
Life Lately . . . warning- lots of pictures

First up, I want to let you know about an opportunity to serve a few youth.  My friend is collecting simple zippered pouches and drawstring bags for a camp she once served at.  I'm participating by donating a few pouches, and if you can sew and have the spare time, Danny would be most grateful.  You can read more about it here, but you should go visit anyways because 1. I told you to  2.  She's cool.

Second, Matt has been away for the week.  He has summer break, but that doesn't mean he gets a real break.  So he's quickly vacationing in the mountains backpacking and rock climbing for a full week while I slave away over a hot stove, sweep and mop the floors, wash and fold laundry, take care of a very needy, demanding two year old, clean house, attend to another baby in the house (our crazy, hyperactive, attention needing German Short-Haired Pointer), and feed and care for 11 chickens.  Our 12th one passed away due to natural causes this past Monday.  Of course, it just had to die the day Matt was gone.   Oh wait, was that a lot of complaining???

Okay, I kid, I kid.  This is what is really going on.  I totally wanted Matt to go on his vacation because he really needed and deserved it.  He works so hard with hardly any breaks.  And for all that woe-is-me crap above, that ain't really happening.  I mean, just check out my "washing and folding laundry."

This is what I have really been up to.  I painted all the baseboards and living room walls, and I started a few sewing projects.  Hopefully, I can tackle (meaning - just make it a goal to see the carpet again) my craft room before Matt gets home, and I can scan in more magazine clippings.  Is anyone else more productive when their husbands are away from the house longer than 10 hours a day?

Here's the before . . .

And here's a somewhat after . . .

We went strawberry picking, and I made jam.  Can't pick strawberries without eating them with cream.  And don't ask about that last picture.  I don't know what that brown stuff is on him.  Poop maybe?

Who really likes her Target earrings???  This girl (with two thumbs pointing at me).

I posted this picture earlier this month, but if you missed it, you missed out on my "get more sleep" technique when you have only one child.  Definitely worth checking out.

And a sneak peak at a project I'm working on for my nieces.   I can't believe it's taking me soooo long.  It's been sitting on the shelf waiting for my precious hands to tend to it.  That's why.

And a sneak peak at my giveaway on Monday!  I'm sooo excited!  Enter *squeal like a school girl*



  1. Anonymous5/17/2012

    Loving the earrings. At least your pile of laundry isn't in your living room! AND, the color looks great! You are awesome.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I love Owen smiling behind you in the car!!! You have been busy! I don't know that I could keep up with all that! lol And the girls are going to LOVE the project you have going for them. They love surprises! <3 You rock.

  3. I could not find this spot when you first changed your blog, but it is here now...
    You are so funny! I love they way you are totally honest....I love the pictures and specially love the one of you and owen in the car and the two of you and matt...love your laundry pile too...lol
    It was one of the tweedles huh??? I am so sad.......love to you guys
    oh bytheway...i love the new look of your blog

  4. Earrings pretty nice, brown stuff-dont want to know, love the paint job, I have piles of laundrey and I am one person, Im in LOVE with the little girl in the window-it could be me I used to draw views through a window as a kid, and I screamed when I saw my favorite JD print!

  5. Geez you get a lot accomplished when the hubby is away!! When mine is gone I'm too darn tired and loose all motivation. And there is usually mud caked on the kids and laundry on the floor on a daily basis in my house, hubby or no hubby.

  6. I'm a Target earring girl too! I just love them. So cheap! So fun!

    Did you hide your chonies before taking that picture?? :)

  7. I think I might love your blog. Glad to find you through the Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway. :-)


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