
a small collection

license plates

books via StellDirVor


morbid anatomy

stamps via eklektick

Willie Cole

antlers via gretha scholtz

pyrex via pyrex collective

When Matt and I first married, we  I decided to collect magnets of all the places we have been together.  As the amounts of magnets and my distaste in a cluttered refrigerator grew, I realized this was no longer feasible, so I stopped collecting them.   But this feeling of wanting to collect something was still within me.  It was not to fulfill the need to buy something, but rather I just wanted to have a collection.   [Maybe I need more hobbies?]  I think most people collect things, and generally, they collect things they love or that intrigue them.   I have a fondness towards small white bowls.

They are functional and can be exceptionally cute, and I think that may be a particular reason why I started to collect them.  I enjoy things that serve multiple purposes.  My bowls can be used for decorating, serving food, and for holding smaller items like jewelry or my small growing stash of washi tape.    I love the simplicity of white with a possible unexpected dose of color, and I make sure to choose bowls that are unique.  Right now, my bowls sit in my library cabinet, but maybe I should pull them out to hold my magnets.

Do you collect anything?

My bowls are from Pier 1, Target, West Elm, and World Market.


  1. I love a good collections. These are all great. The doll heads would be great for Halloween :) Love the stamps!

    1. I was thinking the same thing for the doll heads! They are a bit on the creepy side. I did find a large collection of Ken dolls that made me laugh.

  2. I used to collect magnets from my travels too! Then i stopped when i went through my minimalist phase and thought they looked too tacky. Now they are in my craft closet on a metal file folder. Great bowls btw! love the white polka-dot one:)

  3. love that dotted white bowl! so pretty!

  4. I don't like clutter, but our refrigerator is a crazy cluttered mess! I never seem to tackle that project. I love your white bowls. I have a few collections but I try not to go too crazy with anything. I have a small grouping of Pyrex, I saved one of every state quarter as they came out... nothing that would overtake a room (unless you count books!).

    xo Lilly

  5. Growing up with parents that have an antique shop I have never been without a collection. :) Popeye stuff and pencil sharpeners were the first but now I tend to collect old melmac bowls and pyrex nesting bowl sets. It's the thrill of the hunt!

    1. How cool is that! I think I would have played all day inside of an antique shop! You are so right. It is the thrill of the hunt that makes it so fun.

  6. We collect magnets! I keep them on the side of the fridge, though, so they are not all out in the open. Luckily our refrigerator is situated so you don't see them unless you walk through the doorway to the dining room. I like your SC magnet. Not the most exotic place to visit, though ;) I also consider my dishes to be a collection. I have a mish mash of all sorts of fiesta ware-- mosty new but there's some old in there, too. I have all my dishes in glass cabinets in the kitchen. It's so cheerful. Makes me happy to see it.

  7. I collect Christmas ornaments, preferably handmade ones that reflect something about the place/culture they're from. My husband is a pilot, when he started flying overseas regularly he started to shop for ornaments for me from the places he visits. Sometimes it's difficult to find an ornament in saw, a predominately Muslim country, but he does his best! We have a lot of "things" that we've turned into ornaments.

  8. I collect too many things! Usually vintage stuff. Though last year I started collecting lego mini figures. Not sure why. They just fascinate me and are too fun!

  9. I have not really ventured into collections yet. But we do have tons of legos and playmobile...does that count? :) But what, pray tell, is that pretty pattern on the wall behind your pretty bowls? Wallpaper?

  10. Hey girl! Ok. So the iron burns are great! But the doll heads... that one's a little creepy.

  11. omg, I love the white bowls!

  12. Love this post. I collect Pyrex and try to use it whenever I can. It makes me happy to mix the old and the new.

  13. I like to collect Christmas ornaments. I love to buy new ones each year- just 2 or 3 that speak to me and add something special to our tree. :) Your bowls are cute!


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