
my weekend

Some little lovelies came in the mail over the weekend.

Here are the four items that came to my home to live with me.

New fabric from Rashida Coleman-Hale's Washi Tape collection, and Amy Butler's River Shine in the Lark collection.  I just love that bat looking fabric.  I have no idea why, but I really love it.  I am hoping to use one of these prints for Owen's quilt.  I have a some samples from a different designer coming in the mail this week, so I will be able to compare these two prints to the ones I ordered.

My new camera!!!  Our tax refund hit last week.  Ah-mazingly fast! yipee!   I got it with a 50mm lens, but I may need to return it.  I didn't want the 18-55mm lens that came with it, but I might have to get it.  I can't take pictures of the rooms in my house with a 50mm lens.  I think I need a smaller variable lens.  Any suggestions?

A little print by Holli Zollinger.  Luv her!

And here is the fabric I am currently working with for my sewing project.  I had this project in my head for months now, and the fabric has been in my closet for a year and a half.  It was definitely time to get it out!  I hope this works out.  I am using the project to increase my sewing skills.
Update: As if I need to do this since this post hasn't gone live yet, but while I was typing it up today, I was also lolly gagging on Pinterest.  I came across a pin from a friend that had a dress using these same two prints!  grrrrrr.  I guess I should be optimistic here and say we both have excellent taste :)

So on the home front I have a little dilemma.  I am stumped with reupholstering Owen's rocking chair and ottoman.  Good 'ole ran into a brick wall, nowhere to go, my brain is mush stumped.  Picking out the right fabric has got to be the most difficult thing for me.  So with this said, I am on a hiatus. Thinking about reupholstering the rocking chair is turning my hair gray, so I am going to finish up the kitchen instead.   The kitchen has been BY FAR much easier. I have no clue why. Wait, I think I do. It's called a PLAN.

Here's my checklist for the kitchen
  • Lighting above my island
  • refinish the island  aka dresser 
  • find the right and affordable countertop for the island
  • replace dishwasher and finish off the trim around the dishwasher, if needed with the new one
  • window treatments for the two doors in the kitchen 
  • finish caulking a few areas around the tile backsplash
  • finish painting and replacing baseboards next to the pantry
  • possible shelving on the wall that links the kitchen and dining areas 
  • rugs 
Here's my current budget proposal to get those things done
  • Island- $250 for countertop (it's 8 square feet)
  • Island- $80 for furniture grade wood for the back and possible sides of the dresser
  • Island- $15 for paint or stain
  • Window treatments - $140 for custom work including the shipping
  • Lighting- $100 for two pendant lights to go over the island
  • Dishwasher- $150 (hopefully find one on craigslist or clearance)
  • FLOR carpeting- $240 for 20 tiles at $12 a piece (hopefully I can find some at the outlet or on sale)
  • Another option for rugs is to make my own or find cheap runners that I like.
  • 2 Shelves- $15 max per shelf b/c I will DIM (do it myself) this, and $40 for four corbels unless I DIM this too.
  • Caulking, painting, and replacing baseboards will be free b/c I have all the stuff already

How was YOUR weekend?


And you will have to forgive me for a few months with the quality of my pictures. I am not familiar with my new camera.

1 comment:

  1. I got the 18/135mm. It is a much better everyday lens and offers a more crisp image than the 18/55mm.


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