
My Wish List with a few Favorite Things

As of late, husband and I just buy our own Christmas presents.  Usually, it's just one large ticket item.  We do this for our anniversary and birthdays as well.  For our last anniversary, husband bought a war board game, and I bought myself a power tool.  Last Christmas was a home gift - flat screen TV.  This year, we are not sure which route we are taking.  I have compiled a list of items on my wish list.  Some of them I already own, but I love them so much that I wouldn't mind having another copy.   This list in not in any particular order, and I know that this list will not pertain to everyone's tastes.  But this may help get those gears of yours going. ;)

First up is Aveda Hand Cream.   This stuff is ah-mazing.  I love the scent, and it does not leave a greasy film on your hands.  You can buy it here.

Frye Paige Tall Riding Boots.  I have been drooling over these boots long before I talked about them here.  And yes, I am still stuck in a boot buying lull.  You can buy them here.

Lush Cosmetics.  They use organic fruits and vegetables.  They use little preservatives, and everything is handmade.  I love their Each Peach massage bar.  This stuff is also amazing.  It is perfect for working out all those kinks and knots in your back.  You can also use it for moisturizing your skin.  You can buy their cosmetics here.

Netflix membership.  I love Netflix because we get to instant stream many TV shows since we do not have cable TV.  Netflix falls under a Favorite Thing.

Marbles Museum membership.  This is a children's hands on museum, which makes a fantastic gift for any family that has smaller children.  I am sure almost every larger city has a children's museum in the area, so you should check it out.  This is on my Favorite Things list. 

Furminator.  This thing is awesome!  You will end up with large hairballs, so brush the dog outside!  I saw a significant reduction in hair balls on my floor after using the Furminator.   Avoid paying full price by getting one through ebay.

Shade Clothing undershirts (the cap sleeves).  A must for any Mormon, but also great for any female who doesn't want to show cleavage or just needs an undershirt that is a little longer.   They come in a different colors and several styles.  I always have a black and white one in my drawer.  You can buy Shade clothing here.

Micron Pens.  I used these pens for this drawing (I will reveal the whole thing sometime next week).  They come in several different point tip sizes and colors.  They do not bleed, which is a must for fine detail.  If you have an artist in your family, these are a must!  I use size 01, 03, and 05 all the time.  You can buy them here.

Ticket to Ride (USA Version). I own the Europe version, which is fun, but I love the US version. You collect train tickets and have to build routes before your opponents do. It plays for about an hour and is fun every time.  You can purchase through Amazon or Ebay or here.

Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  Let's face it.  Most of us want to drop some pounds, and this DVD has three 20 minute workouts that will kick your butt.  No gym membership required. :)  You can buy it here.

I wouldn't mind a few pillows from Aurelia .

I'll take a few handbags from Arebycdesign.

This little jewelry shop offers small designs.  I love the simplicity of The Altered Chain's jewelry.

My KitchenAid mixer falls under my Favorite Things.  If you don't have one yourself, but you want a mixer, KitchenAid is definitely the way to go.  I use my mixer almost on a daily basis.  It's sick.   And I found this designer, Nicole Dinardo, who airbrushes really awesome custom designs on KitchenAids.

I love Pampered Chef.  I especially love their stoneware.  I regularly use the large bar pan and rectangular baker.  Pampered Chef has lots of items for any enthusiastic cooker or baker.  Any of their items can make a special gift for Christmas.

My husband doesn't understand why I would want two of each of these items, but he's not in the kitchen like I am.  Cutco has some of the best peelers and heavy duty house scissors around.  I have been using mine for ten years now, and both are still going strong.   You can purchase Cutco products here.

Magazine subscriptions.  I think mag subscriptions is a great gift because the person receives your gift throughout the year.  Some of my picks would include Better Homes and Gardens, Country Living, Martha Stewart Living,  This Old House,  Real Simple,  House Beautiful, Disney's Family Fun,  dwell, All You, Oxygen, and Cook's Illustrated. 

Anthropologie's Perennial Mini Colander and Farmer's Egg Crate.  I would even use the egg dish to store rings and little nic nacs.

Chicken Big by Keith Graves is a really cute, funny story that I can't wait to share with Owen.  Plus, we raise chickens.  I heart chickens.

Hancock Fabrics Tiffany Drapes are worth the money.  I have them in my bedroom and in Owen's room.  They are about $30 a panel, but they are higher quality than what you would find elsewhere for that price.  They also block out light.   I used the ivory ones for Owen's room.  You can easily customize these drapes to turn them into something you really love.

DeWalt Orbit sander.  I own this, and I love it!  I use for all my sanding needs.  You can buy it here.

Sonicare FlexCare Toothbrush.  Mine died. :(  I'm back to a manual, which is why this is on my wish list.  You can buy it here.

For a sweet little gift, you can make my Caramel Sauce, and put in a mason jar.  Wrap some cute string around it, and your neighbors/friends/family will love you forever.

If you haven't heard the news, I need your votes!  Please click here to find out more about my Inappropriate Elf on the Shelf.   Don't worry.  It's under PG-13.

Links to my Christmas week.
Friday- Holiday Fabric
Tues- Christmas with Etsy
Wed- Wrapping Papers & Trimmings
Thurs- Christmas Dinner Ideas & Table Settings

Now go and vote!  I'm #44.

1 comment:

  1. Man, now I want to get my KitchenAid airbrushed! Though I do love my classic red - some beautiful airbrushing would be epic... something to consider.


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