
crazy lady in HomeGoods . . . and more rugs

So I went all crazy lady in HomeGoods and bought eight rugs.  This was almost two months ago shortly after my Urban Outfitters experience turned out not so great.

Because I have so many options, I decided to put my high school English skillz to use and make a mind map.  There are three things I forgot to add on the sheet.

  • No rugs
  • Buy Flor tiles
  • Buy individual rugs

It only made sense to me to buy lots of rugs, so I could play with size and colors.   And here is what I came up with.



Equilavent to 1 Flor tile width

 Equivalent to almost 2 Flor tiles width


Wrap around

Either side and even

Lopsided but right where they are suppose to be (sink and door)

No Rugs?


I had a few Flor samples from awhile ago, so I thought I would place them in the kitchen too.  My new Flor tile samples came last week, but they are for my laundry area.  I'll have to share with you what they look like in my kitchen too.

1. Feelin' groovy graphite  2. Mod Cow  3. Feelin' Groovy Lime  4. Twill Ride Dark Grey
5. Lasting Grateness  6. Road to Damaskus  7.  Dashed Off  Jailbird

I went all crazy lady again in HomeGoods begging the cashier to let me return my eight rugs with an expired receipt.  (Now, I am buying, returning 30 days later, and repurchasing the items to extend my receipt.  Lame.  Yes, I know.)  I returned six of them and I kept the two green rugs.


On a side but related note, I do have good taste.  Not long after I had this rug fashion show, YHL did the exact same thing in their kitchen.  (They settled on a scalloped Urban Outfitters rug.)  And shortly after I bought these rugs I saw Vintage Revivals had bought the same chevron rug for her living room!  So yeah, I'm giving myself some credibility here for having decent taste.  :)   This doesn't happen all too often, so I'll bask in all my glory while I can.



  1. I like the green rugs, but then green is my fav color. But I also like the pattern and scale. I think they need to be useful as most people are not going to be looking at the kitchen and their placement the way you are. They will be wondering why Nancy didnt put the rug in front of the door.

  2. I love your kitchen- that green countertop is awesome. My vote would be for black and white. I like the green but I feel like it might take away from the bold move of that countertop to add more green accessories. They all look great though :)


  3. I love the blue wide rug...love the patter and defintely love that it is one big rug instead of little rugs opposite from each other. Sometimes I think small rugs get lost in the shuffle of the room, ya know? I vote for #7 pattern in one wide rug. #7 is a really clean patter, but yet bold and modern.

  4. Lisa Wilson7/25/2012

    I like the continuous......... and I like the rugs that are in the continuous rug picture :) You crack me up :)

  5. Anonymous7/26/2012

    I am thinking that I would only use the rugs if there was a purpose for them beyond looking good in the kitchen. I know I would get annoyed with them underfoot if they were there just to look pretty.

    I actually also liked the blue wide rug behind the island, cause it seemed to make sense there...

    I actually like a sparse look in the warm months with no rugs, but I also like to warm up a room as it cools off with rugs...

    Hmmmm? I would go with something that is easy to clean and in places where it is useful... like in front of the door, or in the spot where you stand and work the most in the kitchen (with some extra padding). Otherwise, I do not think I would put rugs in the kitchen at all. You will get annoyed with them, I think. Could you just put one larger rug in front of the door... with the flor tiles, you might be able to customize the size?

    I think you need some plants.

  6. I say navy ikat rug, all the way! I like how it plays off the lime green island countertop.


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