
303 Kona Colors + One Little Mistake

303 colors is a lot, right?  It is, and Beth from Stash Fabrics  asked a few quilters to put together some bundles for you because she now carries ALL 303 colors. I hope you will check it out.  

At first, I was immediately drawn to do pick out something bright, but I got to thinking that more than likely most of the other bundles would be bright.  I wanted to provide Beth's customers with variety, and I think this bundle does just that.  It is also perfect for both sexes and can be broken up to work on a smaller scale, providing even more variety for your projects.   The colors work really well together.  They are rich, sort of manly, and will be perfect for your fall quilting!  I don't know about you, but I'm already day dreaming about fall with cooler weather and colorful leaves on the trees.  

Mistakes Happen

I went back and forth a little about whether or not to share this part with you.  Then I thought, why not?  I ran into a little problem with what I had made, and of course, I only wanted to show the best AND be the best as I could for this hop.  But life isn't always perfect, is it?  As a maker, it is sometimes hard to critique your work and then to publicly come out and say it could be better.  Mistakes are definitely part of the making process, and they happen way more frequently than I would care to share.   

Originally, I made a quilt top (just needed a few more seams) loosely following the directions by Lizzy House from her Catalog Quilt pattern.   This is what was on my design wall.

Spontaneity came full force towards the end of making the top, and I decided to cut it up.  You have to understand me though to know that I rarely get attached to my quilts or fabrics.   I love them.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm just not like a lot of other people who would shudder at the thought of cutting up a quilt top or altering it in some way that could produce a totally different outcome.  To me, it was just fabric, and I wanted to experiment.  It's the fear that stops us from exploring.  Fear we will ruin a good quilt top. Fear of the outcome.  Fear of wasting precious time because um, hello.  That top took me several hours to prep, cut, and piece.  Fear of hurting someone's feelings, including our own.  Fear of making mistakes.   Well, in my opinion, cutting up that top was possibly a mistake.  I know some of you will absolutely love the improv log cabin I made, but it's not sitting well with me like some of my other work.  I'm not beating myself up about it, but I am little bummed it didn't turn out quite like what I had envisioned in my head.  But then again, can improvisational piecing ever come out just like what we had in our heads?

If I could go back to the Catalog quilt, I would. It was a risk I took, and it was something I would have never known unless I took that risk.  Would I take a risk like this again?  Most certainly!  Sometimes the biggest risks can yield the greatest results, but you never know until you take that step.  If you want to ever expand your skills or abilities, you need to learn to push on.  To push through the mistakes.  To push through the pain.  To push through the fear.  You can do it!

I also played around with some of the leftover scraps, which I loved the outcome of this.  I do have plans for this, and I can't wait to have the time to implement it!

Stash Fabrics offers all 303 Kona colors and provides free shipping on orders over $50.  You can get 10% off your entire purchase now through the entire month of August with the coupon code “WOW303”.  It expires September 6th 11:59 EST and does not apply to pre-orders or clubs.

Here is the link the to my bundle and the link to all the bundles.

Stash Fabrics Kona Blog Hop Schedule

July 17 – Darcy @ Modern Cozy
July 23 – Jacey  @ Jacey Craft
July 30 - Kelly @ Kelby Sews
August 3 – Nancy @ Owen’s Olivia
August 6 – Jodi @ Tales of Cloth
August 10 – Megan @ City Stitches
August 12 – Rita @ Red Pepper Quilts
August 17 – Elizabeth @ Andpins Handmade
August 19 – Tara @ Rad and Happy
August 21 – Sharon @ Color Girl Quilts
August 24 – Allison @ Allison Sews
August 27 – Kristi @ Schnitzel and Boo
August 31 - Jessee @ Art School Dropout

xx nancy

One year ago: Pattern Parcel
Two years ago: Hexagon Clock
Three years ago: For Gracie
Four years ago: Homemade Laundry Soap

My quilting book released Sept. 24, 2015 and is on Amazon.  Check it out!

My bundle was given to me to create to a project to showcase the colors I chose. I have shopped with Stash Fabrics before, and I love their customer service and shop.  I only promote businesses that I feel would be good for my readers to know about.  
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