
2008 Home Tour

This is not Matt and I, but they sure do look happy to be homeowners! Via

Matt and I finally arrived back to North Carolina this past Sunday after living in California for the summer.  We have a lot to do before I can get back into the swing of things.  I mean, just look at this hot mess!  It's only the tip of the iceberg!

Now do you understand why that happy couple is pictured first?

So I thought a little home tour was in order to hold you guys over until I'm able to get back to a more regular blogging schedule.  And since I was living in a rented apartment for three months, I think I only blogged about sewing.

If you are a fairly new reader who discovered me through sewing friends, blog hops, a sewing link up party, or a sewing pin on Pinterest, I am letting you know that I blog about decorating too.  I frequently tell readers this because I don't want anyone to be confused (or surprised) when I blog about what seems to be something totally different.  My posts between sewing and home decorating are random and reflect my interest at the moment.  Thanks for sticking around!!  :)  Although, I will say Bloglovin' has been very helpful for me in understanding my readership.  The longer I'm around, the more I realize there is a community of people who love sewing and home decorating equally as much.  This is so exciting for me!!

It was definitely time to update the "My Home" page tab located underneath my header.  This home tour shows you what we saw in 2008, and I took the photos.  Clearly, I never thought these photos would ever be shared with the public, but I think you get an idea as to what my home looked like right before we moved in.

Since this is a page and not a blog post, I will keep the page updated as I complete projects.  If a room is in progress, I will include photos and links, so you can opt to see more of those if you like as well.


Please click here to view my home.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh you are amazing! I not only lack a green thumb, but also any decorating ability.


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