
The handmade MARKET ~ A Unique Downtown Experience with all things Handmade

This post has been updated. 
I am so glad I had a chance to attend The handmade Market this fall.  Twice a year, artisans and consumers cram into a small building in downtown to showcase a few of their handmade items.  I was suppose to be out town the weekend it went on, but our trip got pushed back a week, which allowed me the opportunity to attend.  I went to every booth checking out all the homemade goodies, and I am sharing with you a few shops that caught my eye at the market.  I was happy to find that most of the places I liked had Etsy shops.  If you have been reading for awhile now, you know my love/hate relationship with Etsy.  I took only a few photos due to shyness and fear (that shop owner would see me as a threat since I am crafty), but I am grateful to all who were so kind in letting me snap photos.  All photos, except one, are stock ones since I am a crappy photographer.  Literally.

*Please note that some shops are currently restocking their items.*

Cobblestone Hall
 Circle Prints offers modern and customized prints.  You can get 20% off your order by entering NCMARKET at checkout.  This Sunshine print is going in Owen's nursery.

Loose Tooth Studio's pictures on Etsy really do not do justice for the shop.  First off, you can't really see the detailed work that goes into each collage, nor can you really see how cute these tiny collages are.  Second, there were some items I saw at the market that are not listed in the shop, so I cannot show you the real items that caught my eye.  The studio has these adorable palm sized frames that showcase detailed collages.  The frames come in different colors as well.

  I spotted a color frame today.

Marisol Spoon let me take a picture of them.  They were so lovely and sweet.  The wife was gorgeous, and the husband had this really cool Dali Salvadoresque beard going on.  They sure did look like a super duo to me (ya know, the kind that makes you sick and wish you could be more like them).  I actually found out about Marisol Spoon from Sally, an interior designer who blogs at Abode Casa Home, back in October.  So you can just imagine Marisol Spoon's reaction when I asked them (excitedly) if I could take their picture.  Bless their sweet little hearts. 

And this one is for you, Sally. :)

Judah Ross is clothing company right here in town.  I fell in love with this skirt, though the one I saw at the market had this cool linear cloud like print (you got that, right?!?).  This is still really lovely.

I found that "cloud" skirt today as well. :) 

Sew Few makes clutches and purses.  At the market, I saw a lot of cool home decor fabrics used.  Some were vintage looking.  These are two that are currently stocked online that I liked.

Off the Map Art should actually be named Off the Hook Art.  Okay, bad joke, I know, but I really like this girl's work!  She takes maps, applies them to wood, and paints over them.  I knew I should have picked up a few prints while I was there because now I am deeply regretting it.  Most of the prints are of bikes, but since we are talking handmade, maybe the seller might be willing to make a custom piece. (She does make paintings of other subjects as well.)

In December, my husband and I are attending (fingers crossed nothing comes up) Rock & Shop Market in downtown Durham, NC.  I love Durham.  I use to live there seven years ago, and the art scene has really picked up since.  If you live nearby, you should totally go and check it out!

I announced the winner of Monda's giveaway, so you can either keep scrolling down or click here to see if YOU won.

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