
Minimalista Quilt + Giveaways from Art Gallery Fabrics

**This giveaway is now closed**

You may remember this Instagram I posted two weeks ago.  Well, my Minimalista quilt is finally finished.  (Anyone interested in naming this for me, since I am not particularly fond of naming quilts.)

Find Art Gallery Fabrics' Minimalista at these fine retailers:

Bobbie Lou's Fabric Factory
Stash Modern Fabric
Fat Quarter Shop

Quilt info:

66" x 77"
The petals are outlined in White Linen.  Background color is Mystic Grey.  Accents inside of petals are Moonstone, except for one, which features Script Noir.  The quilt back is Flora in Turquoise and is hand bound in Squared Elements in Shadow.  All fabrics are Art Gallery Fabrics.  I used Aurifil's Silver Gray #4060, which is variegated and 28 wt, for the quilting.  Quilter's Dream cotton batting.

xx nancy

Find me elsewhere: Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Bloglovin'

My quilting book released Sept. 24, 2015 and is on Amazon.  Check it out!


  1. I am super dooper, awesomtastic, fantabulous!! And I think you are too :-)

  2. Thank you for the chance. I am very modest and cannot say that I am awesome but I will say that my stitching is awesome

  3. I can't say too much about myself but I do have good taste and that quilt is beautiful. I just love it!

  4. I am fabulous, but not as fabulous as this fabric, but i could be if I had a bundle!!! love your quilt, it's stunning :o)

  5. Beautiful quilt Nancy! You are SO talented! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! ellisonlane (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. I pinned on Pinterest! (ellisonlane at gmail dot com)

  7. I'm super awesome. Really. (Lol)

  8. Hmmm - I'm so awesome because I can bake VERY delicious cakes and cookies :) Gorgeous quilt - I am a fan of yours!!!

  9. I am amazing at collecting fabric and quilting books, i am also a pretty good baker of cakes. Thanks for a great giveaway. I love the watermelon colour.

  10. I turned 40 yesterday, that was pretty awesome, hubby is throwing me a karaoke party at the weekend, which is odd, because my singing skills are not awesome.

  11. I am awesome! My gpa is 3.78 =)

  12. I'm awesome, but unfortunately I live in the UK. Never mind. And the quilt? How about "broken wings" (or is that too 1980s?)

  13. I am quietly awesome and live in Florida to my best friend for 37 years -- the quilt reminded me of "Scattered Flight" and it's very awesome and well done - good work #!}

  14. I get more awesome every year! Love the quilt.

  15. I tweeted about the giveaway. (1starsfan is me)

  16. I am so awesome! Yeah! nicolelhodge (at) yahoo (dot) com

    Love the quilt sooo much! And the selfie!

  17. Anonymous12/03/2013

    My kids do tell me I'm the awesomesauce :)

  18. I tweeted about your giveaway (@4longears)

  19. I am a robot, therefore I am instantly awesome. ;) I love this quilt!!! The pattern is amaze-balls! Love how you did it!

  20. I just got home after doing 2 classes at the gym so now I feel like I am awesome -- it feels good when you finish something that seemed too hard to get through. Your quilt is awesome too -- so original!

  21. Anonymous12/03/2013

    I'm only a little awesome. ;)

  22. You will find no one as awesome as me in my house...although my kids will contend that. But I'm seconded by my husband, smart man. Your quilt exceeds awesome into amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. I'm awesome because I bellydance (says the woman who is supposed to dance Sat and hasn't finished choreographing her piece). Also, I think a good name for the quilt is "Flutter".

  24. And I awesomely pinned your post on pinterest (hope that counts).


  25. I finished my first quilt (baby one) about a month ago so I'm feeling pretty awesome.

    I like the color combination you picked for this quilt.

  26. I am sometimes awesome. But that is some pretty awesome fabric. :) I like the name Scattered Petals... Maybe? Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. Awesome? Is there anything harder to say about oneself? I love the turquoise colorway!

  28. That quilt rocks! And love those colors...esp. the turquoise! And I am awesome obviously if I like this as much as everyone else :) Thanks!

  29. Also just tweeted this giveway (@brookelyn58) :) Thanks!

  30. I must be awesome because I have a great hubby and two sweet kids that put up with me! This fabric is great!
    ( mamaisquilting at gmail.com)

  31. I posted a picture on Instagram!

    (Mamaisquilting at gmail.com)

  32. Hmm... Where to start... I am awesome at not folding laundry, starting quilts, making bags, not going to the gym and making cute babies. Oh yeah, and forgetting to make dinner. That should do it. This is a FANTASTIC line of fabric, and quilt. Way to go. And I'm head over heels for the watermelon and turquoise color schmes, although the other two are amazing as well... (Ps : I live in Canada but get my U.S mail shipped to a U.S. box as I'm right on the other side of the border:) )

  33. I am surviving today on 4 hours sleep, therefore I am awesome, right :) Thanks for a great giveaway.

  34. I am awesome most times, well at least that is what my beautiful grand daughter says

  35. My three-year-old granddaughter thinks I'm awesome, so I must be. She also thinks everyone is awesome, and I think there is truth in that too. Thanks for the gorgeous fabric giveaway. Your quilt is beautiful!

  36. Re-posted via Instagram and Twitter... 😊

  37. I shared this awesome giveaway on Facebook! Thanks again.

  38. I may not be that awesome but I know awesome when I see it and that quilt and those fabrics are awesome :)

  39. Nancy, I'm no help when naming quilts...I wonder why it comes so easy to some and others....well.....
    I love your quilt! :)
    I'm 'sew' awesome I teach the neighborhood children to sew for free.
    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  40. My four year old grandson thinks I am awesome because I can fix anything from socks, pants and even superman's hand to name a few. I love your quilt, I'm not good at naming quilts either. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  41. winning would be awesome! funny how hard it is to say that of ones self. But today I'll do it...

    I'm awesome! because I packed a healthy lunch. :)

  42. My 2.5 year old son says "Mommy is awesome".

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I'm addicted to your blog, your beautiful quilts and many other quilt distractions, thus getting sidetracked at work. I'm definintely not getting work done....I think this means I'm awesome when it comes to being a fabraholic and not so awesome when it comes to being an alanyst at a desk. :) Daydreaming of quilting! Reposted on Instagram @alexlily11

    Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric! :)


  45. I'm strong! 24Tangent@gmail.com

  46. I am awesome because I can juggle 2 kids, a husband, and a full time career outside the house and still maintain my sanity and develop my talents. Note I don't always do it well but no one is perfect!

  47. I just gave my away my stash money to my daughter who needed gas in her car. She better think I'm awesome!!!

  48. I just pinned this giveaway :)

  49. I like to think I'm awesome, but I'm often humbled by life and God's will. I will say my awesomest moments usually happen when I'm quilting, teaching, or spending time with my family. Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. I just shared this page on fb too. Thanks! Your quilt is very cool. So modern and simple :)

  51. I'm really awesome....at least my kids and husband thank so!

  52. I'm awesome because I just had a kid and survived some pretty scary life threatening complications. I'm recovering mentally and physically AND I'm an awesome mom.

  53. Anonymous12/03/2013

    I am kind of a big deal.

  54. I'm awesome in the eyes of the new quilters in our church group. Although I don't know everything, they think I do. What fun!

  55. Just put the giveaway out on my Twitter feed. Thanks for the chance to win, awesome blogger

  56. I am fantabulous to my daughters (now that they are all adults!!)! Love your quilt - looks shattered or like fallen leaves to me!

  57. I posted about this on my FB page! Thank you for this stupendous giveaway - it is just a reflection of how spectacular you are :)

  58. Anonymous12/03/2013

    I am so awesome that both my kids jump up and down when they see me! Okay, they are just 1 and are excited easily...but still!

  59. Anonymous12/03/2013

    I just put the giveaway on my twitter feed!

  60. I am awesome because I pinned your giveaway.

  61. Here's the pin: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/488148047081908510/

  62. I am awesome and so is the quilt. I would call it take flight

  63. Personal modesty won't allow me to boast about my level of awesomeness :-) But if you ask my husband, he would say I'm pretty awesome!
    (I chose to link as my google account, so it should be linked to an email address, right?)

  64. I'm awesome at being pregnant and giving birth. It's true, this lady was made to have babies. ;)

  65. I just discovered that I've had my underwear on inside out all day, so I can wear them again tomorrow only the right way, right? :p

  66. I'm awesome because I'm doing to finish all the laundry today! ;)

  67. My kid thinks I'm pretty awsome, but he's two, he also thinks dipping pankakes in ketchup is awesome, so take that for what it's worth.

  68. I'm not all that awesome but this quilt definitely is- beautiful work and thanks for the giveaway!

  69. Not feeling too fantastic this year... blue Christmas about sums it up due to some complicating life factors. This fabric collection is beautiful, though. And I love the quilt. Perfection!

  70. I'm not in the US so can't enter the giveaway but just wanted to give a name to your quilt. EAGLE FLIGHT. Because it looks like lovely, big birds in formation. jennylarking at gmail dot com

  71. I'm awesome because I paid all the bills today and got some shopping done for the holidays! Your quilt is awesome!

  72. I'm awesome because I'm checking out your awesome quilt made with this awesome fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Love your quilt and well I'm not saying I'm SUPERWOMAN,,,, but no one has ever seen me and SUPERWOMAN in the kitchen or sewing room together... Just sayin! lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  74. Well I don't know about awesome but I do keep pretty busy working full time, quilting, single mother, farmer, etc! I guess just getting a shower is pretty awesome and I do mange one everyday in case you were wondering lol!

  75. My daughter in love thinks I am awesome.....that's pretty good!

  76. Here's how awesome (or is it crazy?) I am: My brother's GF (of two or three years now?) asked me to make her a TARDIS quilt for her bed. I bartered with her, and she babysits my kids and pays for materials. Well...first I made her a TARDIS pouch while I was designing the quilt. Then the whole quilt design exploded and I ended up making her a lap quilt with a TARDIS on it...and a small wall hanging with her name in Gallifreyan (time lord language)...and I am 3+ months deep in making her a bed quilt based on Starry Night! I'm at least 3/4 of the way done quilting it (it's a monster of a quilt to quilt!), my arms and shoulders are aching. I can't wait to be done!

  77. I shared on FB! Thanks for the giveaway, love your quilt and the quilting!

  78. im pretty much done christmas shopping and even have most of the stuff wrapped up already soo i think that makes me pretty awesome lol

  79. I bake awesome cookies at Christmas. And my newest great nephew was born on my birthday this year - awesome! Thanks for the great giveaway - love the Noir colorway.

  80. i shared on facebook... https://www.facebook.com/natashanicole22/posts/10200778512616157

  81. Great job, that quilt is beautiful!

  82. I am so awesome I just got an e-mail from a friend saying so....BUT I don't think so. I just remembered an anniversary of an awful time in her life.

    I would love to make something with all the prints. They are so fabulous!

  83. I love this fabric- hard to choose which colors I like best.

  84. I am awesome because I am going to rock my final exams next week!!!

  85. Normally I'm pretty awesome, but today I'm eclipsed by my dear hubby's awesome-ness as it is his b-day!

  86. I pinned this here: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/192528952794240843/

  87. Of course I'm awesome, but I come from a family of awesome people so it's only to be expected. ;-)

  88. I'm pretty awesome because I let my husband go to bed early last night because he wasn't feeling well, AND I went shopping for groceries. Oh yeah, I rock :) Thanks for the chance to win... alonzoteressa (at) hotmail (dot) com.

  89. My girls say I'm awesome, so I must be! littleellalu@gmail.com

  90. I'm hoping to be awesome enough to get through the holiday season with tranquility and grace! Many thanks!

  91. I'm so awesome that my awesome hubby drove me 2 hrs to meet up with my parents who had driven 3.5 hrs to meet me and then I drove them (77 and 81 yrs old) for 2 days to their rented condo in southern Florida!!

  92. Anonymous12/03/2013



  93. Anonymous12/03/2013

    HI,I'm finished with all of my Christmas shopping+gift making+just have to wrap them later;I think that's pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing on your Blog+this great Giveaway! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU+YOURS!


  94. My scrap quilts are the best!:) Great quilt--you could name it 'Not Playing Favorites'. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  95. Yes I am awesome! And I live an awesome life! Thanks for the chance at those great fabrics!

  96. Anonymous12/03/2013

    Your quilt is amazing! We are all awesome, myself included. I am making 4 quilts for Christmas, all are pieced and two are completely finished!

  97. What a beautiful quilt!! I love scrap quilts and they reign in my house :-) Thanks!

  98. Wow, here's hoping to win. I think your quilt is awesome, I guess that makes me awesome, huh? :)
    nice job. despackman@gmail.com

  99. I am a very loving and awesome grammie. Your quilt is beautiful. I would name it Toss Up because in a couple of those shots it looks, to me like cards, tossed up in the air and left to float down.

  100. Awesome - that's a tough one to lay on yourself! How about a good mama?! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win! mrsrachelsbooth at gmail dot com

  101. I pinned your gorgeous quilt and the giveaway!! :)

    mrsrachelsbooth at gmail dot com

  102. I'm awesome at adding fabrics to my stash! Lol

  103. I shared this giveaway on Twitter! @sugarkube

  104. I am fairly great!

  105. I'm definitely awesome (to my family anyways - I feed them!).

  106. that quilt is gorgeous!! How are quilts named? Like, Mary? or more like Chevy-Beat? lol

  107. Anonymous12/03/2013

    I am pretty awesome, but I would be more awesome if I won this excellent giveaway!
    I shared your giveaway on twitter https://twitter.com/Erin_Myone/status/408036100871946240

  108. Dude, I'm so awesome, its common knowledge. People don't even need to tell me how awesome I am. They know it. l know it. 'Nuff said.

    {Okay, reality check....I'm such a goober!..But one awesome goober! - Ha!}

  109. I am drenched in awesomeness.

  110. I love Deci's comment! I am awesomely entertained by everyone's comments. :D

  111. I'm just trying to convince my teen that I'm awesome! Life is good!

  112. Love Karen's comment...trying to convince her teen she's awesome! I try to convince my teen AND middle schoolers every day...some days are better than others!!

  113. I tweeted your giveaway.

  114. I am the opposite of that. But your quilt is truly awsome. The petals look like cards floating through the air from assorted decks, I love it. House of Cards.

  115. I'm a pretty awesome grandma! :)

  116. I am the most patient person around - great when you have four grandsons under the age of nine! Love this quilt.

  117. My husband, kids, and sisters think I am fantastic si who am I to disagree.

  118. I am fantabulously awesome. How about naming it Less is more

  119. Wow, great quilt and awesome give away! I can't say that I am awesome, though. I just think of myself as normal! :)
    Sandy A

  120. My awesomeness is truly never ending......and your quilt is pretty rad too.

  121. I feel awesome that found your blog! Your quilt is awesome too. It reminds of little written notes in the wind.
    Remey10@gmail.com I had to LIKE your Facebook page to keep up with your posts.

  122. Wow...is hard to speak of myself as Awesome...know my Kiddo's think I am...and my Husband & Grangirlie..... I feel awesome now that I recently made it thru 7 weeks of Radiation,,,& am beginning to look like "Me" again....Yay!

  123. I like to think I'm pretty awesome but hope that I get awesomer (word?) with time :)

  124. Shared via instagram under @rtkohn!
    Becca.elizabeth at gmail

  125. I would like to call "awesome" all the quilters (which I am part of) in the world for their wonderful creativity and talent and never ending friendship!

  126. My quilts are pretty awesome. I love your sweet new quilt.
    lauraluvsloons at ymail dot com

  127. I know I'm awesome because I can juggle more quilting projects than anyone!

  128. Anonymous12/03/2013

    I am pretty awesome.

  129. I think I'm awesome because...well, I just think I am! Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome fabric!

  130. Hi cute quilt. I enjoy helping others and seeing big smiles on faces. My nephews n neice think I'm a cool auntie!

  131. I'm awesome because ... I have the perfect name for your quilt. "Butterflies are free." Thanks for the giveaway.

  132. I am an awesome grandmother! I only have three months under my belt but it sure is fun.

  133. I am totally awesome!

    Love the quilt!

  134. Am I awesome? Perhaps...I make charity quilts non-stop!

  135. I must be , I have 24 grands

  136. I am a wonderful Mom, who may quilt a little too much ....naaaah

  137. I'm awesome because I love helping people every day. I make it a goal of mine to help anyone who may need it when ever I can <3 (SkyannMr1@gmail.com)

  138. Shared on Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/113734551517134420463/posts/dqysZVBJvKm

  139. I love it! "Minimalist" works for me. It also reminds me of "falling cards" :-)

  140. I am awesome, but not as awesome as you.

  141. I am awesome because I don't really believe I'm awesome at all. But I have a wonderful, awesome life!!

  142. I think I am very creative. thanks for sharing

  143. I tweeted the giveaway; https://twitter.com/schind67/status/408082633122254848

  144. I would be really awesome if I won this fabric to make a quilt with!

  145. Gorgeous quilt! I'm awesome because I make most quilts as gifts

  146. I am a very caring person and love to bless others. Thank you for sharing this beautiful quilt with us--I love it.

  147. I am as awesome as everyone else. Love your quilt!

  148. I am the greatest great-aunt there is. If you don't believe me just ask my five year old great-niece "Gabbie-Lou-Who" and she will confirm!

  149. I'm awesome because I remembered to sign-up for your giveaway on Brent's computer once he got home! Whoot!

  150. I shared on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/sewystuff/posts/564196263657202

  151. I love your quilt. It reminds me of modern leaves. Thank you for the chance to win.

  152. My grandsons tell me I am an awesome Grandma because I make them cookies and read them books. That's good enough for me.

  153. My family is impressed that I can sew. My niece is getting a sewing machine for Christmas and I am going to pass on my knowledge.

  154. Well, aren't we all awesome? It"s just that quilters get to tell each other so often. ;) Your quilt is so cool too.

  155. Just as awesome as you are for having this giveaway!! This fabric is freaking adorable and would make wonderful pieces to my monsters!!! xoxo

  156. I shared this giveaway via instagram from @jenealb and I tagged you in it. and also I have requested to be a new follower :D

  157. I'm working on being an awesome mom to my new-ish little. She's great inspiration! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  158. Ha! I am always saying I'm awesome, and nobody has yet look me in the eye and argued! I have to go see if you came up with a name for your quilt yet or if I'm in too much of a hurry, it's so pretty.

  159. My students think I'm awesome because I wear many hats on a typical day. I'm grateful to God for a renewed pain for life, people and crafting. I've recently picked up quilting and am on my 6th one.

    I'm speaking

  160. I'll be posting this on Twitter!

  161. It's hard to be your own complimenter, but I think I'm an awesome maker. :) I certainly love being creative, and finding joy in that makes it easier to like what you make. Thanks for the chance to win!

  162. I can't enter because I am UK, but I did want to say how glamorous you look with a quilt wrapped round you.

  163. I am awesome and so are you. My husband tells me I am always right. Greet giveaway.

  164. Sometimes I think I'm awesome and then life shows me that I really am awesom!

  165. I'm awesome to my family and friends and I like myself. If i'm lucky enough to be a winner, just surprise me on the colorway, I love them all.

  166. I am sweet and kind and w/ good taste - love your quilt - which looks like modern butterflies in flight... Love the honeycomb and noir colorways - lovely fabric and congrats on a beautiful quilt.

  167. I am awesome because i take on way too much and still manage to get it all done in the end. thanks for the giveaway! love the quilt.

  168. I am awesome -- at least last week i was
    I took my 3 TEENAGE nieces black friday shopping (including thursday night at an outlet mall)

  169. I am awesome because I have learned to overcome adversity and to get up and get going. I am awesome because I care about others and have a smile and kind word for them. I am awesome because I look for things to be grateful for each day and I am awesome because I am creating things of beauty.

  170. oooh, ahhhh. Love it. I love the grey neutral.

    I love this fabric and it is so hard to choose a color. I think I would like the yellow and teal.....hmmmm so hard

    I think I am awesome, when I spend the two hours every night helping out my 6 year old son with his homework and staying patient :-)

  171. Love this fabric...the grey neutral especially!!

  172. Love this fabric - Gravitating towards the grey or the watermelon - As to my fabulousness...well, I do feel that as I get older I am getting better and better - and not just at sewing and quilting - but at all of life. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of this awesome fabric - Oh,and the quilt reminds me of flying birds - I would call it "migration" Really wonderful!

  173. My ability to dream about fabric and making things is awsome. The follow through no so much.

  174. I always try to do my best, whether it's in relationships, at work, gardening, making decisions. So I guess I'm awesome at caring and trying.
    Your quilt is marvelous!

  175. I love all the Art Gallery fabrics - my favorite in this range is Turquoise.
    I think everyone is unique and awesome!

  176. I am so wonderful I gave up some of my precious sewing time on Saturday and worked a double shift - the facility where I work was short nurses because of the long weekend. Thanks for the give away!

  177. I shared this post on my Facebook wall.

  178. I'm awesome because I just made a fabulously huge quilt for my BIL. :D Thanks for the giveaway.

  179. I love my kids and husband with reckless abandon. I would never say I'm fabulous but I hope they think so because of this!

  180. Anonymous12/04/2013

    I always feel kind of greedy over these give-aways, BUT! I strive to overcome the feeling and remind myself that winning makes me feel TERRIFIC!!!! Thanks, you.


  181. I am supercalifragiafabalistic.

  182. I am a very lucky person and like to spread the luck. Love these fabrics

  183. I am awesome! I'm a single mom of a 7 year old, I work 2 jobs and sew in my "free" time. Thanks for the great give-away!!

  184. Love the fabric and the quilt. I **super talented** quilter like me should get to work with them! Lol. jenniferdotedotheels@gmaildotcom

  185. Anonymous12/04/2013

    I am awesome to my 2 year old granddaughter, she always comes running to me. Your quilt is awesome too.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  186. I am an awesome grandmother! Oh yes, I am. I learned that years ago when a grand daughter wanted an exotic, unusual, terrifically difficult Halloween costume. When her Mom suggested she pick something a little more in the realm of reality she said, "Call grandma, she can make anything." Except I don't make sugar cookies, my children have banned me because they always turn out hard as rocks. Other than that, I'm awesome! Thanks.

  187. I'm awesome, just ask me and I'll tell you. I even have an awesome name for your quilt - maximum impact. I know the line is minimalist, but that quilt has IMPACT.

  188. My kitties think I'm awesome!

  189. Tweeted here: https://twitter.com/DistractedDebra/status/408337430115147777 Ddebra33 at gmail dot com

  190. I only aspire to awesomeness, though my kiddo does think I'm a pretty cool mom. Fabulous quilt!!

  191. Last week i cooked a turkey....that makes me awesome right?

  192. Started my first quilting project yesterday. Its a stocking and its looking pretty good so far. That might make me kinda awesome.

  193. I love your quilt and the quilting sets off your design nicely. But dont pick me because I am a totally awesome Canadian who drives a jeep (not a dogsled).

  194. Beautiful quilt! My grandchildren think I'm awesome. :-) How about Mini Angles for your quilt.

  195. I am the awesome mom of two teens and work with special needs elementary school kids. Love the fabric!

  196. How awesome am I? I just went down to our well house in 18 degree weather to see what kind of noise the pump was making--and I volunteered to do it so my sweetheart could stay inside, all warm and cozy. Pretty stinking awesome, right?


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