
How to Machine Bind a Quilt || My Method

Binding is one of those things that I seriously forget how to do every.single.time.  No lie.  After every quilt, I refer back to my printed page from Heather Bailey's site.  But this started to get old for me, so I cheated.  Yeah.  I got "lazy" and decided that I no longer wanted to sew the last seam at an angle to join the two strips at the very end of binding, which was the one step that always had me going back to my trusty Heather Bailey referral sheet.

Like always, I urge you to find a method that best suits you.   My method may or may not be the best method for you, but if you find yourself getting frustrated figuring out that very last seam in binding, then my tutorial might be helpful.   Quilting should make you happy not grumpy.  I think this is becoming my new motto.  Actually, it did become my motto.

In this post I go over how to make straight grain binding, the math, how to apply it to your quilt, and how to finish it.


Sandwich and Basting A Quilt || My Method

I needed a post to send people to in regards to making a quilt sandwich and basting.  I know there are several ways of doing this, and I highly recommend trying several tutorials to find the best technique that suits you.  Below, you will find my method.  This is what I do, and it makes me happy.  Quilting should make you happy.  If something makes you grumpy, don't do it.  :)


Pandamonium Quilt Pattern || Fat Quarter Shop


I wanted to let you know about a new free pattern by Fat Quarter Shop.  It is called the Pandamonium Quilt.  The link for the pattern is here.

The instructions are pretty straightforward, and you can have this done in a day or two.  If you are on Instagram, check out the hashtag #pandamoniumquilt to see other variations of this quilt.  I even spotted an Andy Warhol version. Pretty cool!   Enjoy!

xx nancy
Find me on Instagram and Facebook

One year ago:  Sweet As Honey Pillow Top
Two years ago: Modern Mini Quilt Challenge
Three years ago: Lucy's Doll


How to Hang PVC Window Treatments

Lately, I have received quite a few emails in regards to my PVC window treatments I did back in 2012.  The original post can be found here.  The main question I got was, "How did you hang them?" since this was something I never covered in the original post.

I LOVE my PVC windows.  They are so wonderful, and they have held up so great.  I highly recommend them for a window treatment alternative.  It brings in just enough light during the day and just enough privacy in the evening with the added bonus of pattern.  I love pattern.  :)

So this tutorial is stupid easy.  SO easy.  You will smack yourself for not thinking of this yourself once I show you.

In the beginning, I used heavy duty velcro and placed in spots that were not visible from the inside of the house as well as the outside of the house.  That worked fine and dandy until after a few months of west facing sun constantly shining on them made the sticky stuff melt.

That's when I switched over to the plastic mirror clips.  Ew.  Did I just hear your trendy self say 'ew'?  Well, it actually looks really good, in my opinion.  It blends *almost* seamlessly with everything else going on.  I guess I could have used white screws to make them even less noticeable, but I was too lazy to do that.

So you take a packet of these cheap mirror clips that most people have a tendency to want to cover up in their bathrooms, and drill those into doors.  I drilled mine into the moulding surrounding the windows.  I placed one clip on top and bottom and then one of either side.  Because the PVC is flexible, I can pop them out (carefully) and clean them when I want.  See how awesome these PVC treatments are?

On a different note, I AM taking suggestions for a light replacement in this kitchen, so speak up! :)

I guess that really wasn't much of tutorial was it, but is it really necessary to show you a photo of me pretending to drill these into the moulding?  Ha!  I didn't think so either.  Promise me you won't smack yourself too hard. ;)

[Photo from my Instagram account]
On a second note, some of you may have noticed that the library cabinet that was once in my living room is now in between my kitchen and eating area.  I moved it there so I could hang a design wall for my quilting.  The design wall is temporary but the cabinet's new location isn't. (We are thinking of adding a desk here.) It's all about making a home that fits YOU and your needs, which is something I didn't learn until much, much later.

xx nancy
Connect with me elsewhere : Instagram (this is my jam.  this is me microblogging my crafty stuff) Facebook Pinterest 

One year ago: Stockholm in the house
Two years ago: I went black
Three years ago:  DIY Polka Dot Schoolhouse Light
Four years ago: IHOP pancake recipe (they are actually better.  shh.)

My quilting book released Sept. 24, 2015 and is on Amazon.  Check it out!

This post contains affiliate links.  I have to linked to products I personally use.  I receive a small commission, if you choose to purchase anything.  Thank you for supporting owen's olivia.  

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