
life lately || sewing

I thought I would share on here some of the things I have been doing lately in the sewing room.  Most of this I share on Instagram, so if you have an account, stop by!  But I know many of you do not have one, so I don't want you to be left out.

I have two main projects in the works.  First up is my Circle Lattice quilt by Carolyn Friedlander.  This was my first attempt at hand appliqué, and it is not that bad actually!  It is a slow process and one that gives my fingers a beating.  I do enjoy the time spent with working with my hands while tucked under something I have made.  It is very satisfying.

My next project is another appliqué, but it is a mini.  This is called my xoxo quilt, and to be painfully honest, I have had mixed feelings about it.  It was one that I sketched out, but that's about it.  I worked piece by piece hoping that in the end my desired outcome would be achieved.  Well, I ran into some hiccups, which is natural for improv.   And now I have the top 90% done, and I have NO clue how to finish it. And by finish I mean binding, what I want the final product to be, etc.  I am just hoping inspiration will slam into me with full force.

I joined in on an Instagram hashtag that didn't really catch any steam.  I made this improv flying geese panel, which I adore, and I hope to return to it soon.  But for now it is in the WIP pile.

And lastly, I made this small piece as a prototype.  It was a design that came to my mind during my book writing, so I quickly sketched it out not to forget it.  I think I would like to take out a few of the overlapping gray and black areas and make them lighter.  I just need to order some Aurifil, and as soon I do that, I can finish this piece.  I am not sure why it is taking me over 3 months to order a spool of thread.

Not quilting related, but Matt gifted me a loom.  My weaving is done and just needs to be hung onto a dowel.  I definitely foresee more weavings in my future.

I found these odd baskets (I have two) at a thrift store for $2.  They hung on a wall waiting to be used.  When I started to clean up my sewing room I discovered a clever use for them. They now hold my large and small embroidery hoops.  I don't know about yours, but mine were hanging on a nail and kept falling off.

And just a quick shout out to Bobbie Lou's Fabric!  She has some great quilting cottons with new arrivals coming in all the time.  Be sure to pop over and check it out.  And of course, free shipping on orders over $50 in the US.

So those are just a few of the things going on.  I wish I could share it all!  One day though!  :)   Just know I am alive and I have not sworn off quilting, although my husband thought for sure I would after he witnessed the stress in my life and home last year.  Ha!  It's all good though!

Happy quilting!

xx nancy

One year ago:  Triangle Fish Quilt
Two years ago:  WIP Wednesday
Three years ago:  30 Fat Quarter Projects


  1. Those are all gorgeous! You are really making me want to do some hand appliqué. I just love all of your fabric choices and colors. I tend to go for wild fabrics because I love the prints, but the things you make would go so much better in my home

    1. Haha. I think it so hard choosing the right colors. I try to just go with gut for the project and hope for the best! Sometimes, I fail. 😊

  2. Anonymous2/01/2015

    Wow! I am liking the XOXO mini quilt. If you want to highlight the xoxo part, I would bind it in the hot pink fabric. If you want subtle, go with the background fabric as binding. Lots of great projects!

    1. Thanks! It's a portion of the mini. That's a great suggestion, thank you!

  3. WHEN is your book coming out?? I keep typing your name into Amazon to see if I can get a sneak-peek, but nada!

    1. Ha! Sorry! Amazon doesn't have my info yet. Sept. 2015 😀

  4. Nice projects! Your sketch is brilliant ; )

    1. Thanks! I should share the original sketch when I am done 😊 xx

  5. You have such interesting projects. I like them all but really identified with the flying geese and the one with the two curved pieces turning at a relaxed 90 degree angle. I studied that one and I though of the small applique in the upper right as the sun and then the curves as roads with the loops either being buildings or cars. I'd like to see how it comes out. Years ago I was in charge of programs at my guild and one of the activities was to exchange a stalled project. It had to be something you were willing to let go. One time each peson put their project in a brown bag. At the end of the evening you went home with a diffeent brown bag. Another time we left the things unwrapped and formed a large circle with each person holding their project. It was like musical chairs in that I sang a song and the projects got passed around. When I stopped singing each person took the project they were holding. Maybe you could try something like this if you aren't inteested in the project now.

    1. Thank you!

      What a great idea! I love it!! Thank you for sharing it. xx

  6. All of your work is beautiful. I especially love your striped piece. The circle lattice quilt is one that is on my list to make, too, someday!

  7. All of these projects are gorgeous but I especially love the xo mini. I'm sure whatever you decide to do with it will be lovely! @littlebeetroot xo

  8. Just found you via instagram, I love your work! I just started reading the Carolyn Friedlander book so I am interested to see someone working on the Circle Lattice quilt, it looks great.


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