
High Point Market || Part 2 - BoBo Intriguing Objects

You can see Part 1 here.

*Photos are from my phone and unedited.  Please do not take these images off my site.  Thanks!  :)

BoBo Intriguing Objects is a very quirky little store.   I decided to devote a post to just to this store.  I spent a good thirty minutes in there wandering around and gawking at all their items.  I then took a nice thirty minute nap on one of their incredibly comfortable and insane couches.  The store was broken up into two parts.  One part contained one of kind items and once they were sold they were gone.  The other part of the store was their product line, which was readily available to many clients. 

A noticing trend I saw throughout the store was gray, natural wood, metals, and industrial-esque items.  They also love to attach cushions to just about any large outdoor object and use it for seating. 

 Check out the curvature on this table!

See this couch?  Yeah, the one with the insanely high back?

Um, yeah.  That's pretty high.

 See this dining set?

See how my feet do not touch the floor?

The backing wasn't nearly as tall as the couch, but this bench made this 5'6" girl feel tiny.  I didn't want to leave!  Talk about instant weight loss :)

 If you liked what you saw, you should go their website.  They list their antique shows there.  Could be a really fun trip!

The last two photos are from Part 1 and are from Charleston Forge.  I thought I had cut off the photo below with my camera when, in fact, it was Big Huge Labs for Picasa.  Since the closing of Picnic, it has been difficult to make collages.  I am anxiously awaiting the collage feature from PicMonkey.    Have you ran into this difficulty with Big Labs cutting off your photos?

I just loved the look of these two tables.  The tapered metal legs are fantastic.


So on a side note . . .

1.  I owe you guys a big THANK YOU.  It has been challenging for me to redesign my blog, especially since I am doing it myself.  There's a lot that goes into it, and just designing it can be a headache in itself.  Since I am not a graphic designer, I have opted for the easiest way to update my blog.  I am happy with the results so far, and I look forward to sharing it with you all!

So thank you for patiently waiting.   Almost ALL of my time has been devoted to HTML coding and PicMonkey madness.  Ugh.

2.  I reupholstered Owen's ottoman for his room.  I will share that crazy story with ghetto results with you at a later date. 

For now, enjoy this one hot mess of a picture.

How was your weekend?



  1. #1. Awesome store. Thx for sharing!

    #2. JUST read this post about how to make a collage on picmonkey. Slapping myself on the forehead becasue the answer has been staring me in the face the entire time! Havent tried it yet, but thought I would share!


    Hope you are doing well and not pulling all of your hair out with the blog re-design!! Can't wait to see it!

  2. :) I like the high couch. I want to feel small!

    And the blog design is coming along great.


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