
Fabric Friday {Spoonflower Feature & giveaway (CLOSED)} Holli Zollinger

Holli Zollinger is one of my new favorite fabric designers.

(and definitely not because of the giveaway, lol :)

This girl rocks.

She is one of the hottest sellers on Spoonflower, and I am so excited ecstatic {no word could describe it} that Holli was gracious enough to give me a little of her time.

Read on to get to know her a little better, check out some of her patterns below, and then enter yourself in the giveaway to receive any 2 yards of quilting weight cotton.  

Tell us a little about yourself. 
I am a single mother of an amazing 3 1/2 year old. We live on the historical farm my mother was born and raised on in Northern Utah.  The setting  provides ample space to play and plenty of  time to work. I spend most of my day juggling between the inspiration of being a designer, the
day to day schedule of motherhood, and the duties of living on a rural farm.

When did you know that you wanted to be a Fabric Designer? 
Actually, I didn’t set out to be a Fabric Designer.  An acquaintance of mine told me about Spoonflower when it was still Beta, in the beginning phases.  I decided to try it out, and after the first year I couldn’t stop.  I was hooked. 
It was like a missing piece of the puzzle.  I realized it was a large part of my passion as an artist and a unique way of expressing myself.  In fact, when I was 5 years old, my sister and I were lying in bed trying to fall asleep.  We asked each other what we think about before we fall asleep, and  I replied “I think of material.”  Little did I know how much that would become my reality and how much my family would tease me because of it!

Were there any challenging obstacles you had to overcome to get to where you are now? 
I had to teach myself Photoshop and learn how to structure a repeat…
both of which can be exasperating! 
And I would say the challenges of being a single mother AND an artist can be difficult as well.

You like to paint on wood.  Do you paint ladies you know, or are they characters of your imagination?
 I usually begin with a reference photo, one of someone I know or something cut out of a magazine.  This gives me a starting point to begin my sketch.  I tend to use the photo for a guide rather than for accuracy.  It helps me generate the setting and mood for the overall picture.

Where does your inspiration come from? 
I LOVE to look through magazines.  In fact, the sheer volume of inspirations I can achieve by looking through a design magazine makes me go a bit loopy.  I usually have to catalyze my inspiration right away.  I also love to follow design blogs.  They are a great way to stay current.

Deceased or living, whose studio would you raid?
Rodin.  I secretly have always wanted to stand on his model platform.  Georgia O’Keefe to witness her quiet solitude, and Shepard Fairey to see his unique process. 
For me, a studio is the place where things are transformed, where Alchemy takes place.  So truly, it would be a pleasure to visit any studio at any time.

What is success to you? 
This is a good question for me, because when I started out twenty years ago as an artist, I wanted success right away.  I didn’t realize how much I needed to evolve as a person and as an artist to achieve a measure of this.
Now, I would define success as being able to do what I love, everyday.  Oh and yes, maybe a swimming pool.

Where will you be in the next decade? 
Well, hopefully I’ll be poolside sipping something cold and fruity.  And after my morning and afternoon swim, you’ll find me in my large lofty studio creating magic. :}

{all photos taken from Spoonflower}

Reminder:  You can select ANY pattern on Spoonflower. 
You do not have to choose from the items below, though you can if you like.

You thought that was a lot?

Holli has a few hundred (yes,  several hundred) more designs to offer.

Okay, so you wanna enter the giveaway?  (I'm totally jealous, btw)

 Short and sweet rules:  (Updated 9/10)
Follow me, if you are not doing so already, and leave a comment below telling me which fabric pattern you would love to win.  You can visit Spoonflower  for this or choose one of the patterns above.  Make sure to leave your email address or else I cannot contact you to let you know you have won. :)

Additional entries: (separate comment for each entry)

1. Leave a comment on Holli's blog, and comment below telling me you did so.
2. Spread the word through another social media like Twitter, FB, or blogging, and comment below telling me you did so. 

Giveaway will close 12:00 PM EST on Thursday, Sept. 15th.  I will announce the winner sometime later that day.   Winner will be selected by random.org.  Good luck!


  1. Hi Nancy, thanks for such a great giveaway! I love Holli's designs (all of them!) so it was lovely to find out a bit more about her process. If I'm lucky enough to win, I'd have to choose the Whales and Waves in Aqua fabric (http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/309062), although it's a tough decision!

    My address is forest-and-sea[at]gmx[dot]com

  2. Nancy, I love Holli and her designs. She is one really amazing woman. I have a few of her paintings and love the fabrics! My favorites (at the moment) are Wheat Linen and Coral Bells. However, the reason I haven't purchased what I need (yet) is because I can't make up my mind!!! What would look good for a duvet on a mission style bed? I would love suggestions!
    My address is teriguy[at]gmail[dot]com

  3. well it took me long enough, but there was so much fun to see! i'm totally leaving two patterns here because i can't decide. but if i win then i'll do the duty of cutting one off... :)


    please and thank you!!!

    (you know where to find me)

  4. Oh my gosh, it is so hard to choose from all of the lovely fabrics she has! So I've narrowed it down to Fish Scales and Slate Full. I have to keep resisting the urge to look back and maybe pick something else. Anyway thanks for a shot at some great Holli fabric!


  5. Tamara9/09/2011

    Next to impossible to decide, but seeing as I'm under pressure here ... let's go with Tree Linen & Tree Hearts Yellow. That's from my list of about 100 favorites. Holli is probably my all-time favorite Spoonflower designer. Her eye for shape & colour (& ya gotta love that linen texture) are fantastic!
    Thanks so much for this opportunity. Would make a great b'day present to myself.

  6. Lisa Wilson9/09/2011

    Ok so you know I totally love the diamond circles aqua and that is the one I would LOVE to win :D my email is dreamingpink2003@yahoo.com and btw this is your sister in law :D <3 And I am now obsessed with Holli's designs!

  7. Holli's fabrics are all so gorgeous. I've just started getting into sewing clothing so when I look at her fabrics all I see are amazing dresses waiting to happen! It's a tough choice, but I'm in love with her Umbraline design, the brown especially. Thanks for highlighting such a talented artist!

  8. I visited Holli's blog and left a comment on the DIY bench post. She has some great designs--hard to choose. I am drawn to several of her patterns:

    -diamonds circle blue
    -chevrons red
    -elephant ivory
    -red lined
    -whales brown and orange
    -earth stem
    -flight school safari red
    -mulberry mosaic in red

    I guess if I win I will have to revisit and pick a favorite!

  9. Lisa Wilson9/10/2011

    I want you to know that during my midterm today all I could think about was Holli's fabrics and what I am going to buy and when! lol

  10. I left Holli a comment, she has such beautiful work

  11. I went to spoon flower to look at all of the great patterns


  12. I would love to have the red chevron fabric


  13. So, here is my separate entry for commenting on Holli's blog :)

  14. And here is my bonus entry for announcing it on facebook. Thanks again to you and Holli!

  15. I left Holli a comment on her masculine painting. Love it!

  16. Also pinned a link to your giveaway on Pinterest!

  17. I left a comment on Holli's DIY post... I love a stylish storage solution!

  18. I also posted links on my blog to her fabulous fabrics and your giveaway... thanks!

  19. I'm totally into the green ones. Especially the 2 different Kelly green flower designs.

    Thanks for asking holli questions. It was fun to read.


  20. I leftva comment on hollis blog.

  21. Oh Nancy how can I possibly choose just one?? If it's 2 yards of any fabric can I get 1 yard of 2 fabrics? These are the questions that plague my soul! But seriously she is amazing! (I left a comment on her blog telling her so.)

    I am completely in love with Elephant and Umbrella, Tree Linen, Countryside Architecture Linen, Deer and Flower, Scando, Seafoam and Red Button. But if you tied me down and put a gun to my head I'd have to say Elephant and Umbrella is my favorite - I mean elephants and red umbrellas! It was made for me. So I will just have to buy the others to complete my dreams once I win. Ha!


  22. I guess I needed to comment separately to let you know I commented on Holli's blog. That's what I get for not fully reading directions. So the point is, I commented on Holli's blog. The end.


  23. Gail Goodhand9/11/2011

    Oh! OH!, I can't make up my mind, but if I do win, can I decide then? Please? Thought the odds of me wining are small.
    gailgoodhand @yahoo.com

  24. Gail Goodhand9/11/2011

    Here I am telling you after I posted on Holli's blog thank you on the chance to win some of her wonderfull fabric.
    gail goodhand@yahoo.com (no spaces)

  25. There are so many good ones to choose from she is so talented!!! I really like the flower_wave So pretty!

  26. I visited her blog and she has great ideas to use the fabulous fabric she makes!! I think I just found my next project for our bay window in the master bedroom. I left her a comment. Great stuff thanks for sharing!!

  27. Hi Nancy, thanks for the email. My comment's on Holli's latest blog post :)

  28. And I posted on FB about it too:

  29. OMG! I have such love for Holli and her work... thank you for interviewing her!!
    I just wouldn't know how to pick from all this lovelyness. xo

  30. Tamara9/12/2011

    I've commented on Holli's blog as well.

  31. Tamara9/12/2011

    And I mentioned it on my FB page.

  32. I commented on Holli's very inspiring blog ...

  33. And then I retweeted about Holli's interview on Spoonflower.

  34. Ooooh! Now for my final entry, I get to say what I'd choose? TOUGH DECISION!!

    But, ok, that would be the poppy pods, and the dot linen grey.

  35. Oh my! I loooooove Holli's work. I noticed her some time ago on Spoonflower and marked her as one of my faves then. I can't say which of her fabrics are my favorites. I love them all! Really! The elephants are pretty much irresistible and I am lovin' the bright green prints.

    vintagebabyrevival (at) yahoo (dot) ca

  36. I am telling my Twitter friends about this giveaway. I think the whole world should know!

  37. Visited and commented on Holli's blog. Love her paintings too...I can see one of those on my walls.

  38. I'm a new follower of your blog. I left Holli a little note on her blog. I LOVE the whale fabric!

  39. Tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/113431258998128641

  40. Anonymous9/13/2011

    I discovered Spoonflower through Jenny Komenda of Little Green Notebook. Holli Zollinger was my first follow on Spoonflower! Her fabric is so amazing!!! I was totally blown away while clicking through her offerings. After reading more about her here, it's even cooler and more inspirational to find out that she taught herself how to do this. Her fabrics are some of the most professional and polished looking available on the site. Definitely go check out the truly diverse offerings she has in her shop. They are too gorgeous to pass up!

    It's also great to find another North Carolinian blogger. I'm bookmarking your blog right now!

  41. Anonymous9/13/2011

    I left a message on the other blog.Such lovely Items. So clean and right on.
    I need to try the shelf unit too.
    I always try to keep up with these blogs.
    I love the Wren and Linen and I love the Giraffe's Safari. My Little Grandaughter loves them and Mom has lost her job so nothing extra in the house which makes me feel badly as I can only help out so much myself. Such is life and nothing should be taken for granted I guess.
    Thanks for your lovely Blog.
    Check out Attic24 Blog.
    Thank you.

  42. Nancy- awesome give away! I love her designs- so many to choose from. I left her a comment and I love the seafoam and red button print. THanks!!

  43. oops. I forgot my email! afakasi@hotmail.com. Also I am currently posting the link onto my facebook page. Thanks!

  44. Beautiful fabric patterns. Posted on facebook. Loving the tree linen pattern. Eve0375@yahoo.com

  45. I love the gray and mustard prints! Great blog, Nancy!

  46. Hi Nancy,
    This is a way cute blog! I love it. I especially love the bio on Holli, I'm totally getting in contact with her. She would be a great woman story for my blog. Anyways so I totally love the umbraline line of cloth, but brown is very neutral.

  47. I'm a huge fan of Holli's work. My Spoonflower basket id full of here designs....but I can never pick which ones to buy. But, if I had to pick just one it would have to be fish scales in Autumn.

  48. Oh, and I left a comment on Holli's blog.
    Fingers crossed...

  49. Following via GfC. I love those designs but I have also been lusting after this print: http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/622636

    thanks for the giveaway!

  50. I am a new follower to your blog! I love all of her fabrics, it was too hard to choose just one! It would have to be between these three:
    Cosmos Red
    Little Suns Aqua Linen
    Fireworks and Sunflower

    My email is: azbelle3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  51. I'm a new follower and I like the one above the whales.


  52. lorraine9/15/2011

    following..i really love her designs they are so gorgeous... i especially love this one http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/663345 ...raineoc@yahoo.com

  53. lorraine9/15/2011

    i commented on holli's blog :) raineoc@yahoo.com

  54. I am a new follower! I visited Holli's blog and left her a note about her beautiful designs!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  55. I am a new follower and visited her shop...picking is so hard! I would say these are my favorites:
    THe teardrop aquamarine, seafoam flowers, ivory elephants, , seafoam red, little suns aqua, red chevron, the the owls!
    So hard to choose!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  56. I am blogging about this giveaway!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

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