
Let's Get Acquainted! Blog Hop

I need a source.  Do you know who made this?

Hello!  The Simplicity ladies and I are excited to have you here today!  Welcome to the first day of the Let's Get Acquainted! Blog Hop tour.  I am Nancy.  With an abundance of sewing blogs out there, it is sometimes difficult for your work to be found and shared.  This blog hop is a great way to meet new people that you may not have otherwise discovered.   Thanks for having me on board Beth!


I have written several about me intros in the past, which can be redundant for my regular readers.  Since this is a get-to-know-you blog hop with LOTS of newcomers, I have linked to a few posts that tell you more about me.  Those can be read here, here, and here.  If you want to know a little more about how I chose the name for my blog, you can read that over at Cindy's fabulous blog - Live a Colorful Life.

But here's the quick rundown.  :)

  • I am self-taught in sewing, and I hated Home Economics in middle school.  (Except the brownie making and eating part. :)
  • I started sewing in 2010 but did not start actively sewing until 2011.
  • I started quilting in October 2012, and I have so much to learn!
  • I sew on a BERNINA 550 QE, which I need to write a review of.  Before that it was a Necchi.
  • I'm sarcastic.
  • I tend to break all kinds of rules.  Just not the go to jail rules.
  • My sewing style is modern?  
  • My fabric taste is definitely modern.  I'm a sucker for graphic prints.
  • I share on my blog two things I enjoy - sewing and interior design stuff
  • Before staying home with my son, I worked in dentistry.
  • I like a good game night, and I will never turn down the chance to play Dominion.

My husband and I moved from Raleigh, NC to San Diego, CA  for the summer.  My time has been devoted to my 3 year old son and getting familiar with a new place, so sewing has been on the back burner these last few weeks.  Something I was not anticipating at all.  I thought for sure I would have lots of free time to sew during nap and bed times, but the motivation has been lacking and an early bedtime has become nonexistent.

But there are three things I am currently working on.

Like I mentioned earlier, I didn't really begin sewing until the summer of 2011, but even then sewing was infrequent.  It was not until I was introduced to the modern quilting movement in 2012 that my sewing picked up, and I became more active.   Here are a few of the things I have made.

 Christmas Stocking  ||  Awesome Print   ||  Flying Geese Mini Quilt

To see all of my sewing projects, including quilts, please click here.

My Quilting Story

When I began blogging in 2011, I shared with readers the creative things I was doing in my home and a little bit of sewing.  I had a love for fabric (home decor and quilting cottons) because of the prints and patterns.  I shared my love for fabric on Fabric Friday posts, which I no longer do.  Almost a year later of sharing fabrics, I decided to tackle my first quilt for Owen with Monaluna's taali collection.

Let's just say I had SO much to learn (still do), especially like basics - basting.  I liked the quilt, but because I wasn't sure what I had done wrong, I pushed the idea of making another quilt off to the side.  Six months passed by (October 2012), and I decided to make a quilt for my sister, and that time I made sure to baste!   What a difference!  I was hooked after that.

Oldies but Goodies

  • I wrote the post, 17 Things I Learned from Blogging, almost a year ago, which I highly recommend to anyone who is into that sort of stuff.  I reread it to see if I still agree with it, and I do.
  • I share a comical and somewhat embarrassing side of me here where I share little bits of my personal life.
  • Curious to see your sewing thread under a microscope?


Please note I am not strictly a sewing blog.

You can also find me elsewhere:

If you ever make something that was inspired by owen's olivia (sewing or home related), please share it in my newly opened Flickr group.  This is something I have not officially announced yet, but I will soon.


Thank you for coming over and checking me out.  Hopefully, I will see you again!  I look forward to meeting you!

xx nancy

My quilting book released Sept. 24, 2015 and is on Amazon.  Check it out!

Here is the list of participants in this year's blog hop, so make sure you stop by to meet some new bloggers.  For my readers - please note the blogs below are sewing blogs.

Friday, June 7th
Amy @ 13 Spools
Casey @ The Studiolo 
Nanette @ Yeah, I Made That

Friday, June 14
Julie @ Jolie Maxtin
Melissa @ Melia Mae Quilting
Adrianne @ On The Windy Side
Molli @ Molli Sparkles
Laura @ Little And Lots
Valerie @ Between Quilts

Friday, June 21
Leigh Anne @ Ella's Cottage
Sarah @ Quilt Candy
Jackie @ NW Patchwork
Erica @ Happy Fabric
Stephanie @ Simple Sewendipity
Lauren @ Seraphym

Friday, June 28
Green @ So Sew Green
Gwendellyn @ The Rainbow Revolts
Jessica @ Stitched In Thyme
Kathy @ Kayak Quilting
Michelle @ Factotum Of Arts
Kris @ Sew Sunshine
Camilla @ Faffling

Friday, July 5
Christa @ Christa Quilts!
Stephanie @ Quarter Incher
Kristy & Shayla @ Sassafras Lane Designs

Fridau, July 12
Anne @ PlayCrafts
Cath @ Wombat Quilts

Friday, July 19
Alison @ Making Happyness
Sarah @ Sowing Stitches
Ella and Nesta @ Ella & Nesta's Little Room
Nicole @ Modern Handcraft
Aylin @ AyliN-Nilya

Friday, July 26
RobinSue @ RobinSue Quilts
Elisa Lea @ Lovelea Designs
Elizabeth @ In The Boondocks


  1. Great Job there! I am already your follower,,but still a lot of new things I learned about you today. And I would love to hear your review on bernina 550QE. I am still far from good money to get that here in Australia! Anyway, it has been lovely following your lovely blog Nancy! Keep it Up!

  2. Fun post Nancy! I'm going to go back and re-read your 17 things post too. And all your projects look great - both old and current. Thanks for joining in!

  3. OMG - that gif is hilarious!!

  4. I am happy to have found your blog and I am a new follower. You have a wonderful eye for color!

  5. k now I have to go read the 17 things thingy. Loved your blog. I am a new follower
    xo jan

  6. As a former interior designer and current quilter, I think your blog is a match made in heaven haha :) I must say, I laughed when I read your 17 things post. I love Rockstar Diaries, but I totally think the same thing - they just must be perfect! Some days I skip over them in my reader (those days when I need to finish my coffee or I'm just cranky) but I always manage to go back to take a peek. I'm sure they have problems too...right?!

  7. First off: I LOVE your dancing pattern girl, especially the head bumpin' girl in the back! I LOVE your awesome sign! I need one of these for myself! You're right about it being a good reminder when we're so busy catching up on other things. Your zipper pouch turned out WAY cute! I LOVE to play Dominion as well AND I live in the San Diego area! WHoo-hoo! Maybe we'll run into one another someday. Great post on the thread under the microscope! I am following you now for sure :)

  8. Yay Nancy -- I love that new piece you are working on

  9. The dancing Simplicity lady seriously cracked me up!!! Great post, it's nice to get to know the person behing the blog:) Love your work so far.

  10. Thanks for sharing such a great post! The thread under the microscope was very interesting to see. Love the zippered pouch!

  11. Thanks for the intro into your life and times!! Your work is superior. It is hard to believe that you haven't been quilting for that long, relatively speaking!

  12. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Hi Nancy! I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I have to say that I love your style. I think you pick perfect fabrics, and I love the projects you have made! Your hexies are going to be gorgeous!

  13. Hello Nancy, it's lovely to meet you and you have a lovely blog! I love your fabric choices, I have that Mona Luna Taali collection in my stash waiting for the right project, it's so gorgeous! I hope that you settle into your new home soon and that you get some sewing time back soon. Keep up the good work!

  14. Hi Nancy! I didn't realize you guys had moved for the summer-sounds like a great adventure! I love your work!

  15. Nice to meet you Nancy! I love your hexie project, and I loved reading the 17 things post. It's good to be reminded of that.

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  16. That pattern girl is too funny! Well you have beautiful stuff and it looks like you have been sewing way longer than you say :) I have the same Bernina--I love mine! Did you get the stitch regulator? I couldn't FMQ without it!
    Very nice blog. Simple and easy to read :)

  17. Nancy, I love the design of your blog, and your work is beautiful! I'm preparing to go out of town for the weekend, so I'm completely scatterbrained right now, but I will have to come back and reread your post on threads under the microscope--I love that type of info! I'm curious to hear what you thought of your Necchi--I have a vintage Lydia that I have yet to learn how to thread, but I've heard the ones made in Italy were great machines. Best of luck in San Diego this summer!

  18. Love your 17 things I learnt about blogging!

  19. Great to get to know you through the blog hop, I also love hexies and just finished the top on my circle of flying geese. We have similar tastes! Looking forward to hearing more from you in the coming days!

  20. Nancy, what a fantastic post! Went back on 4 or 5 of your past posts and you have great style! Thank you for sharing so much!

  21. What an awesome post! You did a great job. I love that you talk about interior design and how you decorate your home. I should do some of that although that would mean I would need to start actually "making" things for my home, which I really haven't done a lot of but need to. Thanks for such great inspiration!

  22. Great to learn more about you! I love your first quilt and can use lots of interior design advice:) I'm a new follower. Love the San Diego temple, that's where we were married. We also used to live in NC, in Charlotte, though. Enjoy your San Diego summer!!

  23. I really really love your actual projects, especialy the New York beauty, great that we have the Hände to meet us with this Blog Hop!

  24. Good to meet you and LOVE your projects. Your blog is ver will organized and its fun to look around and see what you are up too. I am a Bernina girl, also- Aurora 440/BSR. Your creative spirit shines thru your blog and your projects! See you soon!

  25. I came across your blog a few weeks back before Beth announced the Blog Hop. Do love your aesthetic. Very clean.

  26. That gif is cracking me up. Love it! We're Dominion fans around here too. I really wish I had time to play more boardgames. (I also wish I had someone to play boardgames with other than my husband. Once he figures out a game, I never win.)

    Also, you have a fantastic design sense. I wish my house looked half as stylish as yours!

  27. Awesome blog, I love your space! Also, your really graphic quilts are absolutely fab! And that post on thread - wow, so telling.

  28. That pattern graphic is hilarious!!! So fun looking back on all your fun posts! cant wait to see what you are making with all those hexagons:)

  29. Great blog! Your detail shots are amazing. I can't wait to see more.

    P.S. The dancing Simplicity pattern is fantastic!

  30. What an awesome intro to the Blog Hop! I loved checking out all of your links, especially the thread post!

  31. Hi Nancy, nice to meet you. I've come from the new blogger hop. Your projects look gorgeous.

  32. Dominion looks like fun - I love Settlers of Catan! Loved your 17 things... I totally agree with you especially the creativity inspirational and sometimes overloading but it certainly gets the brain ticking over. I have design ideas coming out of my ears at the moment!

  33. Hi Nancy - nice to meet you! I really enjoyed clicking through to some of the posts you linked - they were really interesting and honest and I could totally relate (for example, to your 17 things I learned from blogging post). Your photos and projects are fab and I think you have a really distinctive blog voice!

  34. I found your blog really interesting to read through- you write in a friendly style so it's just like we're there with you!

  35. "I'm busy being awesome." Isn't that the life of a creative type for sure! I love the look and feel of your blog and its so nice that it was first up for the LGA world tour! I must do more investigating!

  36. I've had your lovely black and white plus quilt "pinned" for a long time--WHY oh why did I never click through to your blog?! I'm going to be watching for more of that New York Beauty quilt. Good luck getting settled--it is so hard to be away from the sewing machine for real life. :)

  37. Really love your style, Nancy! I was looking back through your old posts and really enjoyed reading your "17 things" and seeing your sewing room. Those button jars -- eep! Looking forward to reading more!

  38. I love it here! What beautiful quilts you have made. I will definitely be back to visit again.

  39. Totally love your blog! I'm into home makeover stuff, too, so I'm pretty excited about your combo :)

  40. Love your blog Nancy and those Simplicity ladies are ace! Visited the site before to look at your lovely quilts and home decor, but it was nice to learn a bit more about you this time. The ABCs made me laugh, it brought to mind some of my 'moments'....I don't think I'd want to put them down in writing!

  41. first of all....welcome to san diego! right now we are in the "june gloom" way of things...but by july, we brighten up quite nicely. i really enjoyed reading what you wrote for this entry and look forward to reading what else you have done and will be doing. i love the different bright and lovely colors you choose in your fabrics. makes a person feel all happy like! enjoy your summer here and i look forward to visiting your blog often!

  42. Hey I enjoyed reading this post and a couple of the others you linked to. Great to see how your taste in sewing has evolved. Thanks for sharing!

  43. I love your projects!

  44. Enjoyed your post - love seeing all your projects. Oh and the dancing pattern literally made me laugh out loud. Hilarious!

  45. Nancy, your blog is fantastic! I love your sewing projects and the clean, modern look of your blog header. I'll definitely be back again! :)

  46. Fabulous post! Your blog is so aesthetically pleasing and your writing is fantastic! I checked out your "17 things" post and really appreciated it. I'm excited to have discovered your blog!

  47. I love your being awesome print and your flying geese!! Beautiful blog!!! I also appreciate sarcasm and humor immensely. ;)

  48. Those hexies look tiny! And the awesome print is, well, awesome! x

  49. Lovely blog and projects, Nancy! I just realized you were emailing me about the NY Beauty this week:) I am now a follower and I can't wait to read more!

  50. Lovely to meet you on the hop! You have some some beautiful makes :)

  51. Can I just say that your "being awesome" print is the bomb! So going to do one of those :) Your blog is lovely, I am going to enjuoy following!

  52. I think quilting and boardgames go hand in hand. My husband and I are friends with several couples who share these hobbies. We have a fun board game night and in between turns, the wives talk quilting, LOL!!

  53. Lovely blog post to start off the hop. I love your fabric choices, it looks so effortlessly cool!

    Jenny @ Note to Follow Sew

  54. Wow! A great post, thanks for the insight into 'you', and you've made some amazing stuff - I love your blog!! The 17 things is really interesting I may look at it myself sometime soon. A great start to the Blog Hop

  55. Hi Nancy, I'm so glad I found your blog and am now a follower. This was such a great intro post for us new visitors, I've also read your 17 things post as I'm a relatively new blogger myself and struggle with it a little bit so any tips & experiences are welcome. Looking forward to discovering more of your blog, keep up the fabulous work and know how much all the effort you put into it is appreciated.

  56. Welcome to California! I am a recent follower (just plain new to the world of blogs) and love your posts. Can't wait to read all your links. Hope you find lots of inspiration in this wonderful weather!

  57. Ahh, I love plus sign quilts - want to make one so badly c: Also, your paper piecing is so neat and tidy. Jealous!

    I like your home decor posts as well, I'm trying to get this place in order without tons of $$$ that I don't have, so good resources are always A+ to have. Thanks!

  58. Great post! I have been spending the last like 30 minutes clicking on various links in your post and reading more about you and your work! You are a great interior designer and quilter. I have truly enjoyed reading your blog so far, full of inspiration for both the home and sewing.


    PS. Quilt #2 is my favorite!

  59. I can't believe you made your first quilt within the past couple years! Loving your style ;)

  60. Oooh oooh oooh - looooove the 17 things you learned from blogging - totally connecting with those. Thanks for sharing. Also, your room makeover - the pink with the green and the zebra = genius, seriously xx.

  61. Anonymous6/11/2013

    I have followed your blog for a while and have some of your finishes on my inspirations board. I never knew you were in Raleigh...its just round the corner from me :-) I love your work, hope things are going well in SD - great place for the summer!!! ml_wilkie(at)hotmail(dot)com

  62. Thanks for your awesome post. I enjoy being inspired by like-minded women. Keep up the good work.

  63. Hi Nancy! Nice to meet you :) Thanks for that 17 things post, it's very helpful. I also love your hexies :) I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future!

  64. I am so pleased to have found your blog through this blog hop. You are seriously talented and I will be following you. Your work is incredible.

  65. What a lovely blog and lovely work! What a wonderful way to start this blog hop with you!

  66. Thanks for sharing! Love your dancing simplicity lady, I'm off to read 17 things!


  67. Love that double zipper bag!! Great stuff here and since I also blog about both sewing/quilting and home decor, you hooked me :)


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