

it's that time of year to say good bye to our sweet old chickens and welcome in new ones. this year i picked up four ameraucanas and three barred rocks. they are as cute as can be! even walker really likes them (of course!).



  1. Are ameracaunas the same as my araucanas???

  2. I had to google a picture of your chicken, and mine are different. They will not have puffy cheeks. :)

  3. You raise chickens? I totally did not know that.

  4. Hi Nancy,

    I've been following your blog for a little while now and love the things you do! I have a German Shorthair too and it's fun to see yours in pics. I don't know if I would trust mine with chicks though!! We hope to get some chickens someday soon. Are the Araucanas meat chickens or egg layers?

    1. aww, thanks bethany! it's nice to hear someone likes my stuff :) my gsp is a little over a year old. how old is yours? he has killed one of our chickens, but nowadays he's just either curious or wants to play with them and doesn't hurt them. chickens are the best! they make great pets, don't make as much noise as dogs, and their poop is much cleaner. i don't mind stepping chicken poop, but if i stepped in walker's poop, yuck! our chickens are egg layers though we will be killing off our old chickens this year. you should totally look into raising chickens. are you in a rural part of oregon?

    2. My gsp is almost 6! She is wonderful though (I'm guessing yours is giving you a run for your money right now)! I got her when I was just out of college and single and she has been around for so much life change! Right now I am in Salem (capital) so it's very city, but we are about to move to Central Oregon which is a high desert climate. We can't wait to get back to sun! I've been dreaming of chicken coops!! Is there a certain type of chicken you have found are the tamest/easiest to work with?

    3. Yes, Walker is definitely giving me a run for my money. The last batch we had gold and silver laced, brown speckled sussex, barred rocks, and golden comet. I really loved the barred rocks and sussex. I think the laced ones are a bit ugly, but they are very beefy. As far a temperment, they are all really nice, but we handled the chickens on daily basis so they wouldn't be mean or afraid of us. We do not own any roosters, and I have heard roosters are the mean ones. My sussex turned into a rooster two years after owning her. That typically happens when you don't have a rooster. Chickens have personalities, and it is really fun to see how they evolve.

  5. Dare I ask what happens to your sweet old chickens? :)

    Your baby chicks are so sweet! Ameraucanas have always been my favorite... I hope they lay some pretty blue and green eggs for you!

    1. Thanks Lauren! They are so cute. I hate to get rid of my old ones, but we can't have too many chickens roaming the backyard. :) I'm looking forward to the colored eggs.


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