
Nail Head Art

I made this piece for Owen's room, and it was such an easy project to do!  So easy in fact, that it requires little explanation and photos.  I really love how each nail head is unique and not uniform.  I simply printed out a large "O" onto an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper to use as a guideline.  The paper also protected my surface from the dirt that comes off the nails during use.  I then removed the paper after I was done.  I used a display frame to allow room for the ends of the nails.

I had picked up this frame for $8 during one of my thrift store excursions.  Here is the before.  It's amazing what a little paint can do.

Nails of your choosing, but select short lengths
Heavy paper
Design printed out on white paper

To make your own nail art, you will simply push the nails into your chosen paper.   I used printer paper on top of 140 lb weight paper.  The printer paper kept the black smudges to a minimum.   I used a thimble to protect my finger.  I used a random pattern, but you could space your nails out evenly.  Just have fun!  I also painted my mat, which gave it a nice, contrasting detail.  I used my phone to take pictures for the how-to photos.

And here is what it looks like in Owen's room.

Frame- $8
Paint- On hand
Nails - $1.20

So for $9.20, I made custom artwork for my son, and I think it looks pretty nifty.  Not too bad, eh?



  1. Love the graphic industrialness! I completely missed it as I was so absorbed in everything else.

  2. Anonymous7/30/2012

    So cool Nancy! Where did you get the nails? I also really love how you painted the mat. Where did you get the thin tape for that? Totally pinning it!

  3. Love this! And I so, so love the nail heads!

  4. Seriously, loving his room! Everything on that wall looks fabulous!

  5. Amazing as always!


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