
welcome YHL readers

I'm not sure where to begin, so I'll just randomly spit stuff out and hopefully get you it.  M'kay?

First off, thank you.  Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog to say hello, ask for advice, shower me with compliments, and just for being so nice.  John and Sherry are very blessed to have you guys. Thank you!

Second, I am overwhelmed.  I guess I should have known what I was getting myself into when I submitted Owen's room months ago, but the idea of it actually getting featured was just a thought.  I guess I really didn't think out the consequences.  They are good ones though.   It's just a bit much for a small blog like mine, so I don't know how to handle this kind of attention so suddenly.  I'm enjoying it, but I do have insecurities.  I'm human.

Third, I plan to answer all your emails in the next day or two (if I miss yours, let me know!).  A lot of you have peeked around my blog and want to know how I did this or that.  I'll let you in on the scoop soon.

Fourth, I write posts only on weekdays, and how often I write within the week varies.  These days I am trying to avoid fillers.  If I've got something to share, I'll post.  If not, the blog will be a little quiet.   As my title suggests, I blog about home projects that I am doing around the house along with lots of sewing projects.  I love being creative, and I have found blogging to be a great outlet for that.  There's an amazing community of DIYers and modern quilters out there, and I feel so blessed to have so much creativity at my fingertips.  I also try to keep the blog real.  My life is definitely not a fairy tale, and I make many mistakes.  I have design fails just like the rest of us, but what is so awesome about sharing it publicly is it makes you seem more sane, more human.  And that builds a community.   We are all just trying to make our homes a little more comfortable and beautiful, right?

So welcome YHL readers.  Thank you for your support and comments thus far.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Glad to be here. You have definitely been added to my Reader. I enjoyed perusing your blog archives yesterday.

    1. Aw, thanks Trista. I'm glad to have you here!

  2. Your blog is great and was added to my favorites, which means I'll stalk it every day...in a nice way, I promise.

    1. stalking is welcomed . . . well, internet stalking at least ;) Thanks!

  3. I was excited to see you featured on their blog today! I've been following your blog for a while now and it was fun to see your son's nursery (that I so LOVE!) featured. Congrats!!

  4. Ok for your old,scratch that, I mean, er long suffering, errr loyal readers? whats YHL?

    1. Haha. You know I love my loyal readers!!! They are the best, and this blog probably wouldn't have lasted as long without them!

  5. Congratulations on getting featured by YHL! That is wonderful! I am a huge fan of YHL and that is pretty awesome that you were featured. How exciting!! The room is fabulous, I can see why they picked you! Congrats!!

  6. Awesome thanks for the special message! I bookmarked your blog after I checked it out from your YHL feature. Looking forward to reading on!


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