
KitchenAid Mixer Rehab {DIY}


My KitchenAid mixer needed 1b and 2b.  It was literally dying in my kitchen.  Who knows what the hubby and I were thinking when we thought Pistachio Green would look good in our kitchen.  We do not own any retro decor, and that is exactly where my mixer belonged.  (We I originally chose this color because I wanted to please my man.  Hubby's favorite color is green, and I am absolutely clueless.  It doesn't mean I have to buy everything green.)

So . . . what does a cheap person do?

I just can't go out and spend a few extra hundred bucks 
on a freakin' new KitchenAid because the
color was no longer "acceptable."
Plus, I need that dough for
my other projects.

Spray paint is my buddy.
We go way back.  

I introduced Mr. Spray Paint
to Ms. KitchenAid,
and they are in loooove.

And I love them.

Items needed to rehab your mixer:

A lot of confidence you can do this and won't screw things up (but really, it's just paint)
Spray paint (more colors, more options)
Clear Gloss Polyacrylic
1 Can of Epoxy spray paint (the easiest of the two now that I have done it both ways)

PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY BEFORE STARTING THIS PROJECT to ensure minimal frustration or mistakes.   (I am not responsible for you destroying your KitchenAid.)

I did this DIY back in 2008, not long after I got married.  I wanted to share this tutorial with you, so I broke down my machine again, and I repainted it.  Why white when there are so many colors out there to customize my KitchenAid?  I love the clean, simple, timeless look of white.  
I love my readers, so I want to help you guys out!
If you got questions, I've got answers.  Don't hesitate to drop a line.

Step 1.  Inspect your mixer, and take pictures in its entirety.  (This helps you to remember what part goes where.)  Clean your mixer, so there is no food or gunk anywhere.   Unscrew the screws.  You want to break down your machine, so you can spray paint all the parts including the nooks and crannies.
I detached the head from the base.  The silver thingy that holds the head in place is very greasy.  Try not to take off to much of that grease if you can.  I ended up adding a little petroleum jelly to mine at the end of my project after all the painting was done.

Make sure you remove or cover with tape all the parts you don't want to add color too.  I was able to take off the silver strap that has the KitchenAid name on it.  I taped off the pulls and the two flat head screws on the head of the mixer.  I DID NOT remove that screw.  I cut out a circle to cover it up.

Step 2.   Cover the electrical parts somehow by using a plastic bag or sandwich bag.   You may need to tape it down.  Double check to make sure you have taped off everything you want to.  I wrapped cling wrap around my cord and taped it down.

If you are using paint and polyacrylic, use steps 3-5.  If using epoxy, apply to mixer according to manufacturer's directions.  Use several coats.  Go to step 6 once you are done.

Step 3.  Prime the mixer using spray primer.  I used Rust-Oleum Primer.  Do not spray up close.  That will produce an unprofessional result.  Let that dry.  Apply a second coat, if needed.

Step 4.  Apply spray paint in the same manner that you did with the primer.  Let dry, and apply a few coats, if needed.  I used Rust-Oleum white in gloss. 
Step 5.  Apply several coats of polyacrylic to the parts that are painted.  This allows a good seal, and helps you clean up splashed foods easily.

Step 6.  Reassemble your mixer.  This is where those pictures might come in handy.  Voila!  You should have a brand spankin' faux new mixer!  


Here you can see where some of the paint started to chip off.  This was located very closely to the edge of the bowl plate, so it was not that noticeable.  You will notice other chips here and there below.

Below~ Leave that screw in place.  I don't know what it is, but you don't need to remove it.

 The photos of the Pistachio Nut were taken back in 2008.  The photos of the Ice Queen were taken not so long ago, so this gives you a GREAT idea as to how well spray paint holds up (I didn't use epoxy on Ice Queen.).  You can see that after 3 years of abuse, and I mean abuse, it started to chip a little here and there, but overall, it held up great.  Then you get to see Beautimus the Magnumnus in all its celestial glory covered in epoxy.

Are ya feeling it?
(Wait a minute.  Let me run to the bathroom and puke.)

(Cue angels)

After ~ Ice Queen

(Ignore the dying tomato vines.  This visually confirms that I do not have a green thumb.  )

After after ~ Beautimus the Magnumnus

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  1. Oh my!! Way to go!! Looks fabulous!!

  2. That's awesome! Looks like it came that way! That green was very retro ;)

  3. What a cool idea! I have never thought about painting my mixer before.

  4. Wow, that's impressive! It turned out great. I'd love for you to stop by and link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party at www.laughloveandcraft.com. I'm your newest follower.

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated your cute blog for the Versatile Blog Award!!



  6. Thank you so much Melanie! That is the sweetest thing. You made me smile today. :) Thank you!

  7. You did such a great job on this...and gave such a thorough tutorial!

    I featured this on my blog today!! come grab a new featured button...my blog's domain name has changed!


    I'll also be pinning this to my Pinterest account :)

  8. i totally would've traded with you for a dark gray one? haha. although i don't mind the dark gray either. i'm not quite ready to spray it white but you did an awesome job!


  9. well shoot! I would have traded too Jen!

  10. awesome paint job.
    I so want a kitchen aid - I am very jealous!!!!
    cheryl xox.

  11. This is an awesome idea! Did the color turn out to be matte or gloss?

  12. i so just saw this and sent the link to my husband... I hope he re-does mine barbie bright pink... with glitter flecks in it for my birthday :)

  13. Anonymous1/09/2013

    Going to transform mine dia de los muertos style. Thanks for the tutorial. Can not wait to do this!! :)

  14. I have been lusting for the lime green to go in my chocolate, cream and lime kitchen. I can hardly wait for warm weather so I can get outside and do this!

  15. I have been lusting for the lime green to go in my chocolate, cream and lime kitchen. I can hardly wait for warm weather so I can get outside and do this!

  16. I have been lusting for the lime green to go in my chocolate, cream and lime kitchen. I can hardly wait for warm weather so I can get outside and do this!

  17. So doing this when I get back to the states! I thought I wanted a red kitchen aid but now I feel like it is super loud!

  18. Wow - flawless paint job!

    How has the epoxy been holding up? Do you think I could paint a very vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster? A few years ago, it was stripped to the metal, it's striking but a little too industrial for my retro kitchen. Happily, itl works like a charm.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  19. Hi all! For those of us with less faith in our artistic talents, I came up with a more simple way to freshen up the mixers. I found a website (mytouchuppaint.com) that offers KitchenAid touch up paint for scratches and chips. Now my mixer looks as good as new! Hope this helps and happy painting!

  20. Hi, I am wondering how to take the pin out that holds the mixer to the base. Also, I removed the 3 screws from the chrome bowl holder and can't seem to pry it off. The ring that you taped off should pop off fairly easy because there are screws to undo in order to grease the motor if needed (shows how on Youtube). Mine didn't come off like the video showed. Would like to know for sure the first two items. I've looked everywhere on the internet and can't find a thing about removing the mixer from the base! I want to paint mine also.

    1. Hi Herman!

      You can take a flat head and hammer to the pin. I would place the flat head on the pin and gently tap it with the hammer. It should pop right out.

      For the base, use the flat head to gently pry it up.

      I have never taken the ring off, so I can't recommend anything with that.

      Hope that helps!

  21. Is it okay to just spraypaint over the rust? Don't you have to sand it down somehow or something?

  22. Is it okay to just spraypaint over the rust? Don't you have to sand it down somehow or something?

  23. Hi Hulda. My machine did not have any rust. If you machine has rust, you may want to take a fine wool sponge and gently remove the rust that way. Then wipe down with a damp clean cloth. Make sure you machine is dry and clean before spray painting. Hope that helps!

  24. Rehab: My KitchenAid mixer needed 1b and 2b. ... 2kitchenaidblender.blogspot.com

  25. Anonymous8/27/2014

    Rehab: My KitchenAid mixer needed 1b and 2b. ... 2blenderkitchenaid.blogspot.com

  26. Thank for your post. these tips for stand mixer are really useful for me.


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