
{Carolina Skies Fat Quarter Bundle}

North Carolina is known for its Carolina blue. Clear blue skies, fluffy white clouds, and a bright, warm sun.

Carolina Skies fat quarter bundle for Pink Castle.

1. Egg Blue
2. Pilgrim
3. Dots
4. Yard Dash
5. Pilgrim
6. White Solid
7. Circle Stripes
8. Chevron
9. Chevron
10. Empire Weave
11. Dots
12. Yellow Solid



  1. Stop picking more bundles! You're ruining my chances of winning! Ha!

  2. Oh my, I would love a quilt made from these fabrics. It would make me so happy to look at it!

  3. You must be having a very slow day. Love the Carolina blue(of course) The gold reminds me of Wake-you could call ACC showdown.


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