
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  I feel at a loss for words at the moment.  I guess that is what happens when you take a break from blogging (and get sick! :).  Since I am seriously struggling to write a catch up post, maybe I won't.  Maybe I'll just get back into the swing of things by posting like I normally do.  Sometimes I am intimate here on the blog, and sometimes I get straight to the point and show you guys what I have been up to.  But this post was just to say hey! and to ask how your holiday and new year's was before I jumped back into projects.

We spent time with my side of the family during Christmas and New Year's, and it was really nice.  I went clothes shopping for the first time in a very long time (pre-baby).  I feel like a new momma.   I really don't like to shop for clothes, but I have no problem shopping for the home or for fabric.  Getting dressed is a chore for me and has definitely caused a few unnecessary arguments between the husband and I during our time being married.  :)

A few things got done around the home too like scoring a $67 8 x 10 Urban Outfitters rug for my bedroom, adding lights to our living room, centering our kitchen light over the island, updating my kitchen island with a neutral graphic print, and hanging two small plants over my kitchen sink.   Are you excited to see my kitchen?  I don't think much has changed from the previous times you have seen it, but I have not done an official kitchen reveal that most people like to see.  I love peeking into other people's homes.  At night time, if people's lights are on and the blinds are open or up, I'll glance in.  From the street of course . . . and if I just happen to be out walking . . .  at night.   You don't have to worry about me hiding in your bushes.   But I'll take a home tour any day over a day at the mall.

How was your holiday?!



  1. Welcome back! The holidays (& illness!) do really change the routine, don't they? I feel like I've barely gotten going again, and am working to finish up some wips AND start some scrappy things...

  2. hello! hope you are feeling better now!
    I used to love shopping - pre kids era. Now it is a chore. Though I would like to do some without kids soon.

  3. So sorry you were sick too! Everyone I know was sick. I had three weeks of vacation time to use and was healthy for the first .5 week then the baby got sick for a week then I got sick for a week and then my husband was sick for the last few days. Everyone is healthy just in time for the return to work. Such a bummer!

    I went shopping too, which I've done very little since M was born. And now I have a stack of things to return. I just can't stand to keep clothing I'm not totally in love with. But the returning is such a pain. Ugh!

  4. You know, you could make some clothes if you really hate shoppping....... :D

  5. Anonymous1/02/2013

    You didn't catch my crap did you? I am SO sorry if you did. It was exhausting great fun shopping with you. I wore my purple tights to church on Sunday. Now I am sick with some other nasty. Bleh! Your quilt in your next post is amazing too!


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