

 Last night whilst I was cooking dinner honey surprised with three small bouquets of daisies.  Aw, how sweet.  He knows I don't like to waste money on flowers.  Come on, they die.  I'd rather get a pair of shoes, a cute skirt, fabric, or something to decorate the home with.  But he did so anyway, and he was modest in his selection.  L.O.V.E.  And I said oo oo take my picture cuz I ain't got no makeup on!

Oooo, you can see a little tidbit of my new kitchen!

Today is our four year anniversary.  The years have really flown by.  I have to admit that marriage has its struggles just as much as it has its joys.  Marriage is hard work!  There's a lot of give and take, and I am learning that.  My husband has been a wonderful provider and father for my family, and he is a faithful member.  I am happy about that because it blesses our family immensely.  We are definitely not a perfect family by any means.

To celebrate, I am posting a few pictures of us from the year we met up until recent.  Some of these are quite funny because I feel they are "old."  Four to five years really isn't that old. :)  I will spare you the kissing pics.

First date we went to D.C.

The early stages of our dating.  Don't you just love that wall color? It complemented the burgundy couch my roommates and I scored from the dumpster.  lol  You know what's worse?  This is about the same color we painted our master bedroom (because of husband's wishes) when we first moved into our home. Yeah, it's no longer there.


We were on our way to the beach, which is a minimum 2 hour drive, and I had him blindfolded the whole way.  Little did I know, I took the longest route, so he was like this for almost 3 hours.  What made this worse?  It was a spontaneous middle of the week trip, which began around 5pm.  Yes, my husband has a lot of patience.

I call this next one "Junk in the Trunk meets flamboyant Psycho"

I post this pic because husband is so cute here, and remembrance of one of my bad haircuts. blah.

The Cascades in OR

The proposal day.
My expression is funny.
I could put lots of captions here.

Backpacking Europe for the summer.  Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Netherlands, and Belgium.  Somehow we missed Switzerland.

Stupid Americans.

Dinner date and several months pregnant

Our failed attempt to look normal in Christmas pics.
  RIP Molly.  We love you!

First month Owen is home, and it looks like it too. :)

Back behind a dental office.  Yep, that's how we roll.

Daddy and Owen

Mommy and Owen

Owen 4 months old?

First Halloween as a family.  Owen won best costume.  Missing his stem hat and pumpkin booties.

We welcomed our newest addition, Walker, a German short-haired pointer in Feb '11.  Don't let that cuteness fool you.

Summer 2011 in CA

4 years and going strong!


  1. Congrats on 4 years! You guys are so cute! It is crazy how fast time goes by - we are approaching our 6th anniversary next month. Craziness.

  2. Congatulations guys!

  3. Lisa Wilson11/03/2011

    Happy Anniversary! We love you guys! And that picture from somewhere in Europe with the Guard guy standing between you is hysterical... I laugh mostly because your hand looks like it is going to do something hysterical to me :) LOL Such cute pictures though! Love you guys!

  4. Anonymous11/03/2011

    That was a fun tour. Andrew and I have been married for 14 years now... totally weird.... I remember my parents 14th anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated 4 yrs a few weeks ago. I can't believe it has been 4 yrs...a lifetime ago, huh?!

  6. Congrats guys! It takes 2 great people to make a great marriage.


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