

There's so much to be thankful for that I could dedicate an entire blog to it.  Here are just few things I am thankful for right now.

My little family.

Owen's independence.

My sister and I don't fight anymore, and motherhood has brought us closer.

Matt's commitement to this family. I don't know how he works so hard to provide and please our family, even at times when I am a rock in his shoe.

Heavenly Father.  He listens to me, and He knows me.

Sunday cookies.

Matt's constant support in my crafty adventures.

Matt could care less what I do with the house, which says a lot.

My dad's example as a loving father, loyal husband, and great friend.

The moments when Owen talks to me, and we look each other in the eyes.  I love our little "conversations."

My health.

All my senses work.  I can't imagine this life without being able to hear, see, smell, taste, or feel all the wondrous creations on this Earth.

My freedom.

My talents.

Heat and AC.

Death Cab for Cutie.

Matt shaved his beard.

The proximity of my two sisters and our family gatherings.

How happy Owen is.  He is teaching me to be happy.

Hot chocolate with whip cream.

60 degree weather.

New opportunities and the lack of fear to take them on.  Sometimes. :)

Our home.  We are so fortunate and blessed. 

The GI Bill.  It has allowed me to stay at home and raise my son. 

Good neighbors.

Education, libraries, and access to free information.

Repentance.  Without it, I would be lost.

My friends.

My blogging friends.

The people who come here to support me during this blogging adventure.  Thank you.

Good people.  Good, honest, hard working, humble people.  They remind me to be the person I want to be.



  1. Really lovely words!

  2. Dear Nancy: I like your words, because I believe in the ability of women in the work of the impossible for a happy life, your work is very beautiful, and for this I wish you lots of happiness, and persevere in the successful work, and avoid problems with your sister.
    have a nice day


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