
Kristen Michele & Heart Art Giveaway (Closed)

 A huge thank you to Kristen Michele for the giveaway and for all those who participated.  I know she felt your love.

From now on, all giveaway winners will be announced in the original post.  Hopefully, that will make things easier for you . . . and me. :)

The winner is

 Congratulations Jessica!

Psst- I don't mind Anonymous comments, and I respect their wishes to not be known publicly.  Unfortunately, I have to delete any anonymous comments that do not leave a least a name or email attached because there is no proof of identity. 

I am excited to you introduce you to Kristen Michele, the designer behind artisteboheme.  I noticed her work awhile back for one of my Etsy posts.  It is amazing the wonderful and new people you get to meet through blogging.  Kris and I have been chatting back and forth since August, and it has been a joy!  She is a very talented and determined woman.  She also works hard, which shows through her career and graduate studies.  Kris creates Heart Art for artisteboheme, and she has a perfume line, Kristen Michele Parfumeur.  (Hit mute, if needed, before heading to the perfume page.  Can't let your boss know you're doing something you're not suppose to :)

She is graciously giving away YOUR CHOICE of Heart Art, which colors, initials, names, and dates can be customized, up to $80 in value.  ANYONE can enter.  Also, from Jan 11- Feb 11, you can get 25% off any product in her Etsy shop.  Enter OWEN25 when you place your order.  Her Heart Art is perfect for Valentine's!

If you are the type that doesn't like to read interviews, I highly recommend reading hers.  She has a way with words, and her story is very touching and humbling.  I am sure she will reach out to someone, and that may be you.

Isn't she gorgeous?
When did you know that you were an artist?

It is funny, because I never used to be comfortable calling myself an artist. Now, I almost have to tell people that I am an artist because of the various projects I have going on. In order to understand me and know me, one has to know that I am an artist. I think that I have grown into the title, however. You could say that I am a renaissance woman because I have many creative outlets and my creativity is always brimming.

As a child, I was very imaginative. My artistic expression has been an evolution of experiences over my lifetime. This is my path. From a young age, I was highly curious about perfume and how the variations of scent could evoke intense emotions in me. In illustration, I observed my father drawing and painting. He encouraged me to learn to draw with pastels. I had a nice collection of supplies for a little girl. We used to frequent art supply and hobby shops-as they were called-and buy a bunch of new things, then go home and create. I still love doing this. I had a big school project when I was about eight or nine years old. The students had to choose one of the California Missions and replicate it in any style we chose. I chose Mission San Diego, because it was where we lived. I remember being amazed at how my dad had conceived the recreation using cardboard cutouts and clay to build the structure. It turned out so perfectly, though it was definitely not a typical eight-year olds artwork.

Were there any challenging obstacles you had to overcome to get to where you are now?

My life has always ebbed and flowed with challenges- both small and epic. Because of the variations in my life experience, I believe it has shaped who I am today. I can say with conviction that nothing has come easy for me. I had a difficult childhood from about 13 on, being raised by a single parent. I missed out on many things that other kids had. At 25, I lost my father tragically, which devastated me. This single event set an internal fire and truly became the force by which I was able to achieve my endeavors. Part fear driven and part pride driven, I have been able to graduate from a prestigious, private university, start my own perfume line and develop my Heart Art. I have grown spiritually and emotionally through the trials of my life and I believe that my dad has been looking after me through it all.

What is one important lesson life has taught you?

Life has taught me to stop, think and take in the present moment. Too often, I find myself reflecting on the past with feelings of melancholy because a part of me did not appreciate that moment in time or I simply was not present minded at the time, like being too caught up in the little things that really did not matter. Because of this, I try to find the brighter side of my challenges. I remind myself that they are not forever; that this moment, this experience, this small moment in time will be a passing thought sooner than I will know. This mindset keeps me grounded. I am glad for the trials in my life. I am glad for the painful and joyful experiences I have had. They make me. Most of all, life has helped teach me to cherish my relationships with people. Having experienced so much gives me the ability to touch people’s lives through my art forms, be it painting, crafting symmetrical hearts or perfume creations. I believe that all I have come to be transcends subtly through my art. Having the ability, the sensitivity, to bring joy to people through artistic mediums is like a gift from God.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I lost my father when I was 25 years of age and we were very close. It had a profound effect on me. It made me feel I had to carry out my dreams, stick with my goals and become successful -- something he didn’t get a chance to complete in his lifetime. He was an artist too, and I credit him with my crafty and creative, and even entrepreneurial ways. My father, he was very creative, fun, laid back and a total risk taker. He had a keen business sense, good intuition and amazing character assessment. I loved him more than anything. We were similar in so many ways. Each of my parents did they best they could. My mom provided stability encouraged sound reason and my dad really helped me develop my creative side and taught me to take risks. I was always in competition with him creatively. It could have been something as small as trying to sketch a better mountain scene. I was sort of trying to out draw him—as he was showing me how to draw something specific! We fought for the paper across the table throwing down the pencil after each addition one of us made. He would draw something, I would then draw it my way and hand it back to him for approval, and then he would draw the same thing with more detail, just to get me to redraw it…probably just testing my resolve. It was pretty funny.

No matter what I wanted, was interested in, etc., he always supported me. He passed away, did not get to watch me grow as a perfumer, an artist, and a woman, but his spirit still manages to influence all my creative endeavors.

Deceased or living, whose studio would you raid?

Coco Chanel.

What is success to you?

Finishing what you start, even if you do not achieve the outcome you expected.

Where do you want to be in the next decade?

Living between South Carolina and Italy with a healthy child, lots of animals and to be stress free.

What activities do you enjoy in your spare time?

I love decorating and re-decorating and sketching interior spaces I want to create or perhaps, just jot down a vision I have. I absolutely love pouring through, really devouring, design magazines. I think I may subscribe to them all!! Music, singing and songwriting have always been part of my life. I also love buying new garden flowers as soon as spring hits. I am surprised at how good a gardener I have become, probably because I baby every little thing. I guess, the common thread among all the things I do for fun is taking something, be it an idea, flower bulb, or emotion and working with it until something really pretty is born. It is the idea and the not knowing of what is going to come out of it in the end. It is both joyful and a struggle and this is what attracts me.

Here is a sample of her work.  I could see these placed in any room of my home!  Oh the possibilities!

Keep up with Kris
Twitter -  @artisteboheme
Heart Art on Facebook -artisteboheme
Parfumeur on Facebook- Kristen Michele Parfumeur

  • PRIZE: Winner's choice of Heart Art valued up to $80.  This can be customized. 
  • TO ENTER: Like Heart Art by Kristen Michele on Facebook AND like Kristen Michele Parfumeur on Facebook.  (Please leave only one comment on my blog)
  • BONUS ENTRY: share this giveaway, followers of mine (one comment per)
  • ENDS: January 22,  9 PM EST
  • PRIZE SHIPS: Internationally
  • ANNOUNCED: Jan 23 and you will have 48 hours to reply, make sure I have your email address

I did not receive any compensation for this giveaway.   My opinions of Kris and her work are mine.


  1. I liked both her perfume page and art!

  2. liked both her pages on facebook! and I love the heart art!

  3. I shared this giveaway on facebook!

  4. tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/thecraftinfiend/status/157094343985999873

  5. I like both pages on fb!

  6. I am a follower of Owen's Olivia!

  7. Done. Like Heart Art by Kristen Michele on Facebook AND like Kristen Michele Parfumeur on Facebook.

  8. Follower and tweeted here - https://twitter.com/hueisei/status/157211982431387648

  9. Ohh, she soo brave and a real 'stayer' I mean after those things she become a woman to look at up :) her works are stunning so precious and lovely arts * More Good Luck&Love!
    Liked both FB pages as Szabina Luzics
    (GFC follower: Szappanbubi)

    porcukorborso at gmail dot com


  10. Anonymous1/11/2012

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I Like Heart Art by Kristen Michele on Facebook AND I like Kristen Michele Parfumeur on Facebook

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am a follower of Owen's Olivia! i tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/jrwarfield/status/157286629063663616
    I shared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=319263151441306&id=71005186

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  14. the heart art is darling!

  15. Anonymous1/14/2012

    I like both pages on Facebook!

  16. Anonymous1/14/2012

    I follow by GFC and Tweeted @lealee33

  17. liked both on fb, i am an gooch

  18. I like both pages on facebook!

  19. Anonymous1/17/2012

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I liked Kristen Michele and Kristen Michele Parfumeur on Facebook.

    nordstromemily at gmail dot com

  21. I like both pages on Facebook!

  22. I like both pages on Facebook and I love this whole idea of hers! :)

  23. i liked both on FB- i love the gradient hearts!

  24. shared on twitter @amidrex

  25. Lisa Wilson1/18/2012

    Hi! I liked her perfume page and her art page on FB. I also shared the link to this on my FB Wall :) <3

  26. Gail Goodhand1/18/2012

    Love her art and have the prefect place for it to go. Hope I win! gailgoodhand @ yahoo.com (no spaces)

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Liked both pages! Loved her story! Thanks for the giveaway (to you BOTH!)

  29. I liked heart Art on Facebook!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. I shared this giveaway on my blog!


  32. I shared this giveaway on Facebook!!!


  33. I shared this giveaway on twitter!



  34. I Liked both of Kristen's FB pages. I left her some comment love on both pages. Kristen's art is so Beautiful!

    Thank you and Kristen for your giveaway and a chance to win.


  35. I'm a follower of Owen's Olivia's blog.

    Thanks again for a chance to win.


  36. I liked both pages on fb! Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Anonymous1/20/2012

    I love the light and airy feel of the hearts! I found this blog and hearts thru pinterest. Thanks for chance to win...don't know how to create a yahoo profile though. Renee R.

  38. Anonymous1/21/2012

    what inspiring works of art,wish i could have done BIG LIKE on FB.. definitely will share. Ty for the chance to win.. woohoo!
    Lynda Hidalgo

  39. I liked them both on facebook!!

  40. I tweeted about it!
    Go here https://twitter.com/#!/KaydeeBunz/status/161202142949015553

  41. Krystal Brown1/22/2012

    Liked them both!

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