is amazing so so pretty! My pet peeve is when people go around using a blue tooth in public, I have had people looking strait at me talking and I think they are talking to me and I go to answer and then relize they have a bluetooth and they walk away it just drives me crazy and it is just plain disrespectful. Thanks for the great giveaway though!!

  172. What a great laptop sleeve! My biggest pet peeve is people who crack their gum. I was in AC Moore the other day and the lady in the aisle with me did nothing but pop and crack her gum until I was about to lose my mind. I put my purchase on the shelf and left the store. I just couldn't take it anymore! :)

  173. What a beauty! Love it! I cant bear it when people spit (is this the right word in english?) on the floor. Ughs!

  174. My biggest pet peeve? People who do not rsvp! I mean seriously, how hard is it to let me know, one way or the other, if you will be there or not?

  175. Love the laptop sleeve. I hate it when people eat with their mouths open..or talking with a mouthful of food. Yuck!

  176. Biggest pet peeve: My browser crashing!

  177. I hate the style where the guys where their pants hanging down exposing their underwear.
    Your sleeve is beautiful though! I also love your blog! Thanks!

  178. biggest pet peeve...... when my children don't nap.....like now.

  179. I hate people talking really loud on their cell phones in lines...hate it! So rude!
    Thanks for such a great giveaway as I bought a MacBook Pro in December and still don't have a sleeve for it:)

  180. Oh, just one? Ha ha. Probably... motorcycles driving down my usually quite street and waking the baby. Ugh.
    peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

  181. My hubby leaves the kitchen cupboards open. All the time. Putting dishes away, all the cabinet doors open. Grabs a glass for some water, cabinet door open. Makes me absolutely insane and I feel like my house is a mess.

    Love the laptop sleeve! What a creative person you are :-)

  182. my biggest pet peeve is the 'one upper 'person, you konw the one, who got hurt wose than you, caught bigger fish, had higher fever, or whatever was much worse or better than whatever you did. they seem to know everything about everything, makes me want to put muzzle on their mouths.

  183. Beautiful fabric choices! My pet peeve is when cabinet doors or drawers are left just a little open, agh!

  184. I need one of those--your's is lovely and should I win, I won't have to make one myself! Biggest pet peeve... hmmmm, I have so many... ;-) The biggest happens every morning on my way to work, the "sheep-in-a-row" driving mentality, why, if you aren't turning right, do you drive in the right lane when the left lane is EMPTY?!? I have to turn right, so I have to wait through an extra traffic signal because you refused to change lanes! See, gets my goat every time....

    Also, I highly agree with Sharon Murray about the one-upper, that person is high on my list.

  185. My pet peeve is just general bad manners. I am, in compensation, overly polite to every customer service person I interact with. Maybe that is someone else's pet peeve and I am feeding it. Oh no!

  186. I have several, but at the top of my list is when people use "good" instead of "well". It's sill I know, but I have to keep myself from correcting them every time.

  187. My pet peeve is when people wad up the plastic wrap off their sandwiches and leave it on the table while they ( and I) am eating. It makes me want to vomet.
    Love that you said you started a blog to get off your butt. Pretty cool.

  188. Oops! My email is martyso@yahoo.com

  189. Gum popping. Makes me cringe. My mama always said, don't chew gum if you're going to chew it like a cow.

  190. One of my pet peeves is when people walk directly behind you. It annoys the heck out of me!

  191. Amanda5/22/2012

    Beautiful piece!!
    My pet peeve is when someone sees you and says 'how are you' and keeps walking! Don't ask me how I am if you're not interested in hearing the response!!!!

  192. This is great!!!! I have lots, but I hate it when my students roll the office chairs all over the room. I always say "it's a chair with wheels, not a wheel chair". Thanks for the giveaway!

  193. I would say what annoys me the most is when people let their dogs poop in my yard, and don't clean it up. Especially when it is right in front of my mail box . . . ick.

  194. Oh my. Ok, people who don't take any effort to recycle, although the means to do it are provided for them, e.g., our city provides recycling bins and picks up for no charge, but many still throw everything out. Thanks for asking and for the chance to win!

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