
Cargo Duffle || Crafty Traveler Series

Hello, and welcome to my stop on the Crafty Traveler blog hop hosted by Ellison Lane.

*Updated!  I shared the link below to show you how to make the handles.*

For this hop, we were asked to review patterns for handmade travel items.  Since I'm lacking the handmade bag department, I opted for the Cargo Duffle.  It is made by Anna Graham of Noodlehead for Robert Kaufman.   This is a nice bag that can be used for all sorts of things.  I really like how my bag turned out, even with the few adjustments I made.

Skill level: Intermediate

Time commitment:  Plan for several hours or a weekend to construct your bag.

Perfect for:  Day trips, overnight bag, church bag, gym bag, or new mothers

What I changed:

-I opted out of the cargo pockets and made a zippered pocket instead.  This would definitely be intermediate since you have to know the sewing and quilting order in order for it to work properly.  I also added piping, which is an easy addition anyone could do.

-I chose not bind my raw edges, but I think that is something I wouldn't skip next time.  Since it's just for me, the exposed raw edges are no big deal, but I could add the binding on at a later time if I wanted.

-I added a plus in the upper right hand corner for a little character.  I chose to inset this, so I would not have any seam lines in my main fabric.

-I sewed my bag with a size 14 needle and my #37 foot (Bernina).  I used my walking foot for the quilting lines.  I mention this because I know not everyone has a walking foot or size 16 needle handy.  My Bernina was able to handle the work, but I know machines vary.

Helpful tips:

-The "accent" piece is literally an accent piece.  My brain kept thinking this was differential word (even after reading the directions!), so I would know which piece she was talking about in the pattern.  Main fabric (leaf print) and accent fabric (linen).  With that and the combination of my eyes fooling me that there was a seam between the linen and the main fabric print, it made for a really dumb night on my part.  So don't do like me and try to fight with this faux seam.  You ain't going to win.

- Updated!  After receiving emails asking about the handles, I am linking the how-to here.  I personally felt the handle instructions were vague. I did not know which side was referred to as the "raw edge" since both sides were raw, even after sewing the right sides together.  There is one photo of it rolled, but I think it would have helped me to have more photos of how to exactly fold the fabric so you have nice accent trims on the sides.  If I can get around to it, I will snap a few photos how to fold the fabric for the handles, and update this post.

-In the instructions, it states to center the gusset loop, and sew RST.  Eyeballing it, I tried to center the zipper and place the piping correctly, so it wouldn't be wonky.  After repositioning three or four times, my fabric was pulling in either direction, and I knew I was doing something wrong.

This caused tightness to happen on only one side of the bag.  I didn't realize that if I was off even by a little bit with my centering, it would throw the whole thing off causing this tightness.  There are no measurements provided of how far the zipper seam was to the gusset seam, so the distance between my zipper seam and the piping on my gusset is 2.5".   Make sure to lay your gusset flat (zipper side up) and measure the center of that.  Then measure the center of the main front piece of your bag.  Pin those two markings into place, and then continue on as the pattern states.

-Do sew only the top and bottom first, and then on the sides.  I didn't have issues with that, but I am sure someone out there will want to skip that step.

-Do buy a carryall zipper, preferably YKK brand, because it makes such a difference!

-If I were to make this bag again, I would consider adding canvas to the straps to make them a little thicker.  I would also consider adding interfacing to the bag to give it a little more structure when there are few items in the bag.  Both ideas are just a personal preference though and have nothing to do with the quality or integrity of the current bag.

My project used:

- Juliana Horner Modbox
- Essex Yarn Dyed Linen by Robert Kaufman
-YKK zippers, 26" carryall and 18" in black
-Quilted in Aurifil Mako 28 wt #2024

Would I recommend this pattern:  Yes for those who, in general, feel confident in sewing.

Here is the original bag made by Anna.  Isn't it lovely?!

xx nancy

One year ago:  Judy Ross Textiles
Two years ago: Aurifil Crayon Variegated Up close

My quilting book released Sept. 24, 2015 and is on Amazon.  Check it out!


Stockholm in the crib || Rug Pad USA


*There are no affiliate links in this post.  Just 100% pure awesome.

I changed out my living room rug when I scored this Ikea Stockholm rug on Craigslist.  I unknowingly pin a lot of interiors with this rug, so it only seemed fitting to have it in my home.   And when the chances you come across this rug in your hometown when Ikea is a 6 hour round trip drive, you hop on it like white on rice.

So this was the state of my living room awhile back.  A lot of brown?  Check.  Too small of a rug for the space?  Check.

During Christmas, this was the state of the living room.  It's amazing how the rug made such a transformation for the space.   After Owen ripped out the curtains (see that orange spot above the window frame below?), I thanked him for taking charge.  The curtains needed to go in my opinion.  The space looks much better without curtains.

What happened to my old rug?  I used it as a rug pad since this one is a flatweave.  But there was a BIG problem, which you can kind see in the photo above.  The rug draped over my existing rug.  And do you see that slight ripple under the chair?  Yeah, the rug was NOT staying in place very well.

And this.  Do you see that dip next to the couch leg???

So apparently I had a problem, but I was okay to live with it until I got a proper rug pad.

And then the craziest thing happened.  Will, from Rug Pad USA (not to be confused with RugsUSA), contacted me asking if I would be interested in trying out a rug pad.  After getting my measurements, they custom cut the pad to fit your rug.  Will sent over the Premium Lock pad for my new rug.

Here's a link to a coupon on their blog!

Y'all.  This was the BEST decision, and I am so thankful Will contacted because I really, really! needed a rug pad!  I was not too sure what to expect since I thought anything would be better than my old rug, but Rug Pad USA exceeded my expectations and excelled in customer service, fast delivery, and great product.  And I'm seriously not saying this because I got the rug pad.  This pad has added a bit of cushion to the rug, has elevated it off the floor (pic to come), and my rug DOES NOT move.   How many flatweave rug owners out there complain about the ripples and movement?  Come on.  We all do.  But we just love our flatweaves so much we just deal with it, right?

When we got the rug pad, it came rolled up.  It was easy to flatten out and place where we wanted it.

My walls were half painted for Creating with the Stars.  It's slowly getting painted white.  :) But here's a great shot showing you how flat the pad is even after it came to me rolled up like the photo above.   We were able to sell our old rug for $75!

The pad lifts my rug off the ground.

I'm sure many of you are wondering about the durability and clean-ability with this rug.  Because it's white, I am sure you are weary, especially if you have kids.  We have a no shoe rule with this rug, although it's been walked on plenty of times with shoes.  We also had a guest spill soda on this rug.  I found this rug to be a little more difficult to clean, but my stains came out.   Overall, I am very happy with my Stockholm rug!!

I still have a lot of work that needs to be done in this space, but for now, that's quite the improvement, no?  If you are wondering where the brown couch went, it's actually no longer in this room.  I'll save that for another day.

Thanks Will for hooking a sister up!  The pad is freaking amazing and does wonders for the space. I love it!

What do you think of my new Stockholm rug found on Craigslist?  Do you think it helped change the space?

xx nancy

One year ago: The going ons
Two years ago: Instagram  [you can follow me here]

Rug Pad USA supplied me a rug in exchange for a post.  I would only share with you products that I feel confident about.  I don't like fishy content, and I am sure you don't either.


Ellison Lane || Crafty Traveler Series Preview

I shared this sneak peek photo on Instagram for Ellison Lane's Crafty Traveler Series.  I will be participating next week, so stay tuned for that.   Make sure to pop over to see all the handmade goodies.   My sewing has been sparse otherwise these last few weeks, but I have good things planned.   :)

[What's crazy is this time marks my almost two year anniversary for making my first quilt, which was for Owen.  To compare that quilt to this current photo, or even to my new quilts, is just amazing.  I have grown so much over the last year in quilting and sewing in general (I didn't make my second quilt until much later.)]

xx nancy

One year ago: Captain || Before + After
Two years ago: My first quilt


Etsy Find || Pink Rug Co.

Pink Rug Co
It was this photo that directed me to Pink Rug Co, and holy bananas!  Can I say love twenty times over??!   Pink Rug Co. offers a variety of unique boucherouite rugs that can instantly add character to any space.  It is a bit on the pricey side, but these rugs really make a statement.  The smaller rugs could be used on a wall for art as well.

Boucherouite rugs are usually recycled fabric rugs that have been woven together.

love adorned

I've selected a few of my favorites from Pink Rug Co.  All images belong to Pink Rug Co. 

Here is another photo of a boucherouite rug in action. 


You can see their entire collection at Pink Rug Co.  So are you fan?  Would you like to have one of these rugs in your home?  

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend! 

xx nancy

One year ago: Aurifil Variegated
Two years ago: Veni || Before and After


A few new chairs

Last week I shared with you how I removed a water stain from my teak tabletop, and I realized I never showed you our new kitchen chairs.  We have had these for almost a year now, so I guess they are not really new to us but new to you.  :)

Here's the dining area with our white, Napoleon chairs.

And now.

There are actually four chairs, but I am using one of the chairs in my sewing room.  They have held up incredibly well.  They are lightweight, but not so light that you can easily damage them.   I am so happy we made the switch to metal chairs.  It was a nightmare wiping down white wood chairs all day long.  The only disadvantage to our chairs is winter time brings a chill to the seats when you first sit in them.  It goes away rather quickly, but you are greeted with a cool seat.  I'm sure some fur from IKEA or cushions would remedy that.  

I would love to add a rug like this West Elm one to the space.  I think one could easily DIY a similar version, but if this rug ever goes on clearance, I am snatching it up in a heartbeat.

And since I am on the topic of let's pretend, I would also love to add a piece of art to the right side of the window.  The pictures that were once there had to come down.  When Owen was younger, he had a habit of slamming our back door, and the vibrations would knock down our frames.  Now that he is a little older, I may be able to hang something there on the right.

kai samuel davis

Or this.


The pendant light will be leaving our home later this week too, but that's for another day.  :)  It's the Finley pendant lamp from Crate and Barrel, and I highly recommend it!

Related Posts: 

xx nancy

One year ago: How's it Hanging?
Two years ago: Fabric Friday || Eyelets


An unconventional way to remove a water stain from wood

Do you remember when I got this table?

Well, the lady who sold it to me said she rubbed it down with a protective oil to help preserve it. She may have done that, but we have been getting a few stains here and there, which resulted in me throwing a cheap vinyl tablecloth over it to protect the wood.  A few weeks ago I ended up with a nasty stain.  Something somehow leaked through the tablecloth and onto the table.  I didn't even know it nor did I know how the long the stain had been there until I had taken off the tablecloth.  Needless to say, the wood had turned white.

The other day I was playing Go Fish with my 3 year old, and we were snacking on Lay's Wavy potato chips.

I noticed these little grease spots showing up, and I had the craziest idea to rub the inside of the bag of chips onto my water stain.   I figured it couldn't hurt.

Well, guess what.  It worked.   I cut a small piece of the bag and rubbed the oily side onto the table in a circular motion.  Within seconds, the stain was gone.  I wiped the table down with clean damp cloth to check if it was just a hoax.  The stain was gone. (!!!)

A few things to note:
This worked for me and may not work for you.  I thought this was a crazy idea and just wanted to share it.
My table is solid wood teak with no veneers.
My table does not have any protective coating like Polyacrylic or stains.
I didn't use a lot of oil.  If I needed more, I cut another small piece from the bag.

Have you found a successful way to remove water stains?  Do share!

xx nancy

One year ago: Triple Zip Pouch
Two years ago: Fabric Friday || Triangles

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