

Last week, I announced the idea of an Anna Maria Horner  Dowry Charm Swap, so let's do this!!

Here are the details.  Please READ carefully, as you agree to the rules when signing up.

I hope you will join us!

What are we swapping?

One yard of (56) 5" x 5" charm squares, which will include all 24 prints of AMH's Dowry plus four additional AMH True Colors Collection prints.  You are ONLY responsible for Dowry.  To make things easy, I have assigned True Colors to two ladies who have already agreed to ordering, so please do not buy True Colors for this swap.

via Marmalade Fabrics
Charm swaps are a great way to get an entire collection without spending a fortune.

via Marmalade Fabrics

via Marmalade Fabrics


  • There are 24 spots available.  Each person can take a maximum of two spots.  The swap will not start until all 24 spots are taken, so please help spread the word!
  • Due to time and shipping, this will be a US only swap
  • If all the spots are filled, there is an alternate list in case someone needs to back out after signing up. (Alternate list is found via sign up sheet below)
  • Each person will buy one yard, or two yards in the event you take two spots.  You may want to purchase an additional 1/4 yard to allow for any mistakes.  If you take two spots, you will buy two different prints.
  • No duplicates will be allowed, so please pay careful attention to what has already been purchased when selecting the print you want to buy.
  • All fabric must be new, unwashed, and handled in a smoke free home.  For those who may have pet hair or dander allergies, please do not allow pets to lay on the fabric.  
  • Precision cutting is important, so I recommend ordering an extra 1/4 yard if you happen to make a cutting mistake.  Please click here for a great tutorial on how to cut 5" x 5" squares.
  • Once your fabric has been selected, immediately upload the image to the AMH Dowry Charm Swap Flickr group.  
  • Once all the spots are filled, you will have up to two weeks to purchase and upload your print to Flickr before an alternate person will take your spot.  This will only insure that all those who are participating will receive their charm packs in a timely manner.
  • If you forget to send a prepaid envelope with your charms, it's not the end of the world, but it does make things a little more difficult and pricey on your part.  Please note that I will not ship the charms back to you until I receive payment.  
  • If you run into any problems, please contact me!  I want to make sure you get Dowry!

How to enter:

SIGN UP HERE.  You may also include the name of the print you wish to purchase, but it is imperative that you upload an image to the AMH Dowry Charm Swap Flickr group.  Please list the name of the print.  For example, "Postage Due in Toast."  No duplicates are allowed, so it's first come, first serve.  (But we will all end up with the same prints in the end :)

Commenting below will not guarantee a spot, but if you are having issues signing up using the Sign Up Sheet,  please let me know ASAP.  I will most definitely be checking my emails periodically to make sure things are running smoothly for you all.

What do I do?:

In no way does the information below mean to sound condescending in any way, but I remember with my first swap thinking, "What do I do????"  So I hope this helps for any swap virgins.  :)

  • After receiving your fabric, you will press your fabric, and cut it into 5" x 5" squares.  You will get 56 squares out of one yard.  
  • Place your squares in a small Ziploc bag (or any other sealable bag will do).  Please do not fold your charms in half.
  • Write the following on a card: your name, email address, Flickr user name, and mailing address.  Place the card inside the bag.
  • Place the bag into an envelope, but DO NOT seal it.  
  • Take it to the post office with an extra envelope that is self addressed. (Please write down my address too, so I don't have to that 26 times.  :)
  • Have the post worker weigh the envelope and the charms.  Have them print out a prepaid mailing sticker, and place it on the empty self addressed envelope.
  • Place that self addressed envelope inside the envelope that will be mailed to me.  
  • Once all the charms have arrived, I will divvy them up, and mail them back to you using your self addressed envelope.

When should I get my charms back?:

  • Once all the spots have been filled, it should take no longer than 4-6 weeks to receive your charm pack.

Are there any Dowry sales going on right now?:

Stash Modern Fabric currently has 20% off any bundles, including the pick your own fabric bundles, so you can buy Dowry for 20% off!  Beth also offers free shipping on orders greater than $50 with the code SHIPFREE50.

Marie - Madeline is currently offering 20% off Dowry.

I do not know when these sales will end.

Helpful Links:

Sign Up Sheet  **there was a minor error this morning, but it is fixed.  to add your name, please click a box below Name.   if you cannot edit the list, please try opening in a different browser.  


My email:  owensolivia at hotmail dot com

xx nancy


  1. I signed up but I'm terrible with adding pictures on flickr. I have no idea how to do it. Any suggestions? Thanks, alonzoteressa at hotmail dot com.

  2. I think I signed up but am really new to this. I also need some input on how to upload a picture onto Flickr. Thanks, marnold522@Yahoo.com


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