
How to Organize Home Decor into One Accordion Folder

Have you ever decided to change a few things in a room, but when you go out to a store and find something you love, you are not sure if it will fit in with your current home decor or future project? 

Enter the Home Decor Folder to the rescue!  I feel like saying that again.  Home Decor Folder! ah, that's nice. 

I have been using this trick for a few years now.  It is my go to folder for anything home decor related.   And it has been a super time saver.  I keep this little folder tucked away in a closet, and whenever I need to go out shopping for something, I place this folder into my bag.   There are some items that do not fit in my folder, like my paint deck, so I just keep that with the folder for easy finding.

Here is what you can put into your Organized Home Decor Folder.  (This is all optional.  You can customize your folder to meet your needs.)
  • Labeled paint samples, either chips from the store or ones that you paint yourself.  You can even dip a popsicle stick into your paint, let it dry, and then label it.  This would include wall colors, painted furniture, etc.   
  • Textile samples including trims and fabric samples from couches, chairs, bedding, and drapes.
         1.   If you do not have fabric samples from your furniture or bedding, you can take a picture of it or use several paint samples that comes closely to what you have.  I got a paint deck from Sherwin Williams, which includes every color they have.  You can get one of these too from a local paint store.      
         2.  Sometimes, bedding is packed into a matching bag.  If that is the case, just simply cut a piece of the bag before throwing it away.
         3.  For trims and mass retailer fabrics- If you make something, just ask for an extra inch of trim at the cutting counter, and keep a piece of your scrap fabric to throw into your folder.
  • Floor plan dimensions.  Having measurements of your rooms can be very beneficial, especially if you unexpectedly find an unique find but don't know if it will fit the space. 
  • Flooring-  Flor tiles, paint chips that match closely to rugs or wood floors, or pictures of your rugs.  You can also stain a small, flat piece of wood, if you have wood flooring.  
  • Pictures of your rooms with furniture in place.  I know this sounds a bit like a doozy, but it's easy to forget what you have in a room, especially if it is heavily decorated.
  • Pictures of items that you may not be able to color match but need a reminder of what that item looks like.  Think of tables linens, pillows, lamp shades, bedding, etc.   Did I mention you can get same day pictures at places like Walgreens, CVS, or any other drug store for around .19 cents a print???
  • Magazine clippings of items you like.  Have you ever gone into a furniture store trying to explain what you are looking for, but the sales associate sort of has an idea but not really?  Visuals help you and the associate, and they may be able to help you find something like it.
  • Important phone numbers from contractors, upholsterers, seamstresses, furniture stores, and interior designers.
So let's take a look at a Home Decor Folder.

1. Pictures of things in your home.  (I don't use this, but I wanted you to get an idea.)
2. Magazine clippings of furniture pieces, rugs, anything that I would like to have in my home.
3. Fabric samples
4. Upholsterer phone numbers in the area.
5. Paint chip samples
6. Paint samples on popsicle sticks. 
7. Flooring samples
8. Floor plan dimensions
9. Paint deck
10. List of all the paints in my rooms (This is optional just like all the other items, but I keep this on one page for easier referencing.)

So, what about you?  What would you include in your Home Decor Folder?

I'm sharing this with: Vintage Wanna Bee, Today's Creative Blog, Type A Decorating, Hope Studios, Not Just a Housewife, Home Stories A to Z, At Home with K, Sew Stylish Boutique, Sugar and Dots, Some Day Crafts, Somewhat Simple, Ginger Snap Crafts,


  1. This is such a great idea. My heart skips a beat over organization like this.
    A few blog friends and I introduced a new challenge idea yesterday and it would be so fun if you want to join. If you have a second, check in at http://thespacebetweenblog.wordpress.com/2012/01/09/imagine-the-impossibilities-challenge/ to learn more, and feel free to email me if you have any questions!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  2. Anonymous1/10/2012

    This would probably help keep me focused on what I really like in my spaces. I realize after the fact that the cool rug we bought (and paid more than I wanted to) for our living room does not even come close to the images that I fall in love with. I seriously need to start something like this and be a bit more intentional with how my spaces turn out.

  3. Thank you Karah! I will definitely check it out.

    Erin- Don't fret! You could always move that rug into a bedroom or playroom. Do you remember how scatterbrained (wait, still am) about decorating? It scares me at times!

  4. You are so clever. Love the idea of dipping Popsicle sticks into paint and labeling them!


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