
Fat Quarter Bundle Giveaway

 This giveaway is now closed.

 I have teamed up with the wonderful Lela, from Cedar House Fabrics, and present you a wonderful giveaway for Sew, Mama, Sew!  Cedar House Fabrics carries 100% organic fabrics including my favorites Monaluna, Birch, and Cloud 9.   CHF is definitely my go-to shop for organics.  Customer service is beyond excellent!  You can also order any custom cut of fabric instead of the standard cuts!!!


  • One fat quarter bundle of Next Stop from Birch.  100% GOTS certified Organic Cotton
  • Open to all
  • Ends May 25th, 8PM EST, winner announced on this post and emailed.  Make sure I have your email address!

PLEASE ONLY LEAVE ONE COMMENT TOTAL.  If you forget something, just delete your old comment and make a new one.  :)


  • What kind of marketing tool do you think is the most successful for small businesses?  Facebook, Twitter, giveaways, personal relationships with the consumers, or something else?
  • If you have an account, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE  "like" Cedar House Fabrics on Facebook and/or EtsyDon't be a turd and not do it because it's one extra step.  Be nice, and show your appreciation.   This is an amazing bundle.

You can find Cedar House Fabrics at her main store, Etsy, and Facebook.
Best of luck my friends!!!



  1. I think twitter is one of the better ways to get things out there. I just started using it, also Pinterest!

    Caroline UPTOTE on etsy, I tried bloggin my business and just can't seem to do it, but tweeting works!

  2. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I think social media is the way to go! Also, of course, word of mouth! I have a small etsy store and give my handmade gifts to family and they pass along my store name or card when people stop to ask them about their bags in stores and stuff. It's nice to at least have that little seed planted even if nothing comes from it!

  3. I think it is probably not just one thing, but a combination of all of the ones you have listed. I know that Facebook and Twitter can really help, but you have to get people there first. Getting the word out on blogs whether it is a giveaway or an announcement about a promotion has swayed me to research new shops and several of them are now my go-to stores. I never would have found them without reading the blogs I follow.

  4. I prefer the Facebook route; more folks are likely to have a FB account than any other single social media outlet. Thanks!

  5. Although social media is a powerful way to reach new customers, I believe that giving customers an unforgettable experience, answering their questions, and thanking them for their business is the real key to success!! In the end, happy and returning customers will spread the word for you. That is what Lela taught me when I first started ordering from her website!!!

  6. I think FB is great as an introductory thing, blogging and personal relationships help keep them once you've got them. I'm on Twitter but I never go on there unless a giveaway asks me to.

  7. FB is good, but probably a blog too.
    I like you on FB by the way!
    thanks for the chance!

  8. I favourited you on Etsy--(Albertine) Thanks for a great giveaway. I think a lot of personal relationships help alot!!!

  9. I don't do FB, twitter or pinterest so the whole social media thing is lost on me. I have found out about a lot of online shops from blog recommendations and/or giveaways. When I buy from these shops usually a great deal is what lures me in the first time. After that, the selection and customer service are what bring me back.

  10. Etsy is great , best one in my opnion, facebook great for get closer with customers and twitter as well... any of social network helps for a good marketing.

  11. Anonymous5/22/2012

    Great fabric! I have tried Facebook, really I have, but I just can't bear it. If it affects my sales then so be it - I'd rather be making something or photographing something or listing something and getting my stuff 'out there' than allowing the hours to be swallowed up 'socialising'. As for Twitter...... However, I don't want to be a 'turd' so I'm off to favourite you on Etsy, which I do like, but you'll have to trust me as my privates are favourite (and vice versa).

  12. Word of mouth is great.

  13. Tutorials on blogs are usually what gets me to a sight and makes me look around. I think they are a great marketing tool.

  14. I think a combination of Facebook and blog is the best way, I really like it when I can get to know someone/company via their blog it seems more personal and feel that it is friendlier interaction. I found Lela's site over a year ago while googling for organic fabrics, being in Canada I found it very challenging to have fabrics shipped to me at a reasonable cost and she was so friendly and accommodating. I really appreciated that and have recommended her store to my friends.

  15. I love looking at things on Pinterest and giveaways always get peoples attention on a blog. The bes tthing of course is fantastic service so people return to you and reccomend you to their friends. Great giveaway, thank you. I have liked you on facebook too.

  16. Anonymous5/22/2012

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous5/22/2012

    That's a tough question! I think having a personal relationship with consumers that extends beyong the random polls and thank you's is super important. Pictures and FB updates are great but what you want is a real person's feedback. I'm more likely to purchase something because a person told me so-and-so had great selection and was super awesome with shipping on time/going the extra mile to make sure the product was packaged properly/asked what I was making than if I just look at a product description and picture. But linking up with other blogs, making connections with your "competition" to do things like this giveaway or virtual craft parties are great too. It peaks interest and brings people back.
    Oh, and Pinterest doesn't hurt either. Pinning your products/blog posts is allowed as long as it's not the only thing you pin and I know people who got amazing sales because of a randomt item that got pinned.

    dani(dot)carroll(347) at gmail(dot)com

  18. dande413@yahoo.com5/22/2012

    I would agree that word of mouth is great for us that are not computer savy but the younger ones do the FB, pinerest and twitter. If your product is good the word will spread no matter how you put it out there. BTW Fabric is amazing.

  19. Thanks for the give away! I'm not sure what the best tool is, and please don't take this personally, but I'm afraid calling readers turds if they don't do something is not the way to go.

  20. That is a fantastic bundle! I ran right over and liked you on FB. That being said, for me personally, I'm don't do a lot of commerce-type things on FB. It's literally for me to keep up with photos and witty things my friends say since I live away from them. But I'm an avid/obsessive blog reader. So, blog content can really drive my interactions with a shop or vendor. All the best to you and your growing business!

  21. Lisa Wilson5/22/2012

    I would say that any social media site is a great business tool. Also word of mouth can do amazing things for small businesses. Which can tie into the entire social media conglomerate :)

  22. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I think tools like facebook, twitter and pinterest are great, but really it is the people using them that are what makes them work. E.g. you as a small business using them doesn't make a difference, but your customers using them and spreading the word does! It's word of mouth for the digital age. I think giveaways are a great way of getting new visitors (whether they hang around or not depends on if they really are a good fit for your business) and rewarding your customers! All that being said if you can't provide a nice friendly,professional service, unless you are the only one selling your product etc. no one will want to come back and buy from you again! Hope I haven't repeated what everyone else has said! I'm already following cedar house fabrics on facebook and on etsy!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Give aways are great! Not everyone is into social media-I'm not. I added you to my faves @ Etsy. I loooooove ETSY!

  25. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I think getting the word out there through giveaways grabs peoples attention. Once you have their attention I think it's great to have some great substance to keep their attention, like a great blog w/ project tutorials & an online shop (like purl bee), and of course, this needs to be followed up with fantastic customer service (maybe some rewards/sales) which builds great relationships and follow-up business! :)

    Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. I have added the shop to my easy favs.

    handmadebytracie (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. Rebecca M.5/22/2012

    definitely social media!


  27. Hosting giveaways on blogs is a good way to incentivize people to have a look at a business's website.

    garnet.a.wing at gmail dot com

  28. I say blogs and giveaways, great customer service, etc. I used to use facebook, but they are always changing things and making it harder to use. I hate it now so I stopped using it. Giveaways really bring people in and then when they get there, they look around and find new things to like.

  29. Anonymous5/22/2012

    Having a fairly new business, I am still working out which avenues are the most helpful for me. I like having a fan page on Facebook for my Plush. This is a great place to share new creations and post links to my blog. It's a better way to share, because the people who "like" my page are the ones who genuinely want to see what I am up to and I don't feel like I am soliciting them. Also, my friends share my art on Facebook and that is always a great network. I just joined Pinterest and that seems to be helpful in promoting my items. Cheers, and great blog btw!
    Jenny Smith Plush Artist West Hollywood

  30. I definitely think Pinterest is rising to the top, especially for crafty type topics!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  31. Oh, gosh, you are asking the wrong person. I don't think any one thing is the best--I think you need to do all of them these days!

  32. I think that you need to use a combination of social media a blog and twitter, and word of mouth. Good luck with your business!

  33. I'm always wondering this too. As a customer I tend to go to shops recommended by other bloggers, but good, friendly service will make me return again or not. Also, didn't like the 'don't be a turd' comment, it put me off a little if I'm honest.

  34. I'm not on any of the "social media" so can't comment as to that. I buy a lot of my fabric online; I'll often discover a new shop from something posted on a blog, sometimes it is a giveaway. Here are examples of things two of my favorite shops do to keep me returning as a customer: Hawthorne Threads gives several different volume and/or returning customer discounts. Intrepid Thread has fabulous prices/sales and always there's a "personal thank you". Both of these shops offer outstanding customer service: they're not "stingy" with their cuts; their prices are good; their shipping is amazingly fast; and I always feel appreciated as a customer at both of these shops. Sorry for the novel ;>) Thanks for the chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

  35. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I think Facebook and a blog are really good for building a relationship with customers. I tend to buy more from those companies that have made that effort to connect with me.

  36. Very nice, thank you! :)
    I think facebook is a very valuable tool and giveaways always draw interest, but for true established friends and repeat customers, it's the relationships that are ultimately the most important in my opinion. :)
    Thanks for the giveaway...new facebook fan here too!

  37. Great giveaway and kudos for having a unique and challenging question. For me, social networking wise, Pinterest has my interest now (forgive the pun!)

    If I think back to my etsy and online fabric purchases and what makes me go back is someone who made the shopping experinece extra special--the way it was packaged, or a small freebee, a loyalty program, and fast shipping.

  38. I think social media is great, but I love reading blogs. It puts more personality behind the twitter feed or facebook page

  39. Blogland and other people's reviews definitively. Once the word is spread in blogland about a business I think it instantly receives lot of attention. So, in my opinion, good relations with "influential people" are a must.

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  40. I think Facebook is a great marketing tool. I don't know very many people who use twitter. I love Birch fabrics, thanks for the chance.

  41. Discounts and giveaways and friends posting them on facebook are useful for me. I don't always have the time to search through blogs to find out the good deals, but when I see that a friend found a good deal, then I am likely to go to that shop. (I added this shop to one of my favorites....that is helpful for me on Etsy too because I can go back and find the stores I have heard about)

  42. Shannon5/22/2012

    I agree with many here. Facebook is an easy way to build your online presence but you have to keep them coming back and interested. Blogs and giveaways are perfect for that.
    And like the above person mentioned, in this day and age, personal service and attention to detail in things like packaging will create a loyal customer out of me, because I really appreciate that level of service.
    (Shannonkorreck (at) gmail (dot) com)
    (I'm already a fan of Cedar House on FB! (: )

  43. I already bought some fabric from Lela and know she is the best! I already like her on FB. I believe Facebook is a very powerful tool for a small business to grow and have some visibility!

  44. Anonymous5/22/2012

    Giveaways are great because everyone likes free stuff. I love CHF!! Great fabrics:) But didn't care for the "turd" comment-unprofessional:(

  45. I'd say facebook too but that's because it's the only one I use. And of course good customer service goes a long way by virtual "word of mouth" :)

  46. Facebook seems to be an up and coming method in the marketing world :)

  47. Facebook is becoming a really good way to market your stuff, much better than it used to. I 'liked' CHF on FB, and I love this giveaway!

  48. I think facebook is the most successful way to make people get to know you, giveaways are also very popular. I have favourited you on my etsy account. Thank you for the generous giveaway

  49. i have to say, i'm trying hard to stay away from twitter, because it's just ONE MORE THING to "do." so, personally, either facebook or pinterest would work the best.

  50. I think having an excellent blog is what will keep people coming back - good content, quality photos, clean design. Social media is the way to get people to your blog, but once they're there you have to keep them. P.S. - I added CHF to my favorites on Esty. Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Excellent service is #1, but I have heard many people have success with Facebook.

  52. I love Cedar House Fabrics, I have a package on the way, and this bundle is totally awesome for my kiddos and shoes for my Etsy business! Ok...so facebook has worked well so far and linking Etsy with it; sharing with my friends what I can do and spread the word that way, but doing your best with each customer for repeat business and thus personal recommendations is the goal!
    mlower03 at yahoo dot com

  53. I want to enter now just because you used the word "turd" in your post. I don't have Facebook. I lot of people rave about it, but I don't get it. I have Twitter, but I don't find any business comes from it. Pinterest is good, but you run the risk of getting pinned to a DIY board, and if you're not DIY then that makes people mad. I really like Etsy, and I do a lot of BNS treasuries and that has gotten me a lot of sales.

  54. Seriously IN LOVE! I have 2 little boys who I am itching to craft for so this would be a FANTASTIC fabric bundle for them! Love the colors! So, to answer your questions:

    What kind of marketing tool do you think is the most successful for small businesses? In our experience as a pattern shop we have found that Facebook, and Giveaways, and sponsorship on crafting blogs really increase traffic to our shop.
    Also I have liked Cedar House Fabrics on Facebook! THEY ROCK!

    Sincerely, Laura Hooker samthehamsmom@gmail.com

  55. LOVE those fabrics! I make most of my sales over facebook so I'd go with that. and I added that shop to my favourites!

  56. Wow, this is great fabric! I've just started a small business (well within the last year) and I think cultivatng the face to face relationships with consumers has been our best marketing tool. Good word of mouth always helps too, whether it be via social networking or face-to-face.

  57. I think a blog and facebook are great ways for building customer relationships.

  58. I think a blog that is inspiring and real is the best marketing tool. Facebook is also a great tool. Everyone goes on there at least one a day. Finally, I liked you on etsy :]

  59. I think pintrest and Facebook are great ways to get the word out there.

  60. I think Twitter and Facebook are great ways for smaller businesses to really connect with their customers, particularly if the business is one that operates online. The company I work for (a car dealership) tries to use social media but it's difficult to figure out HOW to use it because we only sell locally but are working on a global scale (if that makes sense). I've been pleasantly surprised, though, when I've contacted some bigger companies on Twitter (Old Navy and Bank of America) and they responded to me.

    I liked your Facebook page. Thanks for the chance to win such a great bundle!

  61. I may be an old curmudgeon, but I'm not a turd! I don't FB, Tweet or Pin. None of those things interest me as much as good old fashions blogging, and reviews by people I trust are what often lead me to check out shops. I know some of the same people whose blogs I read are also utilizing the other social sites, but I don't feel compelled to follow them there. In fact, I feel a bit insulted when shops offer special deals only to FBers or tweeters. My advice would be to not walk away from one following while trying to attract a new one. Thanks for the giveaway, and for giving a non-turd cumudgeon a soapbox.

  62. I don't use Facebook, but do think it's a great way to market. I am a Twitter fan, but from previous experience in business, I think FB wins.

    I liked you on Etsy! Love the organics!

  63. Social media linked to discounts and giveaways.

  64. I mainly trade in craft fairs/markets around the local villages. I think personal recommendations are the best. Also being a regular at the same market is essential as well. Facebook is good for publishing your next market or your next creation and also for some promotion if the market organisers are using facebook for publicity. Blog would be a good one but I find it hard to keep it update as I'm not that creative with writing.

  65. I think facebook is great. It shows up on my feed and gets me thinking about what I want. Newsletters are good too but at times I get on an email deleting frenzy and don't read them. Thanks for the giveaway. I wasn't a "turd" and liked you on facebook ;)

  66. LMAO don't be a turd, that is hilarious!

    I don't understand Twitter, though I'm sure it's the wave of the future. Facebook is pretty handy for getting the message out though. It's so hard to say, I think social media is evolving faster than we can imagine and I think you really need to have a presence on most of the major social networks to fully promote your business. A lot of work for sure!

  67. I would have to say Social media linked to discounts and giveaways. Thanks, Jera

  68. Liked you on FB. I say Twitter and giveaways!

  69. For fabric shops, I think giveaways, sales, and pinterest are best. I don't like facebook - I only created an account with a fake name so I could "like" things and win free stuff.

  70. Social media to gain customers, and once you have them, customer service. I'll pay more from a source if they've given me good service in the past. Adore these fabrics. Thanks for the chance!

  71. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I am finding a personal touch is what keeps people around. You have to make it real. I do think social media can get people there in the first place, but you've gotta have something special to keep them there. I favorited on Etsy, cause I just don't get facebook or twitter. At least pinterest gives me something to look at.

  72. Hi! I have 2 successful small business and I do not believe in social media (expect blog). I do not work with facebook or twitter, do not even have an account. I think the 3 keys for success are. 1- the quality of your products/services 2- the way you display them, 3 - the quality of your relationship with your customers. I think social medias could be a +, but can not replace those 3 basic "must". (I stay available if you want to talk more about that :-). Thanks for this great giveaway!

  73. Facebook is good but I'd rather read blogs.

  74. I think the most important is how you deal with your customers... ! and of course the quality of the products!
    thanks its an amazing giveaway

  75. I don't really use Facebook or Twitter, so I find most new blogs and businesses through other blogs.

  76. blogging is great, as well as having a presence on other blogs, via interviews, guest posts, giveaways, etc.

  77. I think Facebook is great for marketing... and giveaways. I always LOVE a giveaway! Coupon codes really sucker me in too, if I can get a discount on something I REALLY want but don't need I usually get it anyway.

    I like Cedar House on Facebook and favorite on Etsy. :)

    marciekennedy at gmail dot com

  78. I think being out in your own community helps.

  79. As a reader of lots of crafting and quilting blogs, bloggers' opinions and endorsements of online fabric stores is a really important way I find out about new shops.

  80. pinterest is fab, and being linked from other blogs.

  81. I agree with Miranda, above. I often check out (and buy!) from shops I read about on blogs. I did the non-turd thing, and also looked for a Twitter account, but couldn't find it. I really like the look of the shop - great new source for organic fabrics. Would love to see organic knits as well. Thanks for the chance!

  82. I've only tried a few, but I think it will always come down to building relationships. For me, that's on my blog and through flickr.

  83. Sorry, I have no marketing advice but thanks for the giveaway. Love those cameras!

  84. I think giveaways and building relationships...having a sale like free fat quarter of such and such when you buy 4, or something like that, has gotten my attention. I go to a particular etsy shop often because it has a free FQ of the week, with purchase.

  85. I would have to say FB, but also a good relationship with customers. I think that people are looking for that personal connection.

  86. I liked you on Facebook! I think that's a great marketing tool for small businesses. Thank you for the giveaway!


  87. I'm still stumbling through marketing. I'm finding other blogs and giveaways help. And Twitter is starting to make an impact for me.

  88. I think that giveaways on popular blogs is a successful way to go about getting your name out there. Especially ones that require a person to go to the shop and look around. I favorited on etsy

  89. I think giveaways and relationships with customers!

  90. I think having a blog that also posts good sales, info, and tutorials is the best way. Twitter and FB to let people know about your blog. But, customer service will win out in the end, then it is all word of mouth.

  91. I think giveaways to bring people in and relationships and email newsletters to keep em around are good tools. Not so much, for me, with fb or twitter cause sometimes it feels too congested.

  92. I think a mix of all. There are 3 LQS in my area and none of them even take advantage of FB which I think is shocking.

  93. I actually know nothing about marketing but I do know that I love the fabric that you are offering for your Giveaway...wonderful fabric.

  94. That is a great giveaway! I think making friends and being yourself is important. I once read, "When the marketers show up, the users flee" about Social marketing. I've found it helpful to remember this on my Facebook page. :) I already LOVE Ceder House on Facebook. :)

  95. I think FB, blogs and pinterest working together are great marketing tools.

  96. I think facebook and personal relationships probably help most. Giveaways too--I've bookmarked lots of shops after being introduced to them thru a giveaway.

  97. Since I've starting blogging, I really listen up when one of my favorite bloggers recommends an online store or specific product. So, in a way, word of mouth works great for marketing!

  98. i think facebook is a decent tool but the best thing is to respond to comments!

  99. Pinterest and linking up with other blogs seems to be what has helped me the most - although participating in this giveaway has driven my numbers up exponentially and I really hope I've earned some more permanent fans.
    Such a mouth watering bundle of fabric, I cannot wait to check out Cedar House Fabrics when I have a little extra spending money, I hadn't heard of them before. =)

  100. Holy WHAT?! Love this! I don't have a business, but I would say networking is key. The more friends you make, the easier it is to get them to convince their friends to buy from you!

  101. Great customer service, I think, is the key to a successful business. People always come back and tell others.

  102. I am a big fan of Pinterest and Facebook as a means of getting the message out there. Twitter kind of took over my life so I had to walk away!

    I agree with those that have mentioned customer service too - it is a BIG factor when deciding who to buy from. Feedback helps the seller and future customers too!

  103. probably facebook but good customer relations are the most important for me...i vote with my feet...if i like the service i go back or otherwise my feet take me somewhere else

  104. I think a blog presence, twitter, and facebook is important. Sponser blogs and multiple giveaways. If selling fabric and you are everywhere when someone wants fabric they think of you first. Saturate the market you want o sell to. And I am no turd.

  105. Anonymous5/22/2012

    LOL...your comment made me laugh. =)

    I think that promotion is key on Etsy...I didn't do well there, so I can't honestly give many tips. I joined a team and made most of my sales within the team...so relationships do count for something. I know you can do sales - discounts, etc. - with the economy, that might be a good way to go, if you can promote the sale in advance. Giveaways are nice too...but I don't know that you'll do more than give stuff away. =)

    Thanks for a chance to enter.

  106. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I have also given you a heart on Etsy...I don't have FB...and I love that orange bundle!!! Thanks again.

  107. I think great customer service is the best marketing tool for any business. Facebook, Twitter, etc. are great for getting your name out there, but you need to be able to follow through on the service. Thanks for the great giveaway. (I liked Cedar House Fabrics)

  108. i am no turd! i already have cedar house as a favorite shop on etsy! i am not on facebook or twitter so i cannot do that one...what do i think is a good marketing tool? word of mouth works for me. i am on flickr alot and lots of shops get thrown out as suggestions as to where to shop or who is having a good sale...so that is where i get most of my information. or i google for a fabric. i have no experience wiht facebook/twitter but i magine word gets around.
    giveaways are always a crowd pleaser! thanks for hosting this one!

  109. Social media is the way to go!
    I added Cedar House Fabrics to my Etsy favorites!

  110. I think that Facebook is the most used tool of those you mentioned by people I know. I Liked Cedar House Fabrics on facebook.

  111. I have liked CHF on facebook and esty and they have another heart on esty now too. Checked out the shop and really lked waht I saw. I think things like giveaways can help any business to make people aware of them after that it basicly comes to customer service. Thanks for a chance to win this great fabric

  112. Thanks for the giveaway! Personal relationships and excellent service make a big difference.

  113. Have been a fan of CHF for ages, so already like her, but I liked her via Etsy now too so I'm not turd!
    I think that word of mouth is definitely the best way of gaining more customers, I use facebook and twitter, but really don't enjoy it...do it because I think you have to to keep up with the Joneses!

  114. I like twitter better than Facebook. I like to keep my Facebook focused on my friends and family, but I love seeing giveaways and sales posted on my twitter feed!

  115. The one thing that matters most to me as an online shopper is an attractive, well organized site!

  116. I'm not on twitter or facebook, so I don't find them a good way, but getting attention through your blog with a great project or tutorial can really get you noticed ! Thanks for the giveaway!

  117. Anonymous5/22/2012

    I think personal contacts are really important.

    Julia @ Stars&Sunshine
    starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com

  118. I'd say blog and personal contacts, but I'm an anomaly who hates Facebook and Twitter.

  119. I think you can build a lot of recognition through giveaways, but you have to then have the customer service to back it up! I favorited the Etsy shop :-) Thanks for the chance to win!

  120. That is a fabulous bundle. I think these days the giveaways work the best, but you have to also have great friendly service to get repeats.

    I liked you on FB.

  121. I think giveaways get people to see the product. Everyone loves to win something and the extra traffic might increase sales.

  122. I like blogs I can follow in Google Reader so I can be updated about challenges, sales, and giveaways. Telling me there's only one bundle left can get me to start typing pretty fast to place my order.

    I already like them on Facebook. I've got some good fabrics from Cedar House Fabrics.

  123. I do go to sales that I see on my Facebook stream, however, my first choice is always to go to shops owned by folks I know and have a relationship with (although few of them ever call me a turd). I always check the Etsy shops of the quilters in my guild first. I have one local fabric shop that I frequent because I enjoy the company of the staff (also in my guild). The rest of the time I pay attention to the Trueup sales emails, emails from shops I have already purchased from, and finally I do a search on etsy for a particular print. I did like you on facebook.

  124. I think personal relationships is always important. They don't always have to be face-to-face though. I feel like I "know" some of the people whose blogs I read and therefore I tend to buy from their stores more than the random unknown person's store.

  125. I think facebook is the best because it is free and reaches alot of people

  126. I think just being a great business: good customer service, small nice touches like good packaging etc. I enjoy buying from small business who have relationships with my favorite bloggers.

  127. Thanks fro the giveaway. I think Facebook and blogs are good.

  128. Does fabric get any cuter than this?! Darling! I'm not a business owner, but I do work in a small retail setting, and I honestly think friendly, personal service is the way to get customers to keep coming back. As far as actual marketing, I think having a blog and an Etsy shop are the way to go!:) Thanks for the chance to win!

  129. If you're discussing online businesses, I find new ones from the blogs I read. For brick and mortar, friendly helpful employees will make word-of-mouth the best marketing tool money can't buy.

  130. I think advertising on blogs/giveaways are a great way to get new business, but keeping the business coming back is personal service. I usually find new fabric stores from blogs I read & check with the ones that treat me well first when I am looking for new fabric. I did like on FB, but I don't check it too often these days, so that is why I didn't list it as an effective tool.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  131. Eu acho blog e contato pessoal,Eu não tenho e não gosto de FB r T.Esse tipo de evento que está acontecendo nesses dias rende muito mais vendas e até amizade sincera.Eu estou comprando meus tecidos importados de uma blogueira que virou amiga.Quem sabe não acontecerá entre eu e você?tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com

  132. I think giveaways that require you to go to the online store is helpful, I know I usually end up buying something when I have to do that!

  133. I think Twitter and Facebook are a good way of getting to know your customers and sharing a bit of yourself with them.

  134. I think facebook and blogging are good ways to get started but you've got to have good customer service...or you're outta luck!

  135. Sponsoring giveaways during bloghops, pinterest, flickr, etsy, fabshop hop and advertising on facebook are some of the things I can think of off the top of my head.

  136. I think giveaways like this one are a great way to become known -- this is the first time I've heard of you! And these are really great fabrics.

  137. Great giveaway! I think giveaways and reviews by bloggers is an excellent way for publicity!

  138. Cute fabrics! I think that having a relationship with your customers (and potential customers) is most important to me as one of those customers. I like to feel like the business knows who I am. Facebook is a great way to do this, I think.

  139. Hahaha, you make me laugh. Don't be a turd indeed! I don't personally 'get' Twitter (I know what it is, I just don't know *why* it is, if you know what I mean). I do think giveaways are helpful for getting the word out about your products, and gathering potential customer lists or email addresses. I echo the comments about customer service. Also shipping costs are pretty important to me because I live in Canada. So many people charge wayyyyyyyy too much to ship to Canada from the US! (Hey, that should have been my pet peeve on your previous post!).

  140. I think establishing a relationship via a blog is the best way. Pink Chalk Fabric is a grat example of this. Most of the time, I buy my fabric from someone I feel a connection to, either through their blog or a quilting forum.

    Thanks for the introduction to Cedar House Fabrics.

  141. I think word-of-mouth is your best bet! Great customer service will be talked about!

  142. I've found most stores via Etsy, actually... And I like it better than Facebook because I don't have to use my real name so I can like things over there without my boss thinking I'm weird for liking whatever I like :-). Off to go check out Cedar House Fabric on Etsy... thanks for the introduction!

  143. I like to hear from bloggers as to where they like to buy fabric online. I will second the comments that recognize giveaways as a good way to get your shops name out there.

  144. Getting recommendations (by being great) from bloggers is a great way to go. For example, I follow Grosgrain, I Still Love You, Oonaballoona and a few others for inspiration. I would take seriously reviews and recommendations from them.

  145. For me it is also the bloggy world. Most of the time I find shops through interviews, guest posts and give aways (which are always fun). Perhaps having something like a Block of the month or a free tutorial section also attracts a lot.

  146. "don't be a turd" that's hilarious, and I'm gonna use it all day long tomorrow!

    I think this link up has been a very useful way to market (ps: I'm taking part in Sew Mama Sew's giveaway day too ----> highlandghillie.blogspot.com)

    I hope you have a great day, and nobody acts turd-like at all!

  147. Am neither on facebook or twitter, however I follow all my favorite blogs via email subscription or newletters.
    I don't have time to go to all the blogs but I read all my emails regularly.

  148. I think blog reviews & giveaways are a great tool for small businesses. I've hosted several on my blog and I think it really gets the word out. It not only showcases your products but increases your followings on Facebook and Twitter and even your newsletters. I know I've found several great companies that I never would have found before after having entered a giveaway to win their products.

    And to be totally not turd-worthy...I liked you on Facebook and gave you the fav on Etsy (shel704)
    shel704 at aol dot com

  149. I think personal relationships with customers are definitely important, if I know a shop would help me find exactly what I want with a friendly service I would be more likely to shop with them :) x

  150. Marketing depends on the type of business and where it is located. If local and non-internet based nothing beats developing relationships with yur customers. Word of mouth and referrals based on customer experience are gold.

    sewsuzie at live dot com dot au

  151. Promoting yourself however you can Internet friends craftfairs donating to a cause

  152. I would have to say Facebook!

  153. I would say a good marketing strategy, like FB and a giveaway combined. Thanks for the opportunity.

  154. To me the best marketing is something else, it's good quality and being nice to your customers, if it's on twitter, FB or in a blog post, it doesn't really matter, but good photos is also great.

    Love the camera fabric, it's fab!

  155. I have a spot at a Farmers Market in the summer and do a few craft shows in the fall. Most of what I have are repeat customers-being friendly and making unique, quality items works for me!

  156. I recently purchased some fabric from Cedar House & was very happy with their customer service & quick postage. I think small businesses need to engage with their customer on a personal level. Regular blog posts, giveaways & sew alongs might be a good marketing tool for a fabric shop. Love the Birch fabrics, thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  157. Facebook pages seem to be all the rage right now. Are they effective? Not sure, from a customers point of view. Word of mouth is the best and if they sponsor a blog and do a giveaway and offer a coupon to get teh first wave to customers in... Food for thought anyways. Your giveaway is great :)

  158. facebook seems to be working the best for us! We've tried blog and twitter as well, but facebook, local craft markets (ALWAYS hand out your cards!) and competitions seem to be the thing that gets most attention.

  159. social media is it these days! love this fabric!!

  160. I think at first, personal contact and building relationships is important. Then as you build those clients, they will start helping you advertise by word of mouth. Then you can go the social media route to help. But build a great relationship first.

  161. Because so many people don't get into facebook or twitter (including me), I'd say personal relationships go the farthest in getting my business. Giveaways don't hurt. :)

  162. facebook is very useful when it comes to promoting your business. Also, don't underestimate the value of giveaways on OTHERS' blogs when it comes to marketing your products. Even though I've never won a giveaway, you don't know the number of fantastic shops I've been introduced to and eventually shopped at just because they gave away their products on blogs I follow regularly.

  163. I think that the best marketing tool a online company can have these days is an up to date, well laid out website, because there are some out there I click off as soon as I see how awkward it is to find what I want, or how poorly they have photographed the fabrics. Thanks for the great giveaway and the chance to win.

  164. the cameras are adorable!
    I think giveaways and personal relationships are the name of the game. Nice packaging helps you stick in the customer's mind and giving cards after conversations really go a long way.

  165. I love Birch fabrics - am hoarding two gorgeous bundles to make quilts for my kids. The thing that always makes me go back to a supplier is great customer service - including speedy dispatch, beautiful packaging and good communication - sure I'm going to be bummed if something I order is out of stock, but let me know asap and I'll get over it. Thanks for the giveaway - I don't do FB but will head to Etsy right now xx

  166. I think social media is the best way to get your business out there. Thanks for the giveaway

  167. I think the best marketing is probably also the most complex - word of mouth, person by person. My daughter is also an online fabric shopper, and when one of us orders fabric, the other knows about it. We email frequently about our transactions, how fast it came, was the owner pleasant, anything special about the order etc. We tend to patronize the same stores; when one of us is pleased, the other becomes a customer too.

  168. Good morning! I just signed in and Like you on FB and Etsy as Mountain Quiltworks. You can follow me back, if you'd like! As far as marketing tool for small business, I'd go with FB for the social networking aspect - it's used far more than others, and it gets your name right in front of your audience. Keeping your name out there is key. Developing a personal relationship, rather it be in the form of one-on-one if you're local, or your written relationship if you're dealing through Etsy or online, is paramount to any business. Making the customer feel special is what makes her want to return next time to do repeat business with you!

  169. Anonymous5/23/2012

    What a great bundle indeed! I'd say great customer service and word of mouth. I really don't get into the social media too much.

  170. What a lovely bundle. I'm not a user of Twitter so much and I've only found the blogging community in January but I've already been influenced to buy. I've found little online shops I would never have found otherwise. I think giveaways on blogs are a great way to attract customers but also having a lot of free content is great too. Leah Day is writing a great series of blogs at the moment about setting up a business online that I've found really interesting (if you haven't already read it).

  171. I think that pinterest is a great way to get noticed, also giveaway on blogs that have a good following.

  172. Anonymous5/23/2012

    I believe that blogs/craft markets and personal networking with family/friends near aand far (online friends) may be great for small businesses.


  173. I don't tweet but I FB and also enjoy Pinterest. I think a combo of all these are a great help! Giveaways certainly draw us in too ! hah
    LOVE the camera fabric, my DD is a photographer and would LOVE love love this ! Thanks for the giveaway !

  174. Beautiful picturescand great customer service will go a long way

  175. Liked on FB and Favorited on ETsy! no shipping?! that's fabulous! and I love the cat head--it's like a voodoo doll!

  176. I think FB and inspirational blog posts / pictures go a long way. Giveaways are great, too!

  177. I'd say giveaways. The Intrepid thread had giveaways all over blogland and I stated purchasing from her because i wanted to support her generosity!

  178. As much as I hate to say it, giveaways that you sponsor on other blogs.

  179. this is lovely giveaway.Blog land and net communications is very helpful but also friends and customers who already get something and talk about it.

  180. I the with out a doubt facebook is huge but I'm beginning to see that blog giveaways are really bringing people out of the woodwork. I usuallydont seek out giveaways, I'll enter them if I see one pop up on facebook. But I have found so many amazing blogs and fabric shops through sms giveaway day! It's rad!

  181. I may be the exception here, but I am not a fan of social media - at all. I think blogging is effective but giveaways are a sure-fire way of drawing people into your website. Thanks!

  182. I'm no longer a turd and liked them on Facebook and left a little message:) Participation I think is helpful. I notice in blog land that one blogger really leads to another. That's how I found out about Hawthorne Threads and some Etsy shops. Getting in on swaps, sew a longs, giveaways, contests and tutorials seems to get your name out there. I Follow on Facebook and pinterest for inspiration only. You can only read so much.

  183. tutorials and giveaways. i don't have a facebook account but get bounced around from other peoples blogs and etsy sites. thanks.

  184. Wonderful bundle! I think that personal relationships with customers really help to carry a small business. And also a strong online presence. I'm off to like the Etsy store! BTW, I found your giveaway at The One Stop Giveaway Shop.

  185. I think giveaways are a great way to get more traffic, I found some of my favorite blogs and sellers that way...Facebook is a great tool too. I also love pinterest, if I see something I really like and want to make it or want to buy it then the link to the original site is another great way to get consumers to your site...I also think I buy more from sites that have tutorials, if i am buying a fabric it is great it the blog or whatever also has some great tutes for how to use that fabric, and I usually buy more fabric if i see somethink that i want to make with it:)

  186. Sponsoring and participating with bloggers is how I find out about fabric shops. When the blogger posts about them being a sponsor, or about the fabric they got from that shop and the excellent service they received in getting the fabric, or how the shop owner put together a custom bundle for them, or is sponsoring their quilt along, etc. etc....They need to get their name out there and make sure it is synonymous with excellent service.

    I "liked" them on FB. This is a fabulous bundle, I'm looking forward to seeing what else they have!

  187. I still appreciate good old fashioned email to stay updated...it's the one thing I know I'll always check at least once per day.

  188. I think customer service is key! I work at my LQS where we do get online orders, but most of our sales are done in the brick & mortar shop. A smile & a friendly word will ensure a good shopping experience even when we don't have exactly what they're looking for. And it astounds me how many times people tell me about snobby quilt shops here or there. It's very sad!!

    Plus people driving through are surprised that our tiny Wyoming town has a quilt shop & good restaurants. Haha! :D

    PS I've favorited their Etsy shop.

  189. • • • Great Customer Service is your best bet. That way you get free advertising by word of mouth and then they can do all the tweeting and FB stuff for you.

  190. Social media works wonders! Great fabrics.


  191. Blogs are the best tool!
    I don't do twitter,facebook etc!

  192. I love etsy or facebook to keep up with companies!! Thanks for the chance!

  193. I think facebook or giveaways.

  194. I think hosting giveaways on popular blogs is a great way to get out there. I've been introduced to several shops this way.

  195. I think you have to do a combination. A lot of the blogs I like to read I also follow on FB , and I visit those blogs more often because of it.

  196. Honestly, I'm not sure what's the best marketing approach. I'm not a huge facebook/etsy person so that doesn't really do it for me (though I did like your shop but only becaause I didn't want to be a turd--love the word turd!).

  197. Awesome to find a place to get all those soft lovely organic fabrics!

    I think it's important to build a good loyal local customer base first and foremost.

  198. I think a combination of blogs and Facebook/Etsy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  199. Such fun fabrics! I prefer Facebook for the small arts non-profit where I work. It's a great place to have conversations, share pictures, and tell our followers what we're up to.

  200. Facebook gets my vote.

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