
Fabric Friday {two collections I want in their entirety}

There are very few fabric collections that I like every single print, including colorways.  Do you suffer from this problem too?  That is not the case for me with Cloud 9's simpatico and GeoCentric lines.  Ooooh, this girl can't wait.  I love graphics.  I love triangles.  I love chevrons.  I even love the chosen pastel colors in simpatico.


just curious . . .

Could you please take this poll for me?  It helps me understand you a little better, and I am a bit curious how your brain works.  Thanks so much!

When it comes to blogs, in general do you . . .




Fabric Friday {Ttoz}

This is just a fun designer.  You can visit Ttoz on Etsy or Spoonflower.

Have a great weekend everybody! 

xo - nancy


vacation is so nice

I really didn't want Matt's family to leave.  Owen had so much fun playing with them, and for once, the dog left me alone.   We didn't too much while they were here.  We hung out at our home, played a lot of Dominion, visited a few museums in downtown, and ate delicious snow cones at Pelican's.  I'm not including photos of them, except one of grandpa.  They might not appreciate their pics on the web.

The two grandpas.

A trolley pub passed us in downtown.  Everyone is peddling.   I would love to see this in action while everyone is drunk.

Matt's ancestors.

Pelican's is awesome.  The ice is so fine and smooth.  You are never crunching on large chunks of ice.  They have over a hundred flavors.

Owen loves Pelican's.

I also went to Fort Macon (near Atlantic Beach) with my sister and her kids.   We stayed at my dad's place for a couple of days.   Owen and I were excited to head out to the beach. 

10 minutes later.

5 hours later.   It was mostly overcast the first day (and I got burned), and it was nice and breezy.

I no longer like to tan since cancer runs in my family.  I kept my dress on for the trip, and I put on 30 SPF.  I might need to use baby sunscreen in the future.  Don't let this burn fool you though.  Back in the day when I thought tanning was cool, I would get darker than any Mexican here in NC. 

And lastly, Owen got stuck during a timeout.   (This is how I feel about vacation ending.)
*Am I cruel for making Owen wait on me to find the camera???

I'm really not ready to get back to the "real" world.  It was really nice taking an internet break too.  Have you ever taken a computer break that was longer than a day?  How was your week?



Izziyana Suhaimi's art + vacation

I feel like I have been on an embroidery kick lately.  More so in my private life than on the blog.  I stumbled across this on Pinterest.  I find her work to be great inspiration, especially as I play around with embroidery more at home.  It's definitely an art that I want to practice more, so it's just another thing to add to my want to-do list.    Sometimes, I wish I didn't live in a technological time period.  If I can't see it, then I won't know about it.  If I don't know about it, I won't do it.  There's just too many good things out there, and honestly, it can put a drain on my creativity.

Without further ado, here's Izziyana's embroidery work.  You can visit her blog here.  All photos came from her site.  My favorite is the second to last.

It's going to be quiet around here for a week, so I can enjoy this time with my family.  (Beach vacation + family flying in from Scotland)   I'm not really a fan of scheduling out posts because I like to keep this in real time.  I am really hoping to share photos of Owen's room with you guys Monday, the 25th.  Are you excited?

Have a wonderful and safe week.


Etsy - Embroidery Hoop Art

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